Man accused of sexual battery on girl for 2 years, from pre-teen to 8 months pregnant

Raymundo Mateo Cristobal is being held{ }in lieu of $40,000 bond on 6 counts of sexual battery with a child, and 1 count of impregnation of a child under 16, Sept.{ } 16, 2022. (Palm Beach Co. Sheriff's Office)
Raymundo Mateo Cristobal is being held in lieu of $40,000 bond on 6 counts of sexual battery with a child, and 1 count of impregnation of a child under 16, Sept. 16, 2022. (Palm Beach Co. Sheriff's Office)
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"She was unaware that she was pregnant prior to arriving at the hospital."

That's after a girl believed to be just 14 years old delivered a baby girl via emergency C-section on Sept. 16.

The information comes straight from the arrest report, and the names of both the victim and the accused — 41-year-old Raymundo Mateo Cristobal — are blacked out.

The first sexual battery occurred when she was 12 years of age

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“[The victim] stated she was sexually battered on multiple occasions over the past two years,” the report said. “The first sexual battery occurred when she was 12 years of age, with the last incident occurring approximately one month ago, August 2022. [The victim] stated the sexual battery would occur when there were no other people in the residence.”

he would tell her he would stop when he was finished

They and others lived together as a family in Loxahatchee for the past 5 years.

The report continued, “[The victim] stated she told [Raymundo] to stop but he would not. When she told him to stop, he would tell her he would stop when he was finished. She stated [Raymundo] would threaten to destroy her family if she would tell anyone about what he was doing to her. He also told her that he would go to prison if the police were ever told about it. [The victim] stated [Raymundo] would ‘force sex on her.’”

According to the arrest report, Mateo Cristobal “stated he never forced [the victim] to have sex with him; he stated she ‘wanted it.’ He said every time they had sex, it was either at the residence either in the morning when everyone left, or in the afternoon before everyone came back home.”

he wore a condom every time except on two occasions

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Also, Mateo Cristobal “said he wore a condom every time except on two occasions when he did not put one on. ... On another occasion, the condom fell off. ... When asked what he did with the condom, he stated he threw it in the garbage but in a garbage can away from the residence. ... [Mateo Cristobal] stated the last time they had sex was about a month or two ago. He was aware that she is currently [blacked out] years old and the sexual activity with her started when she was thirteen (13) years old.”

Raymundo Mateo Cristobal is now charged with six counts of sexual battery with a child, and one count of impregnation of a child under 16.

He was booked Sept. 16 at 11:04 p.m. and has not been released. He is being held at the Main Detention Center in lieu of $310,000 bond.

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