Meetings of Secretary-General Ilze Juhansone with organisations and self-employed individuals

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Date Location Entity/ies met Subject(s)
18/03/2024 Brussels, Belgium American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU)
The role of the Commission at a time of transformation
20/06/2023 Brussels, Belgium American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU)
Keynote speaker at the AmCham EU 2023 AGM - Speech on EU priorities and emerging issues.
08/06/2023 Brussels, Belgium Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP)
The Good Lobby (TGL)
European Public Affairs Consultancies Association (EPACA)
Impact of the measure of removing details of desk officers, policy assistants and other individuals working at the institution from the online database ‘EU Whoiswho’
08/06/2023 Brussels, Belgium International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV)
The confiscation of RU assets, uniting efforts on asset tracing, and further extension of sanctions.
29/03/2023 Brussels, Belgium Bruegel
Introductory meeting between Ms I. Juhansone and Mr J. Zettelmeyer
26/04/2022 Brussels, Belgium Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto (Sitra)
EU’s political situation and priorities of the Commission
15/11/2021 on-line The Ad Hoc Partnership Limited (The Ad Hoc Council)
Delivering on a transformative agenda to rebuild a post COVID-19 Europe
07/07/2021 Telephone call The European Steel Association (EUROFER)
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism0
11/02/2021 On-line EuroComment srl
Commission Priorities for 2021
05/03/2020 Brussels, Belgium Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Participation in CEPS Ideas Lab 2020 - Europe's next stage
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