896 results sorted by ID

2024/1125 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-10
Revisiting PACD-based Attacks on RSA-CRT
Guillaume Barbu, Laurent Grémy, Roch Lescuyer
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this work, we use some recent developments in lattice-based cryptanalytic tools to revisit a fault attack on RSA-CRT signatures based on the Partial Approximate Common Divisor (PACD) problem. By reducing the PACD to a Hidden Number Problem (HNP) instance, we decrease the number of required faulted bits from 32 to 7 in the case of a 1024-bit RSA. We successfully apply the attack to RSA instances up to 8192-bit and present an enhanced analysis of the error-tolerance in the Bounded Distance...

2024/1002 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-22
Elementary Formulas for Greatest Common Divisors and Semiprime Factors
Joseph M. Shunia

We present new formulas for computing greatest common divisors (GCDs) and extracting the prime factors of semiprimes using only elementary arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, floored division, and exponentiation. Our GCD formula simplifies a result of Mazzanti, and is derived using Kronecker substitution techniques from our previous work. We utilize the GCD formula, along with recent developments on arithmetic terms for square roots and factorials, to derive...

2024/939 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-11
Two RSA-based Cryptosystems
A. Telveenus
Public-key cryptography

The cryptosystem RSA is a very popular cryptosystem in the study of Cryptography. In this article, we explore how the idea of a primitive m th root of unity in a ring can be integrated into the Discrete Fourier Transform, leading to the development of new cryptosystems known as RSA-DFT and RSA-HGR.

2024/927 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-12
Anjali C B

The current cryptographic frameworks like RSA, ECC, and AES are potentially under quantum threat. Quantum cryptographic and post-quantum cryptography are being extensively researched for securing future information. The quantum computer and quantum algorithms are still in the early developmental stage and thus lack scalability for practical application. As a result of these challenges, most researched PQC methods are lattice-based, code-based, ECC isogeny, hash-based, and multivariate...

2024/840 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-29
Batching-Efficient RAM using Updatable Lookup Arguments
Moumita Dutta, Chaya Ganesh, Sikhar Patranabis, Shubh Prakash, Nitin Singh
Cryptographic protocols

RAM (random access memory) is an important primitive in verifiable computation. In this paper, we focus on realizing RAM with efficient batching property, i.e, proving a batch of $m$ updates on a RAM of size $N$ while incurring a cost that is sublinear in $N$. Classical approaches based on Merkle-trees or address ordered transcripts to model RAM correctness are either concretely inefficient, or incur linear overhead in the size of the RAM. Recent works explore cryptographic accumulators...

2024/820 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-26
Rate-1 Arithmetic Garbling from Homomorphic Secret-Sharing
Pierre Meyer, Claudio Orlandi, Lawrence Roy, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols

We present a new approach to garbling arithmetic circuits using techniques from homomorphic secret sharing, obtaining constructions with high rate that support free addition gates. In particular, we build upon non-interactive protocols for computing distributed discrete logarithms in groups with an easy discrete-log subgroup, further demonstrating the versatility of tools from homomorphic secret sharing. Relying on distributed discrete log for the Damgård-Jurik cryptosystem (Roy and Singh,...

2024/795 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-22
New Limits of Provable Security and Applications to ElGamal Encryption
Sven Schäge

We provide new results showing that ElGamal encryption cannot be proven CCA1-secure – a long-standing open problem in cryptography. Our result follows from a very broad, meta-reduction-based impossibility result on random self-reducible relations with efficiently re-randomizable witnesses. The techniques that we develop allow, for the first time, to provide impossibility results for very weak security notions where the challenger outputs fresh challenge statements at the end of the security...

2024/772 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-09
Reducing the Share Size of Weighted Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes via Chow Parameters Approximation
Oriol Farràs, Miquel Guiot

A secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic primitive that allows a dealer to share a secret among a set of parties, so that only authorized subsets of them can recover it. The access structure of the scheme is the family of authorized subsets. In a weighted threshold access structure, each party is assigned a weight according to its importance, and the authorized subsets are those in which the sum of their weights is at least the threshold value. For these access structures, the share...

2024/699 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-06
An Efficient All-to-All GCD Algorithm for Low Entropy RSA Key Factorization
Elijah Pelofske
Attacks and cryptanalysis

RSA is an incredibly successful and useful asymmetric encryption algorithm. One of the types of implementation flaws in RSA is low entropy of the key generation, specifically the prime number creation stage. This can occur due to flawed usage of random prime number generator libraries, or on computers where there is a lack of a source of external entropy. These implementation flaws result in some RSA keys sharing prime factors, which means that the full factorization of the public modulus...

2024/650 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-28
Hash-based Direct Anonymous Attestation
Liqun Chen, Changyu Dong, Nada El Kassem, Christopher J.P. Newton, Yalan Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) was designed for the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and versions using RSA and elliptic curve cryptography have been included in the TPM specifications and in ISO/IEC standards. These standardised DAA schemes have their security based on the factoring or discrete logarithm problems and are therefore insecure against quantum attackers. Research into quantum-resistant DAA has resulted in several lattice-based schemes. Now in this paper, we propose the first...

2024/617 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-22
Lattice-Based Succinct Mercurial Functional Commitment for Circuits: Definitions and Constructions
Hongxiao Wang, Siu-Ming Yiu, Yanmin Zhao, Zoe L. Jiang, Min Xie

Vector commitments gain a lot of attention because of their wide usage in applications such as blockchain and accumulator. Mercurial vector commitments and mercurial functional commitments (MFC), as significant variants of VC, are the central techniques to construct more advanced cryptographic primitives such as zero-knowledge set and zero-knowledge functional elementary database (ZK-FEDB). However, the current MFC only supports linear functions, limiting its application, i.e. building the...

2024/608 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-20
The Practical Advantage of RSA over ECC and Pairings
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu

The coexistence of RSA and elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) had continued over forty years. It is well-known that ECC has the advantage of shorter key than RSA, which often leads a newcomer to assume that ECC runs faster. In this report, we generate the Mathematica codes for RSA-2048 and ECC-256, which visually show that RSA-2048 runs three times faster than ECC-256. It is also estimated that RSA-2048 runs 48,000 times faster than Weil pairing with 2 embedding degree and a fixed point.

2024/505 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-15
RSA-Based Dynamic Accumulator without Hashing into Primes
Victor Youdom Kemmoe, Anna Lysyanskaya
Public-key cryptography

A cryptographic accumulator is a compact data structure for representing a set of elements coming from some domain. It allows for a compact proof of membership and, in the case of a universal accumulator, non-membership of an element x in the data structure. A dynamic accumulator, furthermore, allows elements to be added to and deleted from the accumulator. Previously known RSA-based dynamic accumulators were too slow in practice because they required that an element in the domain be...

2024/395 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-28
Notus: Dynamic Proofs of Liabilities from Zero-knowledge RSA Accumulators
Jiajun Xin, Arman Haghighi, Xiangan Tian, Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Cryptographic protocols

Proofs of Liabilities (PoL) allow an untrusted prover to commit to its liabilities towards a set of users and then prove independent users' amounts or the total sum of liabilities, upon queries by users or third-party auditors. This application setting is highly dynamic. User liabilities may increase/decrease arbitrarily and the prover needs to update proofs in epoch increments (e.g., once a day for a crypto-asset exchange platform). However, prior works mostly focus on the static case and...

