
Several, apparently distinct, formalisms exist in the literature for predicting the clustering of dark matter haloes. It has been noticed on a case-by-case basis that the predictions of these different methods agree in specific examples, but the precise correspondence remains unclear. In this paper, we provide a simple mathematical relationship between barrier crossing, peak-background split and local biasing.


The large-scale clustering of dark matter haloes has become an important probe of primordial cosmology. In particular, non-Gaussianity in the initial conditions would leave an imprint in the scale dependence of the halo bias (Dalal et al. 2008; Matarrese & Verde 2008), sometimes of stochastic type (Tseliakhovich, Hirata & Slosar 2010; Baumann et al. 2013). Several, apparently distinct, methods are commonly used to compute these effects. So far, these methods have been considered to be independent, even though they give the same results when applied to specific examples (Desjacques, Jeong & Schmidt 2011; Baumann et al. 2013). In this paper, we will show that the barrier crossing (BC) model, the peak-background split (PBS) method and the local biasing (LB) approach are, in fact, mathematically closely related.

Barrier crossing is the classic model of structure formation dating back to the pioneering work of Press & Schechter (1974). In its simplest formulation, it identifies haloes as regions of the linearly evolved density field above some critical density δc. The clustering properties of haloes can then be calculated as an Edgeworth expansion in the cumulants of the probability density of the primordial density fluctuations, which in turn can be expressed in terms of N-point functions of the potential (LoVerde et al. 2008; Desjacques et al. 2011; Smith, Ferraro & LoVerde 2012; Baumann et al. 2013).

Peak-background split is a method for calculating the influence of long-wavelength fluctuations (larger than the halo size) on the locally measured statistical properties. It has been widely used in cosmology (Bardeen et al. 1986; Cole & Kaiser 1989), and its usefulness in dealing with non-Gaussian initial conditions has been first pointed out in Dalal et al. (2008). In the most common implementation, the non-Gaussian field is defined as a non-linear function of auxiliary Gaussian fields, which are split into short-wavelength and long-wavelength components. By modulating the statistics of the short modes, the long modes affect the clustering statistics. In this paper, we will generalize the PBS approach so that it can be applied to arbitrary non-Gaussian initial conditions, parametrized by arbitrary N-point functions of the primordial potential. This will require introducing additional fields ρ2, ρ3, …, which measure the local power-spectrum amplitude, skewness, etc.

Local biasing (Fry & Gaztanaga 1993; Sefusatti 2009; Giannantonio & Porciani 2010; Baldauf, Seljak & Senatore 2011; Scoccimarro et al. 2012) refers to the idea of expressing the halo density field δh as a function the local dark matter density (smoothed on some scale) and expanding in powers of the density contrast δ,
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) = b_1 \delta ({\boldsymbol {x}}) + b_2 \delta ^2({\boldsymbol {x}}) + b_3 \delta ^3({\boldsymbol {x}}) + \cdots \,. \end{eqnarray}
Correlation functions can then be computed straightforwardly in terms of the coefficients in the expansion. Several variations of this formalism exist in literature (for example, some use an expansion in the non-linear dark matter density, while others use the linearly evolved density). In this work, we will demonstrate the equivalence between BC and a particular variant of LB, in which the expansion is in the linearly evolved and non-Gaussian dark matter density contrast.

In a companion paper (Baumann et al. 2013), we derived the clustering statistics for specific non-Gaussian models, both in the PBS formalism and in the BC model. We showed for each example that both approaches give consistent results. The goal of this paper is to prove that this agreement is not accidental, but follows from a mathematical relationship between both methods.

The outline of this paper is as follows. After defining our notation in Section 2, we introduce our main technical tool in Section 3: a series expansion for the halo field δh in the BC model. We review some examples of non-Gaussian models and show how the series expansion is used for efficiently calculating halo power spectra. In Section 4, we use the series expansion to provide a mathematical relationship among the BC model, the PBS method and the LB formalism. We conclude with brief comments in Section 5. An appendix collects some elementary properties of Hermite polynomials.


