p3k-v1: Difference between revisions

From IndieWeb
mNo edit summary
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* git backend for versioning, post-receive hooks for automation
* git backend for versioning, post-receive hooks for automation
* xml feeds syndicate to google with pubsubhubbub
* xml feeds syndicate to google with pubsubhubbub

=== Content ===
=== Content ===

Revision as of 15:26, 22 April 2013


p3k (pronounced "peek") is the name of the software that runs aaronparecki.com and caseorganic.com

Rough Notes

Everything below is rough notes, don't take it too seriously just yet.


  • current systems (mediawiki) too cumbersome for most things I want to do
    • Bad:
      • mw has no support for chronological posts
      • syntax is irregular, extension authoring is awkward and has lots of dependencies
    • Good:
      • very quick to edit from the web
      • keeps version history of all content
      • easy to install on many hosting platforms


  • extended markup adds a bit of mediawiki syntax to markdown, and adds 'macro' support to markdown
  • plaintext source, all content stored as files for easy portability
  • easy syntax and structure for writing new macros
  • git backend for versioning, post-receive hooks for automation
  • xml feeds syndicate to google with pubsubhubbub
  • JSON content available for pages, generated server-side by running the HTML page through a microformats2 parser
    • currently implemented for individual notes, replies, articles
    • todo for lists of posts



  • articles: longer text and graphics, dated posts
  • notes (status updates): syndicate these to twitter
  • replies: short replies to other peoples' notes


  • photos: integrate flickr archiver somehow?
  • checkins: at locations, events, with people. better: tag any content with people, place, event
  • sleep: import from Jawbone

Future Plans

  • REST API for interacting with the filesystem and git
  • use Wordpress iOS app to post by implementing the metaweblog API
  • show pingbacks and comments on twitter on the original posts

Components of my site

tags: #indieweb

  • permalinked pagination
  • permalink URL structure
    • inspired by Tantek
    • /category/year/month/day/index-slug
  • content types and single-letter representations.
    • everything is a noun
    • sounds good in a sentence
    • appropriate for navigation
    • note, article, reply, checkin, photo, code
  • timezones
  • geo markup
  • macro syntax and authoring
  • auto-shortening text for Twitter
  • sitemap, choosing page priorities
  • why not Jekyll, why I wrote my own framework
  • extended markdown syntax: http://aaronparecki.com/2012/245/article/1/some-enhancements-to-markdown