Take the next step

Your free, personal tool for learning and working in Europe

Learn in Europe

Ready to learn something new? Europass can help you take the next step in your career.

  • Easy search for courses
  • Customised course suggestions
  • Prepare your CV, cover letter and applications
  • Articles on studying, training and volunteering

Create your Europass today and plan your learning.

Work in Europe

Looking for a new job? Europass can help you find the right job:

  • Search for jobs across Europe.
  • Suggestions for jobs that fit your profile and interests.
  • Prepare your CV, cover letter and job applications.
  • Articles on planning your career and working abroad.

Create your Europass today and take the next step in your career.

Test your digital skills



Take this simple test that will help you understand your digital skills level. When you complete the test you will get a detailed report with a description of your average level. 

Girl pointing out to Test your digital skills

Create CV



You can create a CV or many CVs with just a few clicks from your Europass profile or from scratch. You can use it to apply for a job, education or training opportunities as well as volunteering. Watch quick tutorial video.

4 years of Europass




Celebrating four years of Europass with close to 7 million registered users and 90 million visits. 

Thank you!


image with decorative sparkles and a cupcake with the number four for the celebration of four years of Europass.

4th anniversary of Europass





As Europass celebrates this milestone, stay tuned for new features and enhancements designed to further optimize users’ career and learning paths.

Quote from Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

Europass and You