Non-Gaussian initial conditions can be parametrized by the connected N-point functions |$\xi _\Phi ^{(N)}$| of the primordial gravitational potential Φ. In Fourier space, these are defined as
\begin{eqnarray} \langle \Phi _{{{\boldsymbol {k}}}_1} \Phi _{{{\boldsymbol {k}}}_2} \cdots \Phi _{{{\boldsymbol {k}}}_N}\rangle _{\rm c} = (2\pi )^3 \delta _{\rm D}({{\boldsymbol {k}}}_{1, 2,\ldots , N}) \, \xi _\Phi ^{(N)}({{\boldsymbol {k}}}_1, {{\boldsymbol {k}}}_2, \ldots , {{\boldsymbol {k}}}_N)\,, \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
where |${{\boldsymbol {k}}}_{1, 2,\ldots , N} \equiv {{\boldsymbol {k}}}_{1} + {{\boldsymbol {k}}}_{2} + \cdots + {{\boldsymbol {k}}}_{N}$|⁠. The primordial potential is related to the linearly evolved matter density contrast via Poisson's equation
\begin{equation} \delta _{\boldsymbol {k}}(z) = \alpha (k,z) \Phi _{\boldsymbol {k}}\,, \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \alpha (k,z) \equiv \frac{2 \ k^2 T(k) D(z)}{3\ \Omega _{\rm m} H_0^2} \,. \end{equation}
Here, T(k) is the matter transfer function normalized such that T(k) → 1 as k → 0 and D(z) is the linear growth factor (as a function of redshift z), normalized so that D(z) = (1 + z)−1 in matter domination. For notational simplicity, we will from now on suppress the redshift argument from all quantities. The field |$\delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}})$| denotes the linear density contrast smoothed with a top-hat filter of radius |$R_{M}= (3\,M/ 4 \pi \skew3\bar{\rho }_{\rm {m}})^{1/3}$|⁠. In Fourier space,
\begin{equation} \delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {k}}) = W_{M}(k) \delta _{\boldsymbol {k}}\,, \end{equation}
where WM(k) is the Fourier transform of the top-hat filter,
\begin{equation} W_{M}(k) \equiv 3\, \frac{\sin (kR_{M}) - kR_{M}\cos (kR_{M})}{(kR_{M})^3}\,. \end{equation}
We also define |$\sigma _{M}\equiv \langle \delta _{{M}}^2 \rangle ^{1/2}$| and αM(k) ≡ WM(k)α(k).
The main quantity of interest, in this paper, is the halo density contrast in Lagrangian space
\begin{equation} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) \equiv \frac{n_{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {x}}) - \langle n_{\rm h}\rangle }{\langle n_{\rm h}\rangle }\,, \end{equation}
where |$n_{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {x}})$| is the halo number density. To lowest order, δh is related to the halo overdensity in Eulerian space via |$\delta _{{\rm h}}^{{\rm E}} = \delta _{{\rm h}} + \delta$|⁠. We will determine the large-scale behaviour of the matter–halo and halo–halo power spectra Pmh(k) ≡ 〈δδh〉(k) and Phh(k) ≡ 〈δhδh〉(k). We define Phh(k) to be the halo power spectrum after the shot noise contribution 1/nh has been subtracted, where nh is the halo number density. Analogously, we define Pmh(k) to be the matter–halo power spectrum after subtracting the one-halo term (in practice, this term is usually negligibly small). We define the (Lagrangian) halo bias as
\begin{equation} b(k) \equiv \frac{P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k)}{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)}\,. \end{equation}
This is related to the Eulerian bias via bE = b + 1. A stochastic form of halo bias arises whenever the density of haloes is not 100 per cent correlated with the dark matter density (Baumann et al. 2013). In that case, the bias inferred from Phh will be different from the bias inferred from Pmh, i.e.
\begin{equation} \frac{P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k)}{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)} \ \ne \ \left( \frac{P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k)}{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)} \right)^2\,. \end{equation}


In this section, we introduce the BC formalism and quote results from our companion paper (Baumann et al. 2013). We also introduce a series representation of BC, which will be our main tool to prove the equivalence to LB and PBS in Section 4.