2024/385 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
A New Public Key Cryptosystem Based on the Cubic Pell Curve
Michel Seck, Abderrahmane Nitaj
Public-key cryptography

Since its invention in 1978 by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, the public key cryptosystem RSA has become a widely popular and a widely useful scheme in cryptography. Its security is related to the difficulty of factoring large integers which are the product of two large prime numbers. For various reasons, several variants of RSA have been proposed, and some have different arithmetics such as elliptic and singular cubic curves. In 2018, Murru and Saettone proposed another variant of RSA based on...

2024/286 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-20
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments and Digital Signatures via Sharing Conversion in the Head
Jules Maire, Damien Vergnaud
Cryptographic protocols

We present a novel technique within the MPC-in-the-Head framework, aiming to design efficient zero-knowledge protocols and digital signature schemes. The technique allows for the simultaneous use of additive and multiplicative sharings of secret information, enabling efficient proofs of linear and multiplicative relations. The applications of our technique are manifold. It is first applied to construct zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge for Double Discrete Logarithms (DDLP). The...

2024/268 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-17
A New Approach to Generic Lower Bounds: Classical/Quantum MDL, Quantum Factoring, and More
Minki Hhan

This paper studies the limitations of the generic approaches to solving cryptographic problems in classical and quantum settings in various models. - In the classical generic group model (GGM), we find simple alternative proofs for the lower bounds of variants of the discrete logarithm (DL) problem: the multiple-instance DL and one-more DL problems (and their mixture). We also re-prove the unknown-order GGM lower bounds, such as the order finding, root extraction, and repeated squaring. -...

2024/228 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-19
On the Untapped Potential of the Quantum FLT-based Inversion
Ren Taguchi, Atsushi Takayasu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Thus far, several papers estimated concrete quantum resources of Shor’s algorithm for solving a binary elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. In particular, the complexity of computing quantum inversions over a binary field F2n is dominant when running the algorithm, where n is a degree of a binary elliptic curve. There are two major methods for quantum inversion, i.e., the quantum GCD-based inversion and the quantum FLT-based inversion. Among them, the latter method is known to require...

2024/225 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-13
Universal Computational Extractors from Lattice Assumptions
Yilei Chen, Xinyu Mao

Universal computational extractors (UCEs), introduced by Bellare, Hoang, and Keelveedhi [BHK13], can securely replace random oracles in various applications, including KDM-secure encryption, deterministic encryption, RSA-OAEP, etc. Despite its usefulness, constructing UCE in the standard model is challenging. The only known positive result is given by Brzuska and Mittelbach [BM14], who construct UCE with strongly computationally unpredictable one-query source assuming indistinguishability...

2024/222 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-07
Reducing the Number of Qubits in Quantum Factoring
Clémence Chevignard, Pierre-Alain Fouque, André Schrottenloher
Attacks and cryptanalysis

This paper focuses on the optimization of the number of logical qubits in quantum algorithms for factoring and computing discrete logarithms in $\mathbb{Z}_N^*$. These algorithms contain an exponentiation circuit modulo $N$, which is responsible for most of their cost, both in qubits and operations. In this paper, we show that using only $o(\log N)$ work qubits, one can obtain the least significant bits of the modular exponentiation output. We combine this result with May and Schlieper's...

2024/205 Last updated: 2024-02-21
A Generalized Distributed RSA Key Generation
ChihYun Chuang, IHung Hsu, TingFang Lee
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we propose a novel bi-primality test to determine whether $N=pq$ is the product of two primes on any RSA modulus in which we relaxed the restriction, $p\equiv q \equiv 3 \Mod{4}$, that was assumed in most of current bi-primality tests. Our bi-primality test is generalized from Lucas primality test to the bi-prime case. Our test always accepts when $p$ and $q$ are both prime, and otherwise accepts with probability at most $1/2$. In addition, we also prove that the...

2024/061 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-16
Partial Key Exposure Attack on Common Prime RSA
Mengce Zheng
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we focus on the common prime RSA variant and introduces a novel investigation into the partial key exposure attack targeting it. We explore the vulnerability of this RSA variant, which employs two common primes $p$ and $q$ defined as $p=2ga+1$ and $q=2gb+1$ for a large prime $g$. Previous cryptanalysis of common prime RSA has primarily focused on the small private key attack. In our work, we delve deeper into the realm of partial key exposure attacks by categorizing them into...

2024/053 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-14
Anonymous Homomorphic IBE with Application to Anonymous Aggregation
Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick, Hitesh Tewari
Public-key cryptography

All anonymous identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes that are group homomorphic (to the best of our knowledge) require knowledge of the identity to compute the homomorphic operation. This paper is motivated by this open problem, namely to construct an anonymous group-homomorphic IBE scheme that does not sacrifice anonymity to perform homomorphic operations. Note that even when strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) are permitted, no schemes are known. We succeed in...

2024/034 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-17
How (not) to hash into class groups of imaginary quadratic fields?
István András Seres, Péter Burcsi, Péter Kutas
Secret-key cryptography

Class groups of imaginary quadratic fields (class groups for short) have seen a resurgence in cryptography as transparent groups of unknown order. They are a prime candidate for being a trustless alternative to RSA groups because class groups do not need a (distributed) trusted setup to sample a cryptographically secure group of unknown order. Class groups have recently found many applications in verifiable secret sharing, secure multiparty computation, transparent polynomial commitments,...

2024/026 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-08
Towards Compact Identity-based Encryption on Ideal Lattices
Huiwen Jia, Yupu Hu, Chunming Tang, Lin Wang
Public-key cryptography

Basic encryption and signature on lattices have comparable efficiency to their classical counterparts in terms of speed and key size. However, Identity-based Encryption (IBE) on lattices is much less efficient in terms of compactness, even when instantiated on ideal lattices and in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). This is because the underlying preimage sampling algorithm used to extract the users' secret keys requires huge public parameters. In this work, we specify a compact IBE...

2023/1939 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-21
Applications of Neural Network-Based AI in Cryptography
Abderrahmane Nitaj, Tajjeeddine Rachidi

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a modern technology that allows plenty of advantages in daily life, such as predicting weather, finding directions, classifying images and videos, even automatically generating code, text, and videos. Other essential technologies such as blockchain and cybersecurity also benefit from AI. As a core component used in blockchain and cybersecurity, cryptography can benefit from AI in order to enhance the confidentiality and integrity of cyberspace. In this...

2023/1913 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-13
Breaking RSA Authentication on Zynq-7000 SoC and Beyond: Identification of Critical Security Flaw in FSBL Software
Prasanna Ravi, Arpan Jati, Shivam Bhasin
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this report, we perform an in-depth analysis of the RSA authentication feature used in the secure boot procedure of Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC device. The First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL) is a critical piece of software executed during secure boot, which utilizes the RSA authentication feature to validate all the hardware and software partitions to be mounted on the device. We analyzed the implementation of FSBL (provided by Xilinx) for the Zynq-7000 SoC and identified a critical security flaw,...

