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La Grande Fauche: La Fuite des Technologies ver l'Est

(English title: Gorbachev's Technology Wars)

by Kenneth R. Timmerman

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Publication history

La Grande Fauche was commissioned in 1988 by French publisher Les Editions Plon, and appeared in 1989. Written in French by the author, it has never been published in an English-language version.

An excerpt appeared prior to publication in Paris Match. The lead story of the book, about French techno-bandit Aim� Richardt, first appeared as a cover story with the French newsweekly L'Express as "Le Scandale Fran�ais: Secrets Informatiques Vendus � l'URSS" (16-22 October 1987 edition).

Extraits (�dition fran�aise)

Selected excerpts (author's English translation)