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Ida Camburn's Promise
by Ida Camburn


       When I first heard Ida Camburn I realized that here was someone who could teach me how to do a better job exposing $cientology. We would talk on the telephone and I was try and talk her into getting onto IRC Relay Chat, and hanging out with some of us with like interests. When she finally got a computer, in 1995 Dennis Erlich went over and set her up to log onto IRC. After she got onto the net, I spent considerable time chatting with her, mostly listening and encouraging her, as she would relate, story after story from her 25 year effort to keep her promise to Congressman Leo J. Ryan. I would save most of the chat window text. and what you read here today as Ida Cmburn's story, is the cleaned up version of 4 years of IRC Chat windows. Here is a snippet I had wanted to add that missed from the original version, I put this together from IRC this evening, August 22, 2007:

Ida speaking: "We moved to California in September 1940, I remember a sign saying Tommy Dorsey opening the Paladium Sept. l8 l940. I always got high grades in algebra geometry highschool arithmetic, bookkeeping etc. I was a good test taker with no common sense :)I was working for North American Aviation in 1940, and they gave all of us IQ tests. The president of the company came down to tell me how well I did. I was told they didn't know anyone else that the president came down to talk with. They offerred to send me to college and I even attended IBM College in Los Angeles. When my son got pneumonia I quit to care for him."

I hope you learn as much as I did from Ms. Camburn's dedication, about dedication to a cause.
Arnie Lerma, founder of Exposing the CON
Congress of the United states
House of Representatives
December 10, 1976
Dear Ida Camburn,
Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding
$cientology. We haven't yet found a way to attack
these jackals who feed on children and young adults
who are too emotionally weak to stand by themselves
when they reach the age of consent.
It's too bad there isn't a 20th Century Charles
Dickens to write about the terrible destruction of
these 20th Century fagins who make themselves rich
while they destroy the psyche of so many.
At the present time, I can only encourage you
to do more of what you have been doing.
Sincerely yours
Leo J Ryan 
Member of Congress

       Finding herself living in the very shadow of the International Headquarters of $cientology, the story that follows is the fruit, condensed from many of those late night chats on various Internet Relay Chat servers. I hope that you, will gain as much knowledge and respect as I did, for Ms. Camburn's relentless effort and determination to expose $cientology. Additions to this story will be made from time to time. Now, on to 'Ida's Story.'

Arnie Lerma

Ida J. Camburn, Scientology Fighter, - picture taken in 1941

Ida J. Camburn, 1941


       I have written the story of the part of my life this past twenty seven years which has been devoted to keep two promises. The first was to my son when he told me he was going to enter the 'ORG.' I told him this cannot happen to my family without my making 'waves.' Perhaps I have made mostly 'ripples' but I have made an extreme effort to keep my promise to him.

       When I became a correspondent and friend of the late and honorable Congressman Leo Ryan, I promised him I would continue with my effort to expose the abuses of $cientology which I viewed as destructive.

       I have had so many people help me along the way - I would like to thank each individually but it is impossible. Many of those who brought the message of destructive cults to the public have died. For all of you out there who have made an effort (some at dire cost) - you know who you are - and I thank each one, from the bottom of my heart.

       My story is my record of events as I remember them. I have left out many happenings that I felt might possibly hurt someone. I wanted to mention all those that have found freedom away from this organization but I know that it might interfere with their lives which are now happy and normal. I am at home here in Hemet, Calif and can be reached by e-mail.

       My main purpose in bringing this to you is to encourage others to speak out. First, know that perhaps it will help someone with 'doubts,' second it is like a wonderful healing therapy to remove it all from your thoughts.

       By coming forward you are helping every other person by showing them they were not alone.

A separate thank you to Arnie and friends who helped to edit and encouraged me to once more 'stand up and be counted.' To all those on the 'net,' you have made these past four years more interesting. To the many who have come here and visited and picketed, I will always remember you with love and caring. The Internet has brightened my life with this magical means of communication.

This story is not an 'end' but a 'pause' in my efforts to expose.

Ida Camburn

PS: Eleanor Roosevelt gave the following solid advice:

"I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do...
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Those who attack always do so with greater fervor than those who defend.
I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.
No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within.
Friendship with oneself is all important because without it one cannot be friends with anybody else in the world."

1) Part One of Ida Camburn's Promise
The Early years of the anti-cult movement


Documents from those seized in the 1977 raids of $cientology show that Ida Camburn was targeted for 'handling' by $cientology. One Guardians office executive wrote "There is more to Ida Camburn than meets the eye"

Her later contact with the VPA, (Volunteer Parents Association) was noted by $cientology.

Another document shows that a year before Congressman Leo Ryan's murder in Guyana, that Mary Sue Hubbard wanted to 'Handle Ryan.'

2) Part Two of Ida Camburn's Promise
Her efforts continue.

Ida recounts late night phone calls "We know where your grandkids are," and her husband is picketed at his workplace

Ida notes that Hubbard claims that he has the cure for cancer.

Time line of her son Ronnie Watson and his involvement with $cientology

The story of a secret $cientology front group to discredit the anti-cult movement - APRL

Internal documents explaining how for running successful 'OPs' - Operations on enemies of $cientology One line by Hubbard says to "get someone else to do your dirty work and stay in the background."

The story of California Bill 1423 which prevents the California Attorney General from investigating any groups that are considered 'religions.'

3) Part Three of Ida Camburn's Promise

The AFF Advisor (A Newsletter)is reproduced here, which reveals APRL's direct connections to $cientology, based on documents seized during FBI raids in 1977. Aerial view of Gold Base in Hemet.

4) Part Four of Ida Camburn's Promise - The set up of Keith Henson, and a recap of recent events.

Image of ex-mob lawyer Elliot Abelson.

Ida Camburn laments that no one in Congress is representing the victims of cults, but Travolta and others are listened to.

Image of John Travolta cartoon asking Congress for a tax break for people who watch bad movies. $cientology files a FOIA to find out what she has told the US Department of Justice, and then leaks the correspondence in an effort to intimidate her into silence.

Ida receives an Award presented from Ex-members of the $cientology cult.

And vows to keep on keeping' on.

(c) 2003 Ida Camburn
All Rights Reserved

Ida would like to hear about your experiences. You may contact her by e-mail here:
image of ida camburn's email

Go to Part 1 of Ida Camburn's Promise: HERE

"Act as if the future of the universe depends on what you do,
while laughing at yourself for thinking that your actions make any difference"
Buddhist Advice.

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