3.1 Review of barrier crossing

In the simplest version of the BC model (Press & Schechter 1974), haloes of mass ≥M are modelled as regions of space in which the smoothed density field δM exceeds the collapse threshold δc, i.e. the halo number density |$n_{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {x}})$| is given by
\begin{equation} n_{\rm h}^{{{\rm MW}}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) \propto \Theta (\delta _{M}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) - \delta _{\rm c})\,, \end{equation}
where Θ is the Heaviside step function. Equation (3.1) models the abundance of a mass-weighted sample of haloes whose mass exceeds some minimum value M.1 We will also consider the case of a halo sample defined by a narrow mass bin, which is obtained from the mass-weighted case by differentiating with respect to M, i.e.
\begin{equation} n_{{\rm h}}^{{\rm N}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) \propto \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} M} \Theta (\delta _{{M}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) - \delta _{\rm c})\,. \end{equation}
Throughout this paper, we will refer to these two types of halo samples as ‘mass-weighted samples’ (MW) and ‘narrow samples’ (N).
The BC model allows us to compute the statistics of halo–halo and halo–matter correlations. To discuss correlations between quantities at two points |${\boldsymbol {x}}$| and |${\boldsymbol {x}}^{\prime }$|⁠, it is useful to define |$\delta _{M}= \delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}}), \delta ^{\prime }_{M}= \delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}}^{\prime })$| and |$r = | {\boldsymbol {x}}- {\boldsymbol {x}}^{\prime }|$|⁠. The joint cumulants of the density fields are then2
\begin{eqnarray} \kappa _{\hat{m},n}(r,M) & \ \equiv \displaystyle\frac{\langle \delta ^m \left(\delta _{{M}}^{\prime }\right)^n\rangle _{\rm c}}{ \sigma ^m\sigma _{{M}}^n}\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} \kappa _{m,n}(r,M,\skew3\bar{M}) & \ \equiv \displaystyle\frac{\langle (\delta _{{M}})^m \left(\delta _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}^{\prime }\right)^n\rangle _{\rm c}}{\sigma _{{M}}^{m} \sigma _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}^n} \,. \end{eqnarray}
The hat on |$\kappa _{\hat{m}, n}$| denotes the use of the unsmoothed density field δ. In the limit k → 0, we find |$\kappa _{\hat{1},1}(k) \rightarrow P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)/(\sigma \sigma _{M})$| and |$\kappa _{1,1}(k) \rightarrow P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)/(\sigma _{M}\sigma _{\skew3\bar{{M}}})$|⁠. This motivates the following definitions
\begin{eqnarray} f_{\hat{1}, n}(k,M) & \equiv & \frac{\kappa _{\hat{1}, n}(k,M)}{\kappa _{\hat{1}, 1}(k,M) \, \sigma _{M}} \ \, \ \qquad \quad \ {\rm for}\ n \ge 1\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} \nonumber\\ f_{1,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) & \equiv & \frac{\kappa _{1,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M})}{\kappa _{1,1}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) \sigma _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}} \ \, \qquad {\rm for}\ n \ge 1\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} f_{m,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) & \equiv & \frac{\kappa _{m,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M})}{\kappa _{1,1}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) \sigma _{{M}} \sigma _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}} \quad \ {\rm for}\ m,n \ge 2\,. \end{eqnarray}
Using the function α(k, z) defined in equation (2.2), it is straightforward to relate the above cumulants to the primordial correlation functions |$\xi _\Phi ^{(N)}$| defined in equation (2.1).
