
new and NoteWorthy
  • Medicare Advantage and Hospital Days

    This analysis examines the recent growth of Medicare Advantage as a share of hospital inpatient days. Medicare Advantage rose from 13% to 23% of all inpatient days from 2015 to 2022, although there was wide variation among hospitals.

  • Non-Compete Agreements

    This analysis uses 2022 data from the American Hospital Association Annual Survey Database to present the number and share of hospital workers by occupation who may not be covered by the federal protections against non-compete agreements because they work for a non-profit hospital.

  • July 25 Virtual Event: Beyond Chevron

    At Noon ET on Thursday, July 25, a panel of experienced policy and legal experts will explore how Congress and federal health agencies are likely to adapt to the Supreme Court’s June 28 decision overturning the Chevron precedent, that required federal courts to defer to reasonable agency decisions when federal law is unclear, and what that may mean for health care policymaking.

  • Beyond the Data by Drew Altman

    In his regular Beyond the Data columns, CEO Drew Altman discusses what the data, polls, and journalism produced by KFF mean for policy and for people. 

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