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Karen Corinne Herceg

Poet, Writer

News and Events


My poem “Death and The Miser” appears in The Ekphrastic Review, published 2/24/24. Ekphrastic poems describe visual works of art in words. A welcome new inspirational experience. You can read it at

I was honored to be the featured guest for the “Meet the Poet” series sponsored by the Forum for Cultural Engagement and the US State Department. FCE is in partnership with embassies, cultural organizations, and academic institutions to produce interdisciplinary programming for communities across the globe.


The program broadcast at 11 AM EDT, 8 AM PDT, 4 PM GMT and 5 PM (17h) CET  on July 31, 2023 and was offered as a free livestream for one hour. 


A Q&A followed the reading which aired for an audience in Moscow at the American Center at the US Embassy. The moderator was Zamira Atlukhanova. My poems were translated into Russian by literary translator Anna Krushelnitskaya and provided to the Russian audience members in advance. The program introduction and commentaries were translated during the livestream. The event is available for viewing at: 


Now more than ever it is critical to keep the channels of communication open in fair exchange, and there’s no better vehicle to do this than sharing artistic expression.

My review of innovative French photographer Richard Greneron was published in the July 2023 issue of leading contemporary art magazine Whitehot . Greneron's work incorporates an exciting blend of various media to create magical themes and imagery. Access the link here




   José Aguirre - Sculptor - France

   Richard Martin - Poet - U.S.A.


My review of Richard Martin's latest book of poetry Leakage & Smoke is pending publication in American Book Review. I am also finalizing an interview with Martin about his long, remarkable career.

 I’m pleased to announce I’ve been asked to be a regular   reviewer for the prestigious Pedestal Magazine.  My review   of Preeti Kaur Rajpal's remarkable debut book of  poems  membery  is in the latest issue #92. I look forward to   reviewing and sharing some inspiring and important     work. You can read the review here


My review "The Archaeology of Memoir" of Cris Mazza's book It's No Puzzle: A Memoir in Artifact appears in The Atticus Review. You can read it here

My review of The Spiral of Words,

the final book in Jorge Armenteros’ trilogy, is in the latest issue of American Book Review.


To read the full article, click here

I’m so pleased to announce that Mark Perlman’s debut novel, Castles of Corn, was released in France on September 9, 2022 under the title Le Soldat Involontaire. It is also available in English on Amazon and other online websites as well as brick and mortar locations. I had the pleasure of editing the book and recommend it highly. I hope US publishers will recognize its value and contribution and pick it up for wider distribution. It’s a well-researched story that weaves history and fiction and does great justice to the truth of the Black experience in both America and France starting at the beginning of the 20th century up to the present day. It's getting wonderful reviews and Mark has many speaking engagements lined up. Congratulations to Mark! 


Future events will be scheduled in the Burgundy region, France.


For inquiries or information regarding editing services, reviews, interviews, or events: 

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