In Baumann et al. (2012), we showed how the matter–halo and halo–halo power spectra are computed in the BC model using the Edgeworth expansion for the joint probability density function |$p(\delta _{{M}}, \delta _{{M}}^{\prime })$|⁠. (We refer the reader to that paper for detailed derivations and further discussion.) The result can be expressed in terms of the cumulants |$f_{\hat{1},n}$| and fm, n. Taking the limit k → 0 for the case of an mass-weighted sample with |$M = \skew3\bar{M}$|⁠, we find
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k,M) &= P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \left( b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M) + \displaystyle\sum _{n\ge 2} \alpha _n(M) f_{\hat{1},n}(k,M) \right )\!\!,\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} && \!\!\!\! P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k,M) = P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \left ( b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M)^2 +\, 2\ b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M) \sum _{n \ge 2} \alpha _n(M) f_{1,n}\right. \nonumber \\ && \quad\left.\times\, (k,M,M)+ \,\sum _{m,n\ge 2} \alpha _m(M) \alpha _n(M) f_{m,n}(k,M,M) \right)\!\!, \end{eqnarray}
where the coefficients αn (not to be confused with the α of equation 2.2) are defined in terms of Hermite polynomials (see Appendix A),
\begin{eqnarray} \alpha _n(M) \equiv \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi }} \, \frac{{\rm e}^{-\nu _{\rm c}^2/2}}{{\rm erfc}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\nu _{\rm c}\right)} \frac{H_{n-1}(\nu _{\rm c})}{n!}\,, \quad {\rm with} \quad \nu _{\rm c}(M) \equiv \frac{\delta _{\rm c}}{\sigma _{{M}}}\,. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
We also defined the Gaussian bias as
\begin{equation} b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M) \equiv \frac{\alpha _1(M)}{\sigma _{{M}}} \,. \end{equation}
Note that |$b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M)$| is the Press–Schechter bias for the mass-weighted halo sample. In writing equation (3.8), we have dropped ‘non-linear’ terms in the Edgeworth expansion, i.e. terms involving products |$(\kappa _{m_1n_1}, \kappa _{m_2n_2} \ldots \kappa _{m_pn_p})$| with p > 1.
Similarly, for the case of a halo sample defined by a narrow mass bin, we have
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k,M) &= P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \left( b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}}(M) + \displaystyle\sum _{n \ge 2} {\cal D}_n(M) f_{\hat{1},n}(k,M) \right)\!\!, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} && \!\!\!\! P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k,M) = P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \left ( b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}}(M)^2 +\, 2\ b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}}(M) \sum _{n \ge 2} {\cal D}_n(M) f_{1,n} \right. \nonumber \\ && \!\left.\times\,(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) \left |_{M=\skew3\bar{M}} + \sum _{m,n\ge 2} {\cal D}_m(M) {\cal D}_n(\skew3\bar{M}) f_{m,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) \right |_{M=\skew3\bar{M}} \right)\!\!,\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
where we have defined the differential operator
\begin{equation} {\cal D}_n(M) \equiv \beta _n(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_n(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}}\,, \end{equation}
as well as the functions
\begin{eqnarray} && \!\!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}}(M) \equiv \frac{1}{\sigma _{M}}\frac{\nu _{\rm c}^2 -1}{\nu _{\rm c}}\, , \quad \beta _{n}(M) \equiv \frac{H_n(\nu _{\rm c})}{n!} \nonumber\\ && \!\!\!\! {\rm and} \quad \skew3\tilde{\beta }_{n}(M) \equiv \frac{H_{n-1}(\nu _{\rm c})}{n!\,\nu _{\rm c}}\,. \end{eqnarray}
Note that |$b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}}(M)$| is the Press–Schechter bias of a halo sample defined by a narrow mass bin. In equation (3.11b) for Phh, we have assumed |$M=\skew3\bar{M}$| for simplicity, but the variables M and |$\skew3\bar{M}$| should be treated as independent for the purpose of taking derivatives.