2023/1823 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-27
PQC-NN: Post-Quantum Cryptography Neural Network
Abel C. H. Chen

In recent years, quantum computers and Shor’s quantum algorithm have been able to effectively solve NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial-time) problems such as prime factorization and discrete logarithm problems, posing a threat to current mainstream asymmetric cryptography, including RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). As a result, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States call for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) methods that include lattice-based...

2023/1810 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-13
Pairing-Free Blind Signatures from Standard Assumptions in the ROM
Julia Kastner, Ky Nguyen, Michael Reichle
Public-key cryptography

Blind Signatures are a useful primitive for privacy preserving applications such as electronic payments, e-voting, anonymous credentials, and more. However, existing practical blind signature schemes based on standard assumptions require either pairings or lattices. We present the first practical construction of a round-optimal blind signature in the random oracle model based on standard assumptions without resorting to pairings or lattices. In particular, our construction is secure under...

2023/1711 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-05
Passive SSH Key Compromise via Lattices
Keegan Ryan, Kaiwen He, George Arnold Sullivan, Nadia Heninger
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We demonstrate that a passive network attacker can opportunistically obtain private RSA host keys from an SSH server that experiences a naturally arising fault during signature computation. In prior work, this was not believed to be possible for the SSH protocol because the signature included information like the shared Diffie-Hellman secret that would not be available to a passive network observer. We show that for the signature parameters commonly in use for SSH, there is an efficient...

2023/1565 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-11
Finding Shortest Vector Using Quantum NV Sieve on Grover
Hyunji Kim, Kyoungbae Jang, Yujin Oh, Woojin Seok, Wonhuck Lee, Kwangil Bae, Ilkwon Sohn, Hwajeong Seo
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Quantum computers, especially those with over 10,000 qubits, pose a potential threat to current public key cryptography systems like RSA and ECC due to Shor's algorithms. Grover's search algorithm is another quantum algorithm that could significantly impact current cryptography, offering a quantum advantage in searching unsorted data. Therefore, with the advancement of quantum computers, it is crucial to analyze potential quantum threats. While many works focus on Grover’s attacks in...

2023/1562 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-04
Generalized Implicit Factorization Problem
Yansong Feng, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Yanbin Pan
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Implicit Factorization Problem (IFP) was first introduced by May and Ritzenhofen at PKC'09, which concerns the factorization of two RSA moduli $N_1=p_1q_1$ and $N_2=p_2q_2$, where $p_1$ and $p_2$ share a certain consecutive number of least significant bits. Since its introduction, many different variants of IFP have been considered, such as the cases where $p_1$ and $p_2$ share most significant bits or middle bits at the same positions. In this paper, we consider a more generalized case...

2023/1554 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-31
Cornucopia: Distributed randomness beacons at scale
Miranda Christ, Kevin Choi, Joseph Bonneau
Cryptographic protocols

We propose Cornucopia, a distributed randomness beacon protocol combining accumulators and verifiable delay functions. Cornucopia extends the Unicorn protocol of Lenstra and Wesolowski, utilizing an accumulator to enable efficient verification by each participant that their randomness contribution has been included in the beacon output. The output is unpredictable as long as at least one participant is honest, yielding a highly scalable distributed randomness beacon with strong security...

2023/1539 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-07
ELCA: Introducing Enterprise-level Cryptographic Agility for a Post-Quantum Era
Dimitrios Sikeridis, David Ott, Sean Huntley, Shivali Sharma, Vasantha Kumar Dhanasekar, Megha Bansal, Akhilesh Kumar, Anwitha U N, Daniel Beveridge, Sairam Veeraswamy

Given the importance of cryptography to modern security and privacy solutions, it is surprising how little attention has been given to the problem of \textit{cryptographic agility}, or frameworks enabling the transition from one cryptographic algorithm or implementation to another. In this paper, we argue that traditional notions of cryptographic agility fail to capture the challenges facing modern enterprises that will soon be forced to implement a disruptive migration from today’s public...

2023/1442 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-21
Everlasting ROBOT: the Marvin Attack
Hubert Kario
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper we show that Bleichenbacher-style attacks on RSA decryption are not only still possible, but also that vulnerable implementations are common. We have successfully attacked multiple implementations using only timing of decryption operation and shown that many others are vulnerable. To perform the attack we used more statistically rigorous techniques like the sign test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and bootstrapping of median of pairwise differences. We publish a set of tools for...

2023/1404 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-18
(Verifiable) Delay Functions from Lucas Sequences
Charlotte Hoffmann, Pavel Hubáček, Chethan Kamath, Tomáš Krňák
Cryptographic protocols

Lucas sequences are constant-recursive integer sequences with a long history of applications in cryptography, both in the design of cryptographic schemes and cryptanalysis. In this work, we study the sequential hardness of computing Lucas sequences over an RSA modulus. First, we show that modular Lucas sequences are at least as sequentially hard as the classical delay function given by iterated modular squaring proposed by Rivest, Shamir, and Wagner (MIT Tech. Rep. 1996) in the context of...

2023/1356 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-10
Small Private Key Attack Against a Family of RSA-like Cryptosystems
George Teseleanu, Paul Cotan
Public-key cryptography

Let $N=pq$ be the product of two balanced prime numbers $p$ and $q$. Elkamchouchi, Elshenawy and Shaban presented in 2002 an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that uses the key equation $ed - k (p^2-1)(q^2-1) = 1$, instead of the classical RSA key equation $ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1$. The authors claimed that their scheme is more secure than RSA. Unfortunately, the common attacks developed against RSA can be adapted for Elkamchouchi \emph{et al.}'s scheme. In this paper, we introduce a family of...

2023/1330 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-07
Notes on Small Private Key Attacks on Common Prime RSA
Mengce Zheng
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We point out critical deficiencies in lattice-based cryptanalysis of common prime RSA presented in ``Remarks on the cryptanalysis of common prime RSA for IoT constrained low power devices'' [Information Sciences, 538 (2020) 54--68]. To rectify these flaws, we carefully scrutinize the relevant parameters involved in the analysis during solving a specific trivariate integer polynomial equation. Additionally, we offer a synthesized attack illustration of small private key attacks on common prime RSA.

2023/1328 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-22
Optimizing HE operations via Level-aware Key-switching Framework
Intak Hwang, Jinyeong Seo, Yongsoo Song

In lattice-based Homomorphic Encryption (HE) schemes, the key-switching procedure is a core building block of non-linear operations but also a major performance bottleneck. The computational complexity of the operation is primarily determined by the so-called gadget decomposition, which transforms a ciphertext entry into a tuple of small polynomials before being multiplied with the corresponding evaluation key. However, the previous studies such as Halevi et al. (CT-RSA 2019) and Han and...

