Welcome to the Open Knowledge Foundation Newsletter.
Open Knowledge Foundation logo
The Open Knowledge Foundation is happy to share with you the latest updates on our work to create a fair, free and open future.

Earlier this month, we unveiled our new website at along with our updated blog design and new logo (see above). We also launched a new animated video campaign to explain the importance of open knowledge.

Read the blogpost from our CEO Catherine Stihler to find out more about our new mission and the work we are doing.

With your help, we’ll continue to fight for a fair, free and open future where knowledge is shared by all – freely available to everyone, a world where people are able to fulfil their potential and live happy and healthy lives. Donate now to support our work:

The mission of the Open Knowledge Foundation is to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognised and rewarded.
Highlights from our projects
The tenth Open Data Day will take place on Saturday 7th March 2020 and the Open Knowledge Foundation was pleased to recently announce the organisations from all over the world who will be receiving mini-grants to help them run the Open Data Day events. Follow the  #OpenDataDay and #ODD2020 hashtags or visit the Open Data Day map to discover events near you.
In December, we were pleased to announce joint stewardship of Frictionless Data between the Open Knowledge Foundation and Datopian. In early 2020, our Frictionless Data fellows and tool fund grantees have been busy publishing updates about their work. Check out the Frictionless Data tag on to read them all.
Upcoming events
csv,conf - a community conference for data makers everywhere - will take place on the 13th and 14th May 2020 at the University of California’s Washington Center in Washington DC. Open Knowledge Foundation is happy to again be supporting the organisation of csv,conf,v5 alongside organisations including DataCite, Datopian and The Carpentries.

The Creative Commons Global Summit will again take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 14th to 16th May 2020. Save the date.
Content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.