Welcome to the Open Knowledge Foundation newsletter
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Survey: help us shape our open future

An open future has never been more important. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down, the Open Knowledge Foundation believes that openness will help us get through this global crisis.

To help us better understand how to respond, we recently commissioned an opinion poll in the UK (read our blogpost or download the full report) to gauge the public’s feelings about COVID-19, data sharing, openness and government transparency.

The poll revealed that people across the UK want openness from the government, they are now more likely to listen to expert advice from scientists and researchers, and they oppose restricting the public’s right to information.

Now we are asking you as a key stakeholder of the Open Knowledge Foundation to fill out a short survey to help us understand more about global opinions on these issues and to help guide our campaign for a fair, free and open future in a post COVID-19 world.
Share your views now as part of our global survey
Highlights from our projects
The Open Knowledge Justice Programme is developing learning resources, training programmes and legal strategies to support legal professionals in the fight for algorithmic accountability.

This month, our team delivered a free webinar on AI and algorithms for lawyers in the Covid-19 context and beyond. Watch it now via YouTube and learn more at

The Open Knowledge Foundation is happy to be a partner on the @CoActEU project. We will be leading the endeavouring of new citizen social science spaces, with a focus on gender equality. Learn more via

We are calling on graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and early career researchers to apply now to become a Frictionless Data Reproducible Research Fellow.

Fellows will lead training workshops at conferences, host events and receive stipends of $5,000 to support their work during the nine-month fellowship. The deadline for applications by 1st June.

csv,conf,v5 took place online over 13th/14th May and we were  happy to be part of the organising team again. All talks will be shared soon. Visit or follow the conference team on YouTube or Twitter to receive updates.
The mission of the Open Knowledge Foundation is to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognised and rewarded.
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