2023/1299 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-31
A New RSA Variant Based on Elliptic Curves
Maher Boudabra, Abderrahmane Nitaj
Public-key cryptography

We propose a new scheme based on ephemeral elliptic curves over the ring $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ where $n=pq$ is an RSA modulus with $p=u_p^2+v_p^2$, $q=u_q^2+v_q^2$, $u_p\equiv u_q\equiv 3\pmod 4$. The new scheme is a variant of both the RSA and the KMOV cryptosystems. The scheme can be used for both signature and encryption. We study the security of the new scheme and show that is immune against factorization attacks, discrete logarithm problem attacks, sum of two squares attacks, sum of...

2023/1199 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-08
RSA Blind Signatures with Public Metadata
Ghous Amjad, Kevin Yeo, Moti Yung
Cryptographic protocols

Anonymous tokens are digital signature schemes that enable an issuer to provider users with signatures without learning the input message or the resulting signature received by the user. These primitives allow applications to propagate trust while simultaneously protecting the identity of the user. Anonymous tokens have become a core component for improving the privacy of several real-world applications including ad measurements, authorization protocols, spam detection and VPNs. In...

2023/1165 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-28
On the Security of Universal Re-Encryption
Fabio Banfi, Ueli Maurer, Silvia Ritsch
Public-key cryptography

A universal re-encryption (URE) scheme is a public-key encryption scheme enhanced with an algorithm that on input a ciphertext, outputs another ciphertext which is still a valid encryption of the underlying plaintext. Crucially, such a re-encryption algorithm does not need any key as input, but the ciphertext is guaranteed to be valid under the original key-pair. Therefore, URE schemes lend themselves naturally as building blocks of mixnets: A sender transmits the encryption of a message...

2023/1068 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-09
Optical Cryptanalysis: Recovering Cryptographic Keys from Power LED Light Fluctuations
Ben Nassi, Ofek Vayner, Etay Iluz, Dudi Nassi, Or Hai Cohen, Jan Jancar, Daniel Genkin, Eran Tromer, Boris Zadov, Yuval Elovici
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Although power LEDs have been integrated in various devices that perform cryptographic operations for decades, the cryptanalysis risk they pose has not yet been investigated. In this paper, we present optical cryptanalysis, a new form of cryptanalytic side-channel attack, in which secret keys are extracted by using a photodiode to measure the light emitted by a device’s power LED and analyzing subtle fluctuations in the light intensity during cryptographic operations. We analyze the...

2023/1038 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-05
PQC Cloudization: Rapid Prototyping of Scalable NTT/INTT Architecture to Accelerate Kyber
Mojtaba Bisheh-Niasar, Daniel Lo, Anjana Parthasarathy, Blake Pelton, Bharat Pillilli, Bryan Kelly
Public-key cryptography

The advent of quantum computers poses a serious challenge to the security of cloud infrastructures and services, as they can potentially break the existing public-key cryptosystems, such as Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Even though the gap between today’s quantum computers and the threats they pose to current public-key cryptography is large, the cloud landscape should act proactively and initiate the transition to the post-quantum era as early as...

2023/1004 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-28
On the Non-Malleability of ECVRF in the Algebraic Group Model
Willow Barkan-Vered, Franklin Harding, Jonathan Keller, Jiayu Xu

ECVRF is a verifiable random function (VRF) scheme used in multiple cryptocurrency systems. It has recently been proven to satisfy the notion of non-malleability which is useful in applications to blockchains (Peikert and Xu, CT-RSA 2023); however, the existing proof uses the rewinding technique and has a quadratic security loss. In this work, we re-analyze the non-malleability of ECVRF in the algebraic group model (AGM) and give a tight proof. We also compare our proof with the...

2023/955 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-18
Succinct Computational Secret Sharing
Benny Applebaum, Amos Beimel, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Tianren Liu, Vinod Vaikuntanathan

A secret-sharing scheme enables a dealer to share a secret $s$ among $n$ parties such that only authorized subsets of parties, specified by a monotone access structure $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$, can reconstruct $s$ from their shares. Other subsets of parties learn nothing about $s$. The question of minimizing the (largest) share size for a given $f$ has been the subject of a large body of work. However, in most existing constructions for general access structures $f$, the share size is not...

2023/912 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-12
Randomness of random in Cisco ASA
Ryad Benadjila, Arnaud Ebalard
Attacks and cryptanalysis

It all started with ECDSA nonces and keys duplications in a large amount of X.509 certificates generated by Cisco ASA security gateways, detected through TLS campaigns analysis. After some statistics and blackbox keys recovery, it continued by analyzing multiple firmwares for those hardware devices and virtual appliances to unveil the root causes of these collisions. It ended up with keygens to recover RSA keys, ECDSA keys and signatures nonces. The current article describes our...

2023/864 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-19
Compact Selective Opening Security From LWE
Dennis Hofheinz, Kristina Hostáková, Julia Kastner, Karen Klein, Akin Ünal
Public-key cryptography

Selective opening (SO) security is a security notion for public-key encryption schemes that captures security against adaptive corruptions of senders. SO security comes in chosen-plaintext (SO-CPA) and chosen-ciphertext (SO-CCA) variants, neither of which is implied by standard security notions like IND-CPA or IND-CCA security. In this paper, we present the first SO-CCA secure encryption scheme that combines the following two properties: (1) it has a constant ciphertext expansion...

2023/801 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-31
We Are on the Same Side. Alternative Sieving Strategies for the Number Field Sieve
Charles Bouillaguet, Ambroise Fleury, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Paul Kirchner
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Number Field Sieve (NFS) is the state-of-the art algorithm for integer factoring, and sieving is a crucial step in the NFS. It is a very time-consuming operation, whose goal is to collect many relations. The ultimate goal is to generate random smooth integers mod $N$ with their prime decomposition, where smooth is defined on the rational and algebraic sides according to two prime factor bases. In modern factorization tool, such as \textsf{Cado-NFS}, sieving is split...

2023/784 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-25
History-Free Sequential Aggregation of Hash-and-Sign Signatures
Alessio Meneghetti, Edoardo Signorini
Public-key cryptography

A sequential aggregate signature (SAS) scheme allows multiple users to sequentially combine their respective signatures in order to reduce communication costs. Historically, early proposals required the use of trapdoor permutation (e.g., RSA). In recent years, a number of attempts have been made to extend SAS schemes to post-quantum assumptions. Many post-quantum signatures have been proposed in the hash-and-sign paradigm, which requires the use of trapdoor functions and appears to be an...

2023/688 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-15
Applications of Timed-release Encryption with Implicit Authentication
Angelique Faye Loe, Liam Medley, Christian O'Connell, Elizabeth A. Quaglia

A whistleblower is a person who leaks sensitive information on a prominent individual or organisation engaging in an unlawful or immoral activity. Whistleblowing has the potential to mitigate corruption and fraud by identifying the misuse of capital. In extreme cases whistleblowing can also raise awareness about unethical practices to individuals by highlighting dangerous working conditions. Obtaining and sharing the sensitive information associated with whistleblowing can carry great...

