No Pants! Subway Ride Report

January 11th, 2009 | Posted by Improv in Toronto in Updates


The second annual No Pants! Subway Ride, was a blast this Saturday in Toronto. We had great turnout of around 300 people, meaning we had more than 3 times the amount from last year! We met up at Queens Park in the ridiculous temperature of -9 and quickly dispersed into six groups. Each group was assigned a car they would be getting on.

If you were there, leave us an agent report in the comments. We’d love to hear any memorable moments, quotes, or comments. As I’m sure everyone had a unique experinece. We should have a complete report with pictures up in a week or so. For now, enjoy the flickr sets from our official photographers:

Agent Leschinski’s Set
Agent Brum’s Set
Agent Robb’s Set


Thanks to everyone who came out to participate! If this was your first event, make sure you are on the Improv In Toronto Mailing List so you’ll find out about upcoming missions.  You can also join our Facebook Group and subscribe to our Youtube Channel.

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