Weather Alert
Storms Over Bexar County
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Storms Over Bexar County   

We're watching the weather as thunderstorms and showers approach Bexar County, bringing much-needed rain to the area.

Strong thunderstorms move through San Antonio

Strong thunderstorms move through the area. (SBG Photo)
Strong thunderstorms move through the area. (SBG Photo)
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SAN ANTONIO - Strong thunderstorms are moving through the viewing area - some of these storms are severe..

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Here's the breakdown on timing, our western tier counties are in the earlier 4pm - 8pm window including the western half of our Hill Country. In and around Bexar County and the I-35 corridor, 9pm to 1am is main window to watch for possible storms. Further east (besides a few afternoon storms we've already had), after midnight through 4am as storms are weakening

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