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Catherine Stihler to leave Open Knowledge Foundation to lead Creative Commons
Our Chief Executive Catherine Stihler OBE has accepted a new opportunity and will soon be leaving the Open Knowledge Foundation.

She goes with our very warmest wishes and we hope to continue a strong relationship with her in her new role as CEO of Creative Commons.

The Open Knowledge Foundation is now seeking a visionary leader to steer the world towards a free, fair and open society. An open future has never been more important – will you join us to create it?
Updates on our projects
Our Frictionless Data project has bid a bittersweet farewell to our first cohort of Frictionless Data Reproducible Research fellows and look forwards to welcoming the second cohort soon.

We will also shortly be announcing the teams receiving support from our tool fund to build open tools for reproducible science or research built using the Frictionless Data specifications and software.

Product manager Lilly Winfree gave a virtual presentation at SciPy2020 on Frictionless Data for Reproducible Biology. Watch it on YouTube or view the slides.

Learn more about Frictionless Data by joining monthly virtual hangouts. Watch June's hangout on YouTube or visit to discover future events.

The Open Knowledge Foundation is happy to be a partner on the CoAct project. We will be leading the endeavouring of new citizen social science spaces, with a focus on gender equality.

Learn more via
csv,conf,v5 took place online over 13th/14th May and all talks are now available free via the conference YouTube channel.

You can also read a blogpost from the organisers about the lessons they learned organising the first ever virtual csv,conf.
The Open Knowledge Justice Programme is developing learning resources, training programmes and legal strategies to support legal professionals in the fight for algorithmic accountability.

Listen to Meg Foulkes, lead on our Open Knowledge Justice Programme, talking to The Economist's Babbage podcast about the need for greater legal protections to cover data collected during COVID-19 contact-tracing processes.

Learn more about the programme at and subscribe now to be alerted about future webinars and events.
OpenSpending is one of the longest running projects both at Open Knowledge Foundation and within the open data ecosystem in its entirety. Stewardship of OpenSpending will now be taken on by our sister company Datopian.

Read our blogpost for more details
In 2008, the Open Data Commons project launched the first ever open data license: the Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL).

Visit the new-look Open Data Commons website to discover legal tools/licenses to help you publish open data.
Our mission: A fair, free and open future
The mission of the Open Knowledge Foundation is to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognised and rewarded.
Donate now to support our work
Content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.