2023/678 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-17
A 334µW 0.158mm2 ASIC for Post-Quantum Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Saber with Low-latency Striding Toom-Cook Multiplication Extended Version
Archisman Ghosh, Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, Angshuman Karmakar, Debayan Das, Santosh Ghosh, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Shreyas Sen
Public-key cryptography

The hard mathematical problems that assure the security of our current public-key cryptography (RSA, ECC) are broken if and when a quantum computer appears rendering them ineffective for use in the quantum era. Lattice based cryptography is a novel approach to public key cryptography, of which the mathematical investigation (so far) resists attacks from quantum computers. By choosing a module learning with errors (MLWE) algorithm as the next standard, National Institute of Standard \&...

2023/670 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-15
Behemoth: transparent polynomial commitment scheme with constant opening proof size and verifier time
István András Seres, Péter Burcsi
Cryptographic protocols

Polynomial commitment schemes are fundamental building blocks in numerous cryptographic protocols such as verifiable secret sharing, zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments, and many more. The most efficient polynomial commitment schemes rely on a trusted setup which is undesirable in trust-minimized applications, e.g., cryptocurrencies. However, transparent polynomial commitment schemes are inefficient (polylogarithmic opening proofs and/or verification time) compared to their...

2023/665 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-15
On the Feasibility of Identity-based Encryption with Equality Test against Insider Attacks
Keita Emura
Cryptographic protocols

Public key encryption with equality test, proposed by Yang et al. (CT-RSA 2010), allows anyone to check whether two ciphertexts of distinct public keys are encryptions of the same plaintext or not using trapdoors, and identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is its identity-based variant. As a variant of IBEET, IBEET against insider attacks (IBEETIA) was proposed by Wu et al. (ACISP 2017), where a token is defined for each identity and is used for encryption. Lee et al. (ACISP...

2023/644 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-16
Improved Distributed RSA Key Generation Using the Miller-Rabin Test
Jakob Burkhardt, Ivan Damgård, Tore Frederiksen, Satrajit Ghosh, Claudio Orlandi
Cryptographic protocols

Secure distributed generation of RSA moduli (e.g., generating $N=pq$ where none of the parties learns anything about $p$ or $q$) is an important cryptographic task, that is needed both in threshold implementations of RSA-based cryptosystems and in other, advanced cryptographic protocols that assume that all the parties have access to a trusted RSA modulo. In this paper, we provide a novel protocol for secure distributed RSA key generation based on the Miller-Rabin test. Compared with the...

2023/475 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-02
The Jacobi Symbol Problem for Quadratic Congruences and Applications to Cryptography
Ferucio Laurențiu Țiplea
Public-key cryptography

The hardness of solving the quadratic residuosity problem is the basis for establishing the security of many cryptographic schemes. Two of these are the public key encryption scheme and the identity-based encryption scheme proposed by Cocks. In this paper, we introduce a new computational problem: the problem of distinguishing between the Jacobi symbols of the solutions of a quadratic congruence modulo an RSA integer. We show that the security of the two encryption schemes is equivalent to...

2023/456 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-29
Generalised Asynchronous Remote Key Generation for Pairing-based Cryptosystems
Nick Frymann, Daniel Gardham, Mark Manulis, Hugo Nartz
Cryptographic protocols

Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG, introduced in ACM CCS 2020) allows for a party to create public keys for which corresponding private keys may be later computed by another intended party only. ARKG can be composed with standard public-key cryptosystems and has been used to construct a new class of privacy-preserving proxy signatures. The original construction of ARKG, however, generates discrete logarithm key pairs of the form $(x, g^x)$. In this paper we define a generic...

2023/440 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-26
On the Possibility of a Backdoor in the Micali-Schnorr Generator
Hannah Davis, Matthew Green, Nadia Heninger, Keegan Ryan, Adam Suhl
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we study both the implications and potential impact of backdoored parameters for two RSA-based pseudorandom number generators: the ISO-standardized Micali-Schnorr generator and a closely related design, the RSA PRG. We observe, contrary to common understanding, that the security of the Micali-Schnorr PRG is not tightly bound to the difficulty of inverting RSA. We show that the Micali-Schnorr construction remains secure even if one replaces RSA with a publicly evaluatable PRG,...

2023/434 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-01
The Self-Anti-Censorship Nature of Encryption: On the Prevalence of Anamorphic Cryptography
Mirek Kutylowski, Giuseppe Persiano, Duong Hieu Phan, Moti Yung, Marcin Zawada
Public-key cryptography

As part of the responses to the ongoing ``crypto wars,'' the notion of {\em Anamorphic Encryption} was put forth [Persiano-Phan-Yung Eurocrypt '22]. The notion allows private communication in spite of a dictator who (in violation of the usual normative conditions under which Cryptography is developed) is engaged in an extreme form of surveillance and/or censorship, where it asks for all private keys and knows and may even dictate all messages. The original work pointed out efficient ways...

2023/423 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-22
A Note on Hybrid Signature Schemes
Nina Bindel, Britta Hale
Public-key cryptography

This draft presents work-in-progress concerning hybrid/composite signature schemes. More concretely, we give several tailored combinations of Fiat-Shamir based signature schemes (such as Dilithium) or Falcon with RSA or DSA. We observe that there are a number of signature hybridization goals, few of which are not achieved through parallel signing or concatenation approaches. These include proof composability (that the post-quantum hybrid signature security can easily be linked to the...

2023/367 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-02
Practical Attacks on Small Private Exponent RSA: New Records and New Insights
Qiang Li, Qun-xiong Zheng, Wen-feng Qi
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As a typical representative of the public key cryptosystem, RSA has attracted a great deal of cryptanalysis since its invention, among which a famous attack is the small private exponent attack. It is well-known that the best theoretical upper bound for the private exponent d that can be attacked is d ≤ N^0.292 , where N is a RSA modulus. However, this bound may not be achieved in practical attacks since the lattice constructed by Coppersmith method may have a large enough dimension...

2023/364 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-30
Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Subverted RSA Groups
Dimitris Kolonelos, Mary Maller, Mikhail Volkhov
Cryptographic protocols

This work investigates zero-knowledge protocols in subverted RSA groups where the prover can choose the modulus and where the verifier does not know the group order. We introduce a novel technique for extracting the witness from a general homomorphism over a group of unknown order that does not require parallel repetitions. We present a NIZK range proof for general homomorphisms such as Paillier encryptions in the designated verifier model that works under a subverted setup. The key...

2023/346 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-30
How to achieve bidirectional zero-knowledge authentication?
Jin Li, Xingyu Li, Chang Chen, Guoyu Yang, Junyang Li, Qi Chen, Hongyang Yan
Cryptographic protocols

Due to the completeness, reliability and zero-knowledge nature, the zero-knowledge proof is widely used to designed various protocols, including zero-knowledge authentication protocols. However, the existing zero-knowledge proof scheme cannot realize bidirectional authentication. In this paper, we design a series of bidirectional zero-knowledge protocols based on two new flavors of operations applicable to multiplicative cyclic group. The two notions are formally defined in this paper. We...

2023/329 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-06
Caveat Implementor! Key Recovery Attacks on MEGA
Martin R. Albrecht, Miro Haller, Lenka Mareková, Kenneth G. Paterson
Attacks and cryptanalysis

MEGA is a large-scale cloud storage and communication platform that aims to provide end-to-end encryption for stored data. A recent analysis by Backendal, Haller and Paterson (IEEE S&P 2023) invalidated these security claims by presenting practical attacks against MEGA that could be mounted by the MEGA service provider. In response, the MEGA developers added lightweight sanity checks on the user RSA private keys used in MEGA, sufficient to prevent the previous attacks. We analyse these...

