
The Geopolitics of Business

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The Geopolitics of Business, a podcast produced by FP Studios, is where the boardroom meets the stateroom. On each episode, host Sam Gyimah, a former Wall Street Bank financier, entrepreneur, and British Government Minister, has frank discussions on the impacts on business of big political decisions with the world’s leading investors, CEOs and politicians who have made call big calls at the toughest moments. With themes ranging from shifting power blocs, rapidly advancing technology, de-globalization, end of free money, populism and polarization and climate action, these conversations are meant to engage, illuminate and provide insights for leaders seeking greater understanding of the high stakes interplay between global business and geopolitics, and where we’re heading.

sam gyimah headshot
sam gyimah headshot

Sam Gyimah is founder & Chairman of SGA, an advisory firm he founded to assist clients on issues at the intersection of strategy, capital deployment, and Government primarily in the technology and innovation sector.

Sam is also an adviser to and serves on the boards of Goldman Sachs International and Goldman Sachs International Bank, the UK Consumer Bank; Cambridge University Endowment Trust; and Oxford University Innovation.

Elected to the UK Parliament in 2010, Sam was the Member of Parliament for East Surrey from 2010-19. Sam served as a government minister in several departments including, Higher Education, Innovation, Science and Research, with responsibility for an £8bn R&D budget.  He was Parliamentary Private Secretary to Prime Minister, David Cameron, and attended Cabinet. Sam was at the forefront of the national debate on the UK’s exit from the European Union.

Sam began his career in the Investment Banking Division at Goldman Sachs in London, where he worked on pan-European corporate finance and M&A advisory transactions, before joining the Equities business, focusing on equities sales and institutional client relationships.

Born in the UK and raised in Ghana, Sam earned an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University in 1999.

Executive Producer: Sam Gyimah  |  Lead Producers: Ashley Westerman & Claudia Teti |  Supervising Producer: Rob Sachs

Episode 1

Shifting Power Blocs: José Manuel Barroso


In our premiere episode, host Sam Gyimah speaks with José Manuel Barroso, the chair of the board at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Barroso has also served as prime minister of Portugal, president of the European Commission, and chairman of Goldman Sachs International.

The two have a wide-ranging conversation on shifting power blocs, covering topics such as U.S.-China relations, Russia and Ukraine, fragmentation of the global order, and vaccine nationalism. Barroso shares personal stories of his years in politics and business and what it was like being in the room negotiating with world leaders including George W. Bush, Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin.

The Geopolitics of Business is a show by Sam Gyimah, produced by FP Studios. Views and opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Foreign Policy, its affiliates, or any institution Gyimah is associated with. Investment carries risk. We recommend individual investors consult with an independent financial advisor before making any investment.

Episode 2

Repowering the Global Economy: Lord John Browne


In the run-up to COP28, host Sam Gyimah speaks with Lord John Browne, the current chairman of BeyondNetZero and former CEO of the energy giant BP. The two discuss the broader forces that shape the world’s energy market, touch on his personal journey from oil man to net-zero champion, and strategize on what it will take to transition the global economy in order to address the climate crisis.

The Geopolitics of Business is a show by Sam Gyimah, produced by FP Studios. Views and opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Foreign Policy, its affiliates, or any institution that Gyimah is associated with. Investment carries risk. We recommend individual investors consult with an independent financial advisor before making any investment.

Episode 3

Breakout Nations: Ruchir Sharma


Writer and investor Ruchir Sharma speaks with host Sam Gyimah about his decades of experience in assessing emerging markets and shares tips on how to best understand when a developing country may be ripe for investment. The two also discuss the new risks involved in emerging markets as a result of the strategic rivalry between the United States and China. Sharma is the head of Rockefeller Capital Management’s international business, a columnist for the Financial Times, and author of numerous books, including Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles.

The Geopolitics of Business is a show by Sam Gyimah, produced by FP Studios. Views and opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Foreign Policy, its affiliates, or any institution that Gyimah is associated with. Investment carries risk. We recommend that individual investors consult with an independent financial advisor before making any investment.

Episode 4

Superpowers and the World: Paul Ryan


In this episode, we dive into U.S. politics with Paul Ryan, the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. In a wide-ranging interview with host Sam Gyimah, the two discuss the current state of American democracy and its impact on the world, various business scenarios related to the outcome of the 2024 U.S. elections, and why in today’s complex world, multinational CEOs need to think like politicians and be up to speed on issues such as trade, immigration, and the so-called culture wars.

The Geopolitics of Business is a show by Sam Gyimah, produced by FP Studios. Views and opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Foreign Policy, its affiliates, or any institution Gyimah is associated with. Investment carries risk. We recommend individual investors consult with an independent financial advisor before making any investment.

Episode 5

Britain’s Economy Post-Brexit: Lords Heseltine and O’Neill


This week on the show, host Sam Gyimah explores Britain’s economy and place in the world post-Brexit with two “big beasts” of British politics and economics. First, Sam speaks with Lord Michael Heseltine, a former deputy prime minister of Britain, a titan of British politics for more than half a century, and one of the few Conservative voices who spoke out against Brexit. Then Sam gets additional insights from Lord Jim O’Neill, an independent member of the House of Lords, former U.K. treasury minister, and former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

The Geopolitics of Business is a show by Sam Gyimah, produced by FP Studios. Views and opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Foreign Policy, its affiliates, or any institution with which Gyimah is associated. Investment carries risk. We recommend individual investors consult with an independent financial advisor before making any investment.

Episode 6

Moonshots & AI: Astro Teller


This week on the show we explore moonshots and artificial intelligence with Astro Teller, the co-founder and CEO of X, Alphabet’s moonshot factory, which is responsible for inventing and launching breakthrough technologies.

Teller is a believer in rethinking how companies innovate and solve what seem like unsolvable problems. He and host Sam Gyimah have a wide-ranging conversation on big tech, AI, regulation, and big ideas in business.

The Geopolitics of Business is a show by Gyimah, produced by FP Studios. Views and opinions expressed on the podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Foreign Policy, its affiliates, or any institution Gyimah is associated with. Investment carries risk. We recommend individual investors consult with an independent financial advisor before making any investment.

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