3.2 Hermite polynomial expansion

In this section, we will develop an alternative (to the Edgeworth expansion) algebraic framework for analysing clustering in the BC model. First, consider the case of a mass-weighted halo sample, where the halo field is modelled as a step function
\begin{equation} n_{\rm h}^{{\rm MW}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) \propto \Theta \left( \nu ({\boldsymbol {x}}) - \nu _{\rm c} \right)\,, \quad {\rm where} \quad \nu ({\boldsymbol {x}}) \equiv \frac{\delta _{{M}}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{{M}}}\,. \end{equation}
Since the Hermite polynomials Hn(ν) are a complete basis, any function of ν can be written as a linear combination of Hermite polynomials. In particular, we can write the Heaviside step function Θ(ν − νc) as
\begin{equation} \Theta (\nu -\nu _{\rm c}) = \sum _{n=0}^\infty a_n(\nu _{\rm c}) \, H_n(\nu ) \,, \end{equation}
\begin{eqnarray} a_n(\nu _{\rm c})& =& \frac{1}{n!} \int _{-\infty }^\infty {\rm d}\nu \ \Theta (\nu -\nu _{\rm c})\, \frac{{\rm e}^{-\nu ^2/2}}{\sqrt{2\pi }} \nonumber\\ && \times\, H_n(\nu ) = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll}\frac{1}{2}{\rm erfc}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \nu _{\rm c}\right) & \quad n=0 \\ \frac{1}{n!} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }} {\rm e}^{-\nu _{\rm c}^2/2}\, H_{n-1}(\nu _{\rm c})& \quad n\ge 1 \end{array} \right. \,. \end{eqnarray}
Plugging this series expansion into equation (3.14), and normalizing the halo field to the fractional overdensity δh, we get
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) &=& \sum _{n \ge 1} \frac{a_n(\nu _{\rm c})}{a_0(\nu _{\rm c})} H_n\left( \frac{\delta _{{M}}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{{M}}} \right) \nonumber \\ &=& b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M) \delta _{{M}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) + \sum _{n\ge 2} \alpha _n(M) \rho _n({\boldsymbol {x}})\nonumber\\ && {\rm (mass-weighted sample),} \end{eqnarray}
where αn(M) and |$b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}}(M)$| were introduced in equations (3.9) and (3.10), respectively. The fields ρn are defined as
\begin{equation} \rho _n({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) \equiv H_n\!\left(\frac{\delta _{M}({{\boldsymbol {x}}})}{\sigma _{M}}\right)\,. \end{equation}
On large scales, the field |$\rho _2 = \delta _{{M}}^2/\sigma _{{M}}^2 - 1$| tracks long-wavelength variations in the locally measured small-scale power, and for non-Gaussian initial conditions the power spectrum |$P_{\rho _2 \rho _2}(k)$| may acquire extra large-scale contributions. Analogously, the field |$\rho _3 = \delta _{{M}}^3/\sigma _{{M}}^3 - 3 \delta _{M}/\sigma _{{M}}$| tracks long-wavelength variations in the locally measured small-scale skewness, and so on for higher ρn.

We emphasize that the series representation (equation 3.17) is mathematically equivalent to the BC model, since it is obtained by simply substituting the convergent Hermite series (equation 3.15) into the BC expression (3.14) for nh. The series representation converges for all values of |${\boldsymbol {x}}$|⁠, but its usefulness depends on how rapidly it converges, i.e. how many terms we need to get a good approximation. For example, to compute the halo field |$\delta _{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {x}})$| at a single point |${\boldsymbol {x}}$| in real space many terms are needed (of order 100) and the series representation is not useful. On the other hand, the Fourier transformed series representation |$\delta _{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {k}}) = b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} \delta _{M}+\sum _{n=2}^\infty \alpha _n \rho _n({\boldsymbol {k}})$| converges rapidly on large scales (i.e. kknl), as shown in Fig. 1, and the series representation is very convenient. (The series converges for all k, but only converges rapidly for kknl.)

Convergence of the series representation (equation 3.17) at low k, illustrated by comparing terms in the halo–halo power spectrum $P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k) = b_{\rm g}^2(M) P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) + \sum _{n=2}^\infty \alpha _n^2(M) P_{\rho _n\rho _n}(k)$ in a Gaussian cosmology. (Note that for Gaussian initial conditions, cross power spectra $P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k)$ with m ≠ n are zero.) We have taken z = 0 and a mass-weighted sample of haloes with mass M ≥ 2 × 1013 h−1 M⊙.
Figure 1.

Convergence of the series representation (equation 3.17) at low k, illustrated by comparing terms in the halo–halo power spectrum |$P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k) = b_{\rm g}^2(M) P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) + \sum _{n=2}^\infty \alpha _n^2(M) P_{\rho _n\rho _n}(k)$| in a Gaussian cosmology. (Note that for Gaussian initial conditions, cross power spectra |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k)$| with mn are zero.) We have taken z = 0 and a mass-weighted sample of haloes with mass M ≥ 2 × 1013h−1 M.

