Picture Play Magazine (1937)

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I'huiu by Walling "My reputation for daffyness has an obvious origin," says Carol. " 'My Man Godfrey' was a mad farce. As soon as I get a role I can guess what my new false face is to be." I'M tired of reoding those half-truths about Carol Lombard. She is Hollywood's most misinterpreted young modern. The nonsense which has been so deliberately conjured up isn't at all necessary, anyway. For colorful as the Lombard legend is, Carol herself actually can top It for interest. You hove never hod a chance to know the real woman because her employers and gaga interviewers have created a part for her to play off-screen. A steady build-up has gone on. Carol, finally, has definitely succeeded to the title of Glamour Girl Number One, the distinction formerly held in turn by the Misses Bow, Crawford, and Harlow. Now It is Lombard who is acclaimed the movie colony's pace-setter. She is the dazzling Hollywood lady in all her dashing, dizzy glory. Presumably hers Is the gayest man16 ON LOMBARD I BY BENMADDOX LABELED "GLAMOUR GIRL NUMBER ONE" INSINUATES CAROL LOMBARD IS THE PIVOT FOR HECTIC DOINGS, THAT CLOTHES, BEAUS AND FRESH THRILLS MONOPOLIZE HER TIME. BUT THIS STORY PROVES SHE IS THE VERY OPPOSITE. ner, the most ultra wardrobe. She reputedly throws the best parties and has the most sought-after boy friend in America. To-day she is the idol of the repressed. Of course you've heard how she refused to build a dining room In her new mansion? A typical gesture, clorioned the columnists. Nothing so passe for Lombard! It certainly has given the public something to talk about, this manufactured line. In spore moments you've always been able to wonder what on earth she was plotting next. Writers who feel duty bound to present red-hot romance angles have had a field day. Her civilized divorce has been elaborately analyzed. Lately it's Clark Gable's devotion which has caused endless speculation. "Aren't they silly?" This is the comment Carol will make to you, as friend to friend, when the conversation turns to the carryings-on of her supposed self. The most amazing fact about Lombard is that she isn't fantastic at all. Furthermore, she hosn't endeavored to be. "Personally, I resent being tagged 'glamour girl,' " she soys. "It's such on obsurd, extravagant label. It Implies so much that I'm not." As usual, she was being completely frank the afternoon I dropped in to her dressing room. The irresistible quality obout Carol's honesty Is that It begins abruptly at home. She isn't hypocritical in her opinions; but, more important, she isn't fooled about herself. Her superlative trade-mark insinuates that she is the constant pivot for hectic doings, that she is a frivolous exponent of the superficial. Apparently clothes, beaus and fresh thrills monopolize her time. But, emphatically, this Is not so. The Carol I know is almost the very opposite. She Is practical, down-to-earth. She has the normal feminine fondness for chic, but she isn't j in the least fashion-crazy. Men Intrigue her; yef she isn't capricious. Her heart obeys her brain. Instead of being impulsive, she's exceedingly well-balanced and Invariably