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"Finally, Timmerman has done the job."
- Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax.com


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The paperback edition has an all-new chapter, "The War that Jesse Made,"  based on State Department transcripts of Jackson's stint as Special Envoy to Africa that were declassified for me under the Freedom of Information Act.

Get the paperback here:



Click here to view exclusive pictures of Jackson's gangland buddies.

Chapter 13: African Gems

In February 1998, when Jesse Jackson made his first major African safari, Liberia and Sierra Leone were joined at the hip through war and death and devastation. Though they had featured some of the most luxurious beaches in the world just 20 years earlier, these beaches were now littered with human skulls. Jackson had a contact there, a man named Romeo Horton, who, like many educated Liberians, had gone to college in the United States and traveled between the two countries through the 1960s and 1970s. The disasters started later, in April 1980, when an illiterate Liberian army master sergeant named Samuel Doe seized power from the democratically elected President William Tolbert in a bloody coup.

Doe's overnight rise to power was all the more shocking as the gruesome details of the coup emerged. "I remember waking up in Abijan on April 12, 1980, to hear the announcement of the coup," a former Voice of America reporter tells me. "Along with a few other correspondents, we rented a private plane and flew into Monrovia just in time to witness the first executions on the beach. Samuel Doe cut the liver and heart out of President Tolbert and ritually mutilated them, leaving teeth marks in the flesh. I remember seeing pictures of Tolbert's mutilated liver thumb-tacked to the walls of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia later on."

The level of hatred of native-born African Liberians against the "Americos" (as the descendants of American slaves who had resettled in Liberia were called) was extraordinary and fueled the wars to come. As one Doe supporter wrote in bitter criticism of Jackson's support for Liberian warlord Charles Taylor and the "Americos,"

We will not let Rev. Jackson P.U.S.H. us around. Despite what Jackson may think of us, we have the advantage of having lived the Liberian history on which he now preaches to us while he reads from cue cards held up to his face by his P.U.S.H. co-worker named A. Romeo Horton, who is a scion of ex-American slaves. These returned slaves kept us, African Liberians, as field slaves for well over 130 years in the land of our ancestors.

Jesse Jackson says he first met Romeo Horton in the early 1980s, during the reign of Master Sgt. Samuel Doe. "Romeo was in jail. People started reaching out for Liberians they knew, to help them," Jackson says. "He was being kept naked in a jail cell when I and Dr. Benjamin Mays appealed for his release. When he finally came out he came here to Chicago, where we got him a job and a green card." Horton would repay the favor to Jesse Jackson many years later.

'War is a business'

One of Master Sgt. Doe's henchmen, Charles Taylor, was put in charge of government purchasing after the "revolution," but soon had a falling out with his boss. Read more

Read what others are saying about Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson

"One of the most revealing sections of "Shakedown" is the explanation of how Jackson works the media.... After decades of Jackson's shenanigans, the media will not report any of the facts about him. Finally, Timmerman has done the job. Americans should take notice of this book and note how the media can cover up a major story for decades.
� Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax.com
"Ken Timmerman has the goods."
Michelle Malkin
"Timmerman has done a great service for the black community by writing this book/"
- Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
 "An explosive new book."
� Paul Sperry, at World Net Daily

"[Shakedown!] leaves Jesse jackson barely breathing as a political player [and] batters Jesse so badly his reproductive equipment may never recover."
Carlin Romani, in The Nation

Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson,  by Kenneth R. Timmerman is a book that you are unlikely to see even mentioned in the media, unless you happen to watch "The O'Reilly Factor." But it is a cold dose of reality about one of the sleazy sacred cows of our times.
- Syndicated columnist Thomas Sowell, in Townhall
"Once again, the Reverend Jesse Jackson has been caught worrying less about the empowerment of mainstream black Americans and much more about the enrichment of himself and the well-heeled financiers and attorneys who support him... [His] greed recalls rap singer Puff Daddy�s reference to $100 bills. For Jesse Jackson and his cronies, �It�s all about the Benjamins.'�
Deroy Murdock, in National Review

Read a transcript of my appearance on CNN's Crossfire wiht Tucker Carlson, Bill Press, and Ron Walters.

Read excerpts from Shakedown:

Congressman Jackson's mysterious mortgage.

 Jackson blames feds for failure in Africa.

- Jesse 'mainstream's an African tyrant.