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Brandi Fullwood

Senior Producer


Brandi Fullwood is a senior producer at KUOW. She currently works in Audioshop on special projects. She joined KUOW in 2019 as a producer on The Record and was promoted to her current position in 2021. And they were part of the team that launched the new iteration of the midday show Soundside. She has produced a range of stories from dinosaur experts to misinformation in the 2020 election.

Previously, she worked for The World a co-production of the BBC World Service. She focused on tech, culture, and environment stories. Brandi also led a collaborative project for The World and Smithsonian Folkways. She created pieces and reported on music, culture, and communities like this and this and this.

Brandi has written, produced for NPR Music, Noisey Music, and reported for the New Haven Independent. She grew a love for radio through Middlebury College radio station’s WRMC 91.1 FM.

Location: Seattle

Languages: English



  • caption: Water flows through moss and rocks on Friday, April 5, 2019, in the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula.

    Broadcast: In search of silence

    On this one-hour special of THE WILD with Chris Morgan we’ll explore natural silence, and how being quiet out in the natural world and having places to do that can be pretty transformative.

  • caption: Beaver

    Broadcast: Leave it to beavers

    On this one-hour special of THE WILD with Chris Morgan, Chris explores the mighty beaver and its role in reshaping our landscapes and entire ecosystems. Then we plunge into the waters along the pacific coast to follow a sea lion’s journey from California all the way up the Columbia River in search of salmon, in what has become a controversial story of survival between two protected species.

  • caption: Host Chris Morgan being picked up by float plane in an incredibly isolated area of the Brooks Range in northern Alaska.

    Broadcast: How to stay safe in the wild

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  • caption: Chris Morgan as a nervous 24-year-old with the first grizzly bear he ever captured while working on a research study in Canadian Rockies in 1994. Morgan named the bear Dawson.

    Broadcast: How to catch a grizzly

    This is a special one-hour special of THE WILD with Chris Morgan featuring favorite episodes like the first time Chris caught a grizzly bear.

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  • Seattle Now Logo - NPR Network

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