2023/302 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-28
Does the Dual-Sieve Attack on Learning with Errors even Work?
Léo Ducas, Ludo Pulles

Guo and Johansson (ASIACRYPT 2021), and MATZOV (tech.~report 2022) have independently claimed improved attacks against various NIST lattice candidate by adding a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) trick on top of the so-called Dual-Sieve attack. Recently, there was more follow up work in this line adding new practical improvements. However, from a theoretical perspective, all of these works are painfully specific to Learning with Errors, while the principle of the Dual-Sieve attack is more...

2023/276 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-24
Threshold and Multi-Signature Schemes from Linear Hash Functions
Stefano Tessaro, Chenzhi Zhu
Public-key cryptography

This paper gives new constructions of two-round multi-signatures and threshold signatures for which security relies solely on either the hardness of the (plain) discrete logarithm problem or the hardness of RSA, in addition to assuming random oracles. Their signing protocol is partially non-interactive, i.e., the first round of the signing protocol is independent of the message being signed. We obtain our constructions by generalizing the most efficient discrete- logarithm based schemes,...

2023/249 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-22
Anamorphic Encryption, Revisited
Fabio Banfi, Konstantin Gegier, Martin Hirt, Ueli Maurer, Guilherme Rito
Public-key cryptography

An anamorphic encryption scheme allows two parties who share a so-called double key to embed covert messages in ciphertexts of an established PKE scheme. This protects against a dictator that can force the receiver to reveal the secret keys for the PKE scheme, but who is oblivious about the existence of the double key. We identify two limitations of the original model by Persiano, Phan, and Yung (EUROCRYPT 2022). First, in their definition a double key can only be generated once, together...

2023/222 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-18
A Lightweight Identification Protocol Based on Lattices
Samed Düzlü, Juliane Krämer, Thomas Pöppelmann, Patrick Struck
Cryptographic protocols

In this work we present a lightweight lattice-based identification protocol based on the CPA-secured public key encryption scheme Kyber. It is designed as a replacement for existing classical ECC- or RSA-based identification protocols in IoT, smart card applications, or for device authentication. The proposed protocol is simple, efficient, and implementations are supposed to be easy to harden against side-channel attacks. Compared to standard constructions for identification protocols based...

2023/135 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-05
Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Smartphone Cryptography: A Timing Analysis of the Bouncy Castle RSA Implementation
Sarani Bhattacharya, Dilip Kumar Shanmugasundaram Veeraraghavan, Shivam Bhasin, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Modern day smart phones are used for performing several sensitive operations, including online payments. Hence, the underlying cryptographic libraries are expected to adhere to proper security measures to ensure that there are no exploitable leakages. In particular, the implementations should be constant time to prevent subsequent timing based side channel analysis which can leak secret keys. Unfortunately, we unearth in this paper a glaring timing variation present in the Bouncy-Castle...

2023/092 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-25
Estimation of Shor's Circuit for 2048-bit Integers based on Quantum Simulator
Junpei Yamaguchi, Masafumi Yamazaki, Akihiro Tabuchi, Takumi Honda, Tetsuya Izu, Noboru Kunihiro

Evaluating exact computational resources necessary for factoring large integers by Shor algorithm using an ideal quantum computer is difficult because simplified circuits were used in past experiments, in which qubits and gates were reduced as much as possible by using the features of the integers, though 15 and 21 were factored on quantum computers. In this paper, we implement Shor algorithm for general composite numbers, and factored 96 RSA-type composite numbers up to 9-bit using a...

2023/078 Last updated: 2023-06-23
An Efficient Multi-Signature Scheme for Blockchain
Mostefa Kara, Abdelkader Laouid, Mohammad Hammoudeh
Cryptographic protocols

Blockchain is a newly emerging technology, however, it has proven effective in many applications because it provides multiple advantages, mainly as it represents a trust system in which data is encrypted in a way that cannot be tampered with or forged. Because it contains many details such as smart contracts, consensus, authentication, etc. the blockchain is a fertile ground for researchers where they can continually improve previous versions of these concepts. This paper introduces a new...

2023/070 Last updated: 2023-03-21
A new side-channel attack on RSA prime numbers generation
Isac Iulian-George, Emil Simion
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The purpose of this article is to present,illustrate and to put in evidence a new side- channel attack on RSA cryptosystem based on the generation of prime numbers. The vulnerability of the cryptosystem is spotted during the execution of the key generation step.The probability of success of the attack is around 10-15% in the case of realistic parameters

2023/052 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-16
Putting the Online Phase on a Diet: Covert Security from Short MACs
Sebastian Faust, Carmit Hazay, David Kretzler, Benjamin Schlosser
Cryptographic protocols

An important research direction in secure multi-party computation (MPC) is to improve the efficiency of the protocol. One idea that has recently received attention is to consider a slightly weaker security model than full malicious security -- the so-called setting of $\textit{covert security}$. In covert security, the adversary may cheat but only is detected with certain probability. Several works in covert security consider the offline/online approach, where during a costly offline phase...

2023/041 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-13
Quantum-Safe Protocols and Application in Data Security of Medical Records
Adrian-Daniel Stefan, Ionut-Petrisor Anghel, Emil Simion
Cryptographic protocols

The use of traditional cryptography based on symmetric keys has been replaced with the revolutionary idea discovered by Diffie and Hellman in 1976 that fundamentally changed communication systems by ensuring a secure transmission of information over an insecure channel. Nowadays public key cryptography is frequently used for authentication in e-commerce, digital signatures and encrypted communication. Most of the public key cryptosystems used in practice are based on integer factorization...

2023/026 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-08
Fermat Factorization in the Wild
Hanno Böck
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We are applying Fermat’s factorization algorithm to sets of public RSA keys. Fermat’s factorization allows efficiently calculating the prime factors of a composite number if the difference between the two primes is small. Knowledge of the prime factors of an RSA public key allows efficiently calculating the private key. A flawed RSA key generation function that produces close primes can therefore be attacked with Fermat’s factorization. We discovered a small number of vulnerable devices...

2023/011 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-14
Using the RSA or RSA-B accumulator in anonymous credential schemes
Sietse Ringers
Cryptographic protocols

We review the two RSA-based accumulators introduced by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya in 2002 in the setting of revocation for anonymous credential schemes, such as Idemix or BBS+. We show that in such a setting, the lower and upper bounds placed on the accumulated values in the paper are unnecessarily strict; they can be removed almost entirely (up to the group order of the credential scheme). This allows the accumulators to be used on elliptic curves of ordinary sizes, such as the ones on which...

