Scaling Up Investment in Climate Change Mitigation Activities: Interface with the World Bank's Carbon Partnership Facility

The case for scaling up mitigation efforts is urgent and has been made repeatedly in the last few years whether denominated in gigatonnes of needed reductions in greenhouse gas emissions per year or tens of 'gigadollars' of needed annual investments in zero and low carbon technologies and systems. The World Bank is now beginning to actively engage partners it contemplates in its new carbon partnership facility. As these discussions 'get down to business', it will be helpful to have a better understanding of the types of scaling up opportunities and the steps that need to be taken to get proper policy frameworks in place (internationally and domestically) to ensure carbon finance plays an effective role. This paper is organised as follows : Section 2 provides detail on what 'scaling up' means in practice. It draws from literature looking at this question from a range of perspectives; and Section 3 looks at the policy and investment situation for scaling up activities that exists today, i.e. in advance of any new policy instruments being considered in a post-2012 context.
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Ward, Murray; Garibaldi, Jose Alberto; Hampton, Kate; Höhne, Niklas; Jung, Martina; Bakir, Alex; Gray, Steven. 2009. Scaling Up Investment in Climate Change Mitigation Activities: Interface with the World Bank's Carbon Partnership Facility. © World Bank, Washington, DC. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.
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