Heavenly Creatures (1994) Poster

Melanie Lynskey: Pauline



  • Pauline Parker : [narration]  The next time I write in this diary, Mother will be dead. How odd... yet how pleasing.

  • Pauline Parker : She is most unreasonable. Why could not mother die? Dozens of people are dying all the time, thousands, so why not mother? And father too.

  • Pauline Parker : [voiceover, from her diary]  We have decided how sad it is for other people that they cannot appreciate our genius.

  • Pauline Parker : [narrating]  We realised why Deborah and I have such extraordinary telepathy and why people treat us and look at us the way they do. It is because we are MAD. We are both stark raving MAD!

  • Pauline Parker : Oh, I wish James Mason would do a religious picture! He'd be perfect as Jesus!

    Juliet Hulme : Daddy says the Bible's a load of bunkum!

    Pauline Parker : But we're all going to heaven?

    Juliet Hulme : I'M not! I'M going to The Fourth World... it's sort of like heaven. Only better, because there aren't any Christians!

  • Pauline Parker : [narrating]  This notion is not a new one but this time it is a definite plan which we intend to carry out. We have worked it out carefully and are both thrilled by the idea. Naturally we feel a trifle nervous, but the pleasure of anticipation is great.

  • John : I love you so much Paul. Do you love me as much as I love you?

    Pauline Parker : Of course I do, Nicolas.

    John : My name is John.

    Pauline Parker : Oh, but I like Nicolas so much better!

  • [shortly before the murder] 

    Juliet Hulme : [admiring the view that includes the path down the hill, where the murder occurred]  Isn't it beautiful?

    Pauline Parker : Let's go for a walk down here. Come on, Mummy!

    Honorah Parker Rieper : Oh! No, I'd like a cup of tea, first. Come on!

    [the girls reluctantly follow her into the tea-house] 

  • Pauline Parker : Mother gave me a fearful lecture along the usual strain. I rang Deborah immediately, as I had to tell someone sympathetic how I loathed Mother.

  • John : [Chasing Pauline on his bike]  Yvonne! Stop! I still love you! Yvonne!

    [Juliet and Pauline look out the train window at him, and grin to each other] 

    Pauline Parker : [voiceover]  Compared with these two, every man is a fool. The world is most honoured that they should deign to rule, and I worship the power of these lovely two, with that adoring love known to so few.

  • Pauline Parker : I felt thoroughly depressed and even quite seriously considered committing suicide. Life seemed so much not worth the living and death such an easy way out.

    Honorah Parker Rieper : Love, you can still write to each other.

    Pauline Parker : Anger against Mother boiled up inside me, as it is she who is one of the main obstacles in my path. Suddenly a means of ridding myself of this obstacle occurred to me. If she were to die...

  • Juliet Hulme : Daddy says the Bible is a load of bunkum.

    Pauline Parker : But we're all going to Heaven.

    Juliet Hulme : I'm not. I'm going to the Fourth World. It's sort of like Heaven, only better, because there aren't any Christians. It's an absolute paradise of music, art and pure enjoyment.

  • Pauline Parker : It's a three act story with a tragic end.

  • [first lines] 

    [Director Peter Jackson opens with the scene that should, logically, end the film: that is, the moments immediately following the murder. The girls Juliet and Pauline run screaming up the hill-path to the tea-house, sobbing and covered in blood. The scene is intercut with b&w visions of the two running across a ship deck to meet Dr. and Mrs. Hulme, whom they both refer to as their mother, as the first three exclamations of "Mummy!" demonstrate] 

    Juliet Hulme : Mummy!

    Pauline Parker : Mummy!

    Juliet Hulme : Mummmmy!

    [the scene changes from the ship to the hilltop tea-house. The girls are screaming hysterically as the tea-house woman runs out to see what the noise is all about] 

    Pauline Parker : It's Mummy! She's terribly hurt!

    Juliet Hulme : Please! Help us!

  • Pauline Parker : [narrative from the diary]  My new year's resolution is a far more selfish one than last year. It is to make my motto, eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow, you may be dead

  • [voiceover; narrated from her diary] 

    Pauline Parker : There are living among two dutiful daughters - of a man who possesses two beautiful daughters - you cannot know nor yet try to guess, the sweet soothingness of their caress. The outstanding genius of this pair is understood by few, they are so rare.

  • Juliet Hulme : Bloody Bill's sniffing around Mummy something chronic!

    Pauline Parker : I thought he was supposed to be terribly ill.

    Juliet Hulme : That's what we were led to believe.

  • [last lines] 

    [the last lines show scenes of the murder intercut with b&w shots of Juliet being taken away by her parents on the ship. Pauline and Juliet are sobbing and screaming for each other; and the girls scream as they beat Honorah Parker to death] 

    Juliet Hulme : Gina!

    [sobs as she reaches a hand over the ship railing] 

    Pauline Parker : Juliet, don't leave! I'm coming! Don't go! You can't! Oh, no!

    [as the girls cry and reach helplessly toward each other, Juliet's parents come and stand on either side of her, trying to comfort her] 

    Juliet Hulme : I'm sorry...

    [Pauline screams, and the b&w scene fades into the murder scene] 

    Pauline Parker : No!

    [That last bloody shot fades into the credits] 

  • [Pauline and Juliet are planning to run away to Hollywood and meet their favorite actors, such as James Mason and Mario Lanza] 

    Juliet Hulme : As soon as those bods in Hollywood cop a look at us, they'll be falling over themselves!

    Pauline Parker : Oh, it'll be amazing to meet James in person. I just know we'll hit it off brilliantly. And Guy Rolfe. And Mel Ferrer.

    Juliet Hulme : And Mario!

    Pauline Parker : Oh, I can't wait to do the love scenes.

    Juliet Hulme : Ooh.

    Pauline Parker : But what if they're married?

    Juliet Hulme : Oh, don't worry about that. We'll simply 'moider' any odd wives that get in our way!

See also

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