2022/1779 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-31
Batching, Aggregation, and Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Bilinear Accumulators
Shravan Srinivasan, Ioanna Karantaidou, Foteini Baldimtsi, Charalampos Papamanthou
Cryptographic protocols

An accumulator is a cryptographic primitive that allows a prover to succinctly commit to a set of values while being able to provide proofs of (non-)membership. A batch proof is an accumulator proof that can be used to prove (non-)membership of multiple values simultaneously. In this work, we present a zero-knowledge batch proof with constant proof size and constant verification in the Bilinear Pairings (BP) setting. Our scheme is 16x to 42x faster than state-of-the-art SNARK-based...

2022/1768 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-06
Continuous Group Key Agreement with Flexible Authorization and Its Applications
Kaisei Kajita, Keita Emura, Kazuto Ogawa, Ryo Nojima, Go Ohtake
Cryptographic protocols

Secure messaging (SM) protocols allow users to communicate securely over an untrusted infrastructure. The IETF currently works on the standardization of secure group messaging (SGM), which is SM done by a group of two or more people. Alwen et al. formally defined the key agreement protocol used in SGM as continuous group key agreement (CGKA) at CRYPTO 2020. In their CGKA protocol, all of the group members have the same rights and a trusted third party is needed. On the contrary, some SGM...

2022/1730 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-02
Merkle Tree Ladder Mode: Reducing the Size Impact of NIST PQC Signature Algorithms in Practice
Andrew Fregly, Joseph Harvey, Burton S. Kaliski Jr., Swapneel Sheth
Public-key cryptography

We introduce the Merkle Tree Ladder (MTL) mode of operation for signature schemes. MTL mode signs messages using an underlying signature scheme in such a way that the resulting signatures are condensable: a set of MTL mode signatures can be conveyed from a signer to a verifier in fewer bits than if the MTL mode signatures were sent individually. In MTL mode, the signer sends a shorter condensed signature for each message of interest and occasionally provides a longer reference value that...

2022/1687 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-04
Stronger Security and Generic Constructions for Adaptor Signatures
Wei Dai, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Go Yamamoto

Adaptor signatures have seen wide applications in layer-2 and peer-to-peer blockchain ap- plications such as atomic swaps and payment channels. We first identify two shortcomings of previous literature on adaptor signatures. (1) Current aim of “script-less” adaptor signatures restricts instantiability, limiting designs based on BLS or current NIST PQC candidates. (2) We identify gaps in current formulations of security. In particular, we show that current notions do not rule out a class of...

2022/1669 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-13
Jolt: Recovering TLS Signing Keys via Rowhammer Faults
Koksal Mus, Yarkın Doröz, M. Caner Tol, Kristi Rahman, Berk Sunar
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Digital Signature Schemes such as DSA, ECDSA, and RSA are widely deployed to protect the integrity of security protocols such as TLS, SSH, and IPSec. In TLS, for instance, RSA and (EC)DSA are used to sign the state of the agreed upon protocol parameters during the handshake phase. Naturally, RSA and (EC)DSA implementations have become the target of numerous attacks, including powerful side-channel attacks. Hence, cryptographic libraries were patched repeatedly over the years. Here we...

2022/1584 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-15
Instantiability of Classical Random-Oracle-Model Encryption Transforms
Alice Murphy, Adam O'Neill, Mohammad Zaheri
Public-key cryptography

Extending work leveraging program obfuscation to instantiate random-oracle-based transforms (e.g., Hohenberger et al., EUROCRYPT 2014, Kalai et al., CRYPTO 2017), we show that, using obfuscation and other assumptions, there exist standard-model hash functions that suffice to instantiate the classical RO-model encryption transforms OAEP (Bellare and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 1994) and Fujisaki-Okamoto (CRYPTO 1999, J. Cryptology 2013) for specific public-key encryption (PKE) schemes to achieve...

2022/1573 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-15
Solving Small Exponential ECDLP in EC-based Additively Homomorphic Encryption and Applications
Fei Tang, Guowei Ling, Chaochao Cai, Jinyong Shan, Xuanqi Liu, Peng Tang, Weidong Qiu

Additively Homomorphic Encryption (AHE) has been widely used in various applications, such as federated learning, blockchain, and online auctions. Elliptic Curve (EC) based AHE has the advantages of efficient encryption, homomorphic addition, scalar multiplication algorithms, and short ciphertext length. However, EC-based AHE schemes require solving a small exponential Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) when running the decryption algorithm, i.e., recovering the plaintext...

2022/1519 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-03
Collusion-resistant broadcast encryption based on hidden RSA subgroups
Sigurd Eskeland

Public key broadcast encryption enables computations of ciphertexts, in which a single ciphertext is encrypted with regard to a set of recipients, and only the intended recipients can decrypt that ciphertext independently of each other and without interactions. A significant shortcoming of existing broadcast encryption schemes are long decryption keys comprising the public keys of pertaining recipients. Decryption therefore necessitates access to public keys, which requires key management...

2022/1422 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-13
Unlinkable Policy-based Sanitizable Signatures
Ismail Afia, Riham AlTawy
Public-key cryptography

In CT-RSA 2020, P3S was proposed as the first policy-based sanitizable signature scheme which allows the signer to designate future message sanitizers by defining an access policy relative to their attributes rather than their keys. However, since P3S utilizes a policy-based chameleon hash (PCH), it does not achieve unlinkability which is a required notion in privacy-preserving applications. Moreover, P3S requires running a procedure to share the secret trapdoor information for PCH with each...

2022/1414 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-18
INT-RUP Security of SAEB and TinyJAMBU
Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Shibam Ghosh
Secret-key cryptography

The INT-RUP security of an authenticated encryption (AE) scheme is a well studied problem which deals with the integrity security of an AE scheme in the setting of releasing unverified plaintext model. Popular INT-RUP secure constructions either require a large state (e.g. GCM-RUP, LOCUS, Oribatida) or employ a two-pass mode (e.g. MON- DAE) that does not allow on-the-fly data processing. This motivates us to turn our attention to feedback type AE constructions that allow small state...

2022/1297 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-07
Toward a Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge Verifiable Credential System for Self-Sovereign Identity
Simone Dutto, Davide Margaria, Carlo Sanna, Andrea Vesco

The advent of quantum computers brought a large interest in post-quantum cryptography and in the migration to quantum-resistant systems. Protocols for Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) are among the fundamental scenarios touched by this need. The core concept of SSI is to move the control of digital identity from third-party identity providers directly to individuals. This is achieved through Verificable Credentials (VCs) supporting anonymity and selective disclosure. In turn, the implementation...

2022/1296 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-07
Efficient Asymmetric Threshold ECDSA for MPC-based Cold Storage
Constantin Blokh, Nikolaos Makriyannis, Udi Peled
Cryptographic protocols

Motivated by applications to cold-storage solutions for ECDSA-based cryptocurrencies, we present a new threshold ECDSA protocol between $n$ ``online'' parties and a single ``offline'' (aka.~cold) party. The primary objective of this protocol is to minimize the exposure of the offline party in terms of connected time and bandwidth. This is achieved through a unique asymmetric signing phase, in which the majority of computation, communication, and interaction is handled by the online...

