Welcome to the Open Knowledge Foundation newsletter
Our 2020 annual report
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2020 was a year of transition for Open Knowledge Foundation after we renewed our mission in 2019, unveiling a new vision of a fair, free and open future.

By developing open data tools through our Frictionless Data or CKAN work, delivering world-class training and services for our partners as well as planning fantastic community events including csv,conf and Open Data Day, we pursued our mission to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognised and rewarded.

Learn more by reading our 2020 annual report at

Join us for the Net Zero Challenge pitch contest
The Net Zero Challenge is a global competition to answer the following question – How can you advance climate action using open data?

Meet the five teams shortlisted to win the challenge prize and join us to watch the pitch contest on Tuesday 13th April to learn more about the projects and see who impresses our panel of experts.
A look back at Open Data Day 2021
Thanks to everyone who took part in Open Data Day 2021 and helped celebrate the event all over the world.

If you want to learn more about what happened or watch sessions back online, visit the new events listing section of the Open Data Day website to find dozens of event videos and reports including a recording of the session organised by our Frictionless Data team.
The Frictionless Fellows hosted an Open Data Day event called Open Research Data 101
Updates on our projects
We are improving the quality and interoperability of Frictionless Data by reviewing our documentation and adding new features. Read our blogpost to learn more about this work

Watch a presentation from tech lead Evgeny Karev to learn more about the new framework for Python.

Learn more about Frictionless Data by joining our monthly virtual hangouts. Watch February's community on YouTube and RSVP now for our next hangout on 25th March at 2pm GMT.
Register now for csv,conf,v6, an online community conference for data makers everywhere, taking place on 4/5 May 2021.
After announcing its new strategic litigation project last month, the Open Knowledge Justice Programme has now set out details of work to challenge the (mis)use of remote proctoring software.

Sign up to the mailing list or follow us on Twitter to receive regular updates.
Read about one of the most important milestones in CKAN’s history - its migration to Flask and support for Python 3 in this blogpost from technical lead Adrià Mercader.
From the Open Knowledge Network



  • Open Knowledge Germany celebrated its 10th anniversary recently. Check out all the amazing work that their team has achieved over the last decade at
  • Ahead of elections later this year, the Open Knowledge Germany team published a series of demands for democratic digital policies that political parties should pursue for the common good.



Our mission: A fair, free and open future
The mission of the Open Knowledge Foundation is to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognised and rewarded.
Donate now to support our work
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