2022/1261 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-05
Breaking RSA Generically is Equivalent to Factoring, with Preprocessing
Dana Dachman-Soled, Julian Loss, Adam O'Neill

We investigate the relationship between the classical RSA and factoring problems when preprocessing is considered. In such a model, adversaries can use an unbounded amount of precomputation to produce an “advice” string to then use during the online phase, when a problem instance becomes known. Previous work (e.g., [Bernstein, Lange ASI- ACRYPT ’13]) has shown that preprocessing attacks significantly im- prove the runtime of the best-known factoring algorithms. Due to these improvements, we...

2022/1258 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-22
Tightly Secure Chameleon Hash Functions in the Multi-User Setting and Their Applications
Xiangyu Liu, Shengli Liu, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography

We define the security notion of (strong) collision resistance for chameleon hash functions in the multi-user setting ((S-)MU-CR security). We also present three constructions, CHF_dl, CHF_rsa and CHF_fac, and prove their tight S-MU-CR security based on the discrete logarithm, RSA and factoring assumptions, respectively. In applications, our tightly S-MU-CR secure chameleon hash functions help us to lift a signature scheme from (weak) unforgeability to strong unforgeability in the multi-user...

2022/1241 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-03
Continued Fractions Applied to a Family of RSA-like Cryptosystems
George Teseleanu, Paul Cotan
Public-key cryptography

Let $N=pq$ be the product of two balanced prime numbers $p$ and $q$. Murru and Saettone presented in 2017 an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that uses the key equation $ed - k (p^2+p+1)(q^2+q+1) = 1$, instead of the classical RSA key equation $ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1$. The authors claimed that their scheme is immune to Wiener's continued fraction attack. Unfortunately, Nitaj \emph{et. al.} developed exactly such an attack. In this paper, we introduce a family of RSA-like encryption schemes...

2022/1236 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-07
Rate-1 Non-Interactive Arguments for Batch-NP and Applications
Lalita Devadas, Rishab Goyal, Yael Kalai, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Cryptographic protocols

We present a rate-$1$ construction of a publicly verifiable non-interactive argument system for batch-$\mathsf{NP}$ (also called a BARG), under the LWE assumption. Namely, a proof corresponding to a batch of $k$ NP statements each with an $m$-bit witness, has size $m + \mathsf{poly}(\lambda,\log k)$. In contrast, prior work either relied on non-standard knowledge assumptions, or produced proofs of size $m \cdot \mathsf{poly}(\lambda,\log k)$ (Choudhuri, Jain, and Jin, STOC 2021,...

2022/1225 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-22
Hybrid Post-Quantum Signatures in Hardware Security Keys
Diana Ghinea, Fabian Kaczmarczyck, Jennifer Pullman, Julien Cretin, Stefan Kölbl, Rafael Misoczki, Jean-Michel Picod, Luca Invernizzi, Elie Bursztein

Recent advances in quantum computing are increasingly jeopardizing the security of cryptosystems currently in widespread use, such as RSA or elliptic-curve signatures. To address this threat, researchers and standardization institutes have accelerated the transition to quantum-resistant cryptosystems, collectively known as Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). These PQC schemes present new challenges due to their larger memory and computational footprints and their higher chance of latent...

2022/1163 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-06
A Third is All You Need: Extended Partial Key Exposure Attack on CRT-RSA with Additive Exponent Blinding
Yuanyuan Zhou, Joop van de Pol, Yu Yu, François-Xavier Standaert
Attacks and cryptanalysis

At Eurocrypt 2022, May et al. proposed a partial key exposure (PKE) attack on CRT-RSA that efficiently factors $N$ knowing only a $\frac{1}{3}$-fraction of either most significant bits (MSBs) or least significant bits (LSBs) of private exponents $d_p$ and $d_q$ for public exponent $e \approx N^{\frac{1}{12}}$. In practice, PKE attacks typically rely on the side-channel leakage of these exponents, while a side-channel resistant implementation of CRT-RSA often uses additively blinded exponents...

2022/1153 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-06
Sharp: Short Relaxed Range Proofs
Geoffroy Couteau, Dahmun Goudarzi, Michael Klooß, Michael Reichle
Cryptographic protocols

We provide optimized range proofs, called $\mathsf{Sharp}$, in discrete logarithm and hidden order groups, based on square decomposition. In the former setting, we build on the paradigm of Couteau et al. (Eurocrypt '21) and optimize their range proof (from now on, CKLR) in several ways: (1) We introduce batching via vector commitments and an adapted $\Sigma$-protocol. (2) We introduce a new group switching strategy to reduce communication. (3) As repetitions are necessary to...

2022/1143 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-02
Threshold Linearly Homomorphic Encryption on $\mathbf{Z}/2^k\mathbf{Z}$
Guilhem Castagnos, Fabien Laguillaumie, Ida Tucker
Public-key cryptography

A threshold public key encryption protocol is a public key system where the private key is distributed among $n$ different servers. It offers high security since no single server is entrusted to perform the decryption in its entirety. It is the core component of many multiparty computation protocols which involves mutually distrusting parties with common goals. It is even more useful when it is homomorphic, which means that public operations on ciphertexts translate to operations on the...

2022/959 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-25
MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry
Matilda Backendal, Miro Haller, Kenneth G. Paterson
Attacks and cryptanalysis

MEGA is a leading cloud storage platform with more than 250 million users and 1000 Petabytes of stored data. MEGA claims to offer user-controlled, end-to-end security. This is achieved by having all data encryption and decryption operations done on MEGA clients, under the control of keys that are only available to those clients. This is intended to protect MEGA users from attacks by MEGA itself, or by adversaries who have taken control of MEGA’s infrastructure. We provide a detailed...

2022/914 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-03
The Hidden Number Problem with Small Unknown Multipliers: Cryptanalyzing MEGA in Six Queries and Other Applications
Keegan Ryan, Nadia Heninger
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In recent work, Backendal, Haller, and Paterson identified several exploitable vulnerabilities in the cloud storage provider MEGA. They demonstrated an RSA key recovery attack in which a malicious server could recover a client's private RSA key after 512 client login attempts. We show how to exploit additional information revealed by MEGA's protocol vulnerabilities to give an attack that requires only six client logins to recover the secret key. Our optimized attack combines several...

2022/895 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-10
Security Analysis of RSA-BSSA
Anna Lysyanskaya
Cryptographic protocols

In a blind signature scheme, a user can obtain a digital signature on a message of her choice without revealing anything about the message or the resulting signature to the signer. Blind signature schemes have recently found applications for privacy-preserving web browsing and ad ecosystems, and as such, are ripe for standardization. In this paper, we show that the recent proposed standard of Denis, Jacobs and Wood [18, 17] constitutes a strongly one-more-unforgeable blind signature scheme...

2022/879 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-05
Modular Polynomial Multiplication Using RSA/ECC coprocessor
Aurélien Greuet, Simon Montoya, Clémence Vermeersch

Modular polynomial multiplication is a core and costly operation of ideal lattice-based schemes. In the context of embedded devices, previous works transform the polynomial multiplication to an integer one using Kronecker substitution. Then thanks to this transformation, existing coprocessors which handle large-integer operations can be re-purposed to speed-up lattice-based cryptography. In a nutshell, the Kronecker substitution transforms by evaluation the polynomials to integers,...

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