The preceding expressions have all applied to the case of a mass-weighted halo sample. For the case of a halo sample defined by a narrow mass bin, the halo field is modelled as
\begin{eqnarray} n_{\rm h}^{{\rm N}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) & \propto & \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}} \Theta \left( \frac{\delta _{{M}}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{{M}}} - \nu _{\rm c} \right) \nonumber \\ & = & \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}} \sum _{n\ge 0} a_n(\nu _{\rm c}) H_n\!\left( \frac{\delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{M}} \right) \nonumber \\ & = & \sum _{n\ge 0} \left( (n+1) \nu _{\rm c} \, a_{n+1}(\nu _{\rm c}) + a_n(\nu _{\rm c}) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}} \right)\!\! H_n\left( \frac{\delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{M}} \right) \!. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
Normalizing nh to the fractional halo overdensity δh, we get
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {x}}) \!& = & \!\sum _{n\ge 1} \left( (n+1) \frac{a_{n+1}(\nu _{\rm c})}{a_1(\nu _{\rm c})} + \frac{a_n(\nu _{\rm c})}{\nu _{\rm c} \ a_1(\nu _{\rm c})} \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}} \right) H_n\!\left( \frac{\delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{M}} \right) \nonumber \\ \!&=& \!\left( \frac{\nu _{\rm c}^2 - 1}{\nu _{\rm c}\sigma _{M}} \right) \delta _{M}(x) + \frac{1}{\nu _{\rm c} \ \sigma _{M}} \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}} \nonumber \\ && \! +\, \sum _{n\ge 2} \left( \frac{1}{n!} H_n(\nu _{\rm c}) + \frac{1}{n!} \frac{H_{n-1}(\nu _{\rm c})}{\nu _{\rm c}} \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{M}} \right)\! H_n\!\left( \frac{\delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}})}{\sigma _{M}} \right) \!. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
We drop the term containing ∂δM/∂ln σM, since this term vanishes on large scales, |$k \ll R_{{M}}^{-1}$|⁠, and write the result using the notation |$b_{\rm g}, \beta _n{\rm and } \skew3\tilde{\beta }_n$| defined in equation (3.13):
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) &=& b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}}(M) \delta _{{M}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) + \sum _{n=2}^\infty \left( \beta _n(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_n(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{{M}}} \right) \rho _n({\boldsymbol {x}})\nonumber\\ && {\rm (narrow sample).} \end{eqnarray}
As a check on our formalism, we can verify that the matter–halo and halo–halo power spectra obtained from the series (equation 3.17) agree with the results obtained previously in Baumann et al. (2013) using the Edgeworth expansion. We first write the power spectrum |$P_{\delta \rho _n}(k)$| in terms of the correlation function (2.1),
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\delta \rho _n}(k) &=& \frac{\alpha (k)}{\sigma _{{M}}^n} \left( \prod _{i=1}^{n-1} \int _{{\boldsymbol {q}}_i} \alpha _{{M}}(q_i) \right) \alpha _{M}(-|{\boldsymbol {k}}+{\boldsymbol {q}}|)\nonumber\\ && \times \, \xi ^{(n+1)}_\Phi ({\boldsymbol {k}},{\boldsymbol {q}}_1, \dots ,{\boldsymbol {q}}_{n-1}, - {\boldsymbol {k}}- {\boldsymbol {q}}), \ \ \ \ \end{eqnarray}
where we have defined |$\int _{{\boldsymbol {q}}_i}\, (\cdot ) \equiv \int \frac{{\rm d}^3 {\boldsymbol {q}}_i}{(2\pi )^3}\, (\cdot )$| and |${\boldsymbol {q}}\equiv \sum _{i=1}^{n-1} {\boldsymbol {q}}_{i}$|⁠. Similarly, we can express |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k)$| as 3
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k) &=& \frac{1}{\sigma _{{M}}^m \sigma _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}^n} \left( \prod _{i=1}^{m-1} \int _{{\boldsymbol {q}}_i^{\prime }}\alpha _{M}(q_i^{\prime }) \right) \left( \prod _{j=1}^{n-1} \int _{{\boldsymbol {q}}_j} \alpha _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}(q_j) \right) \alpha _{M}(q^{\prime })\nonumber \\ && \times\,\alpha _{\skew3\bar{{M}}}(q) \times \ \xi _\Phi ^{(m+n)}({\boldsymbol {q}}_1^{\prime },\ldots ,{\boldsymbol {q}}_{m-1}^{\prime },-{\boldsymbol {q}}^{\prime }+{\boldsymbol {k}},{\boldsymbol {q}}_1,\ldots ,\nonumber \\ && \times\,{\boldsymbol {q}}_{n-1},-{\boldsymbol {q}}-{\boldsymbol {k}}) \,, \end{eqnarray}
where |${\boldsymbol {q}}^{\prime } \equiv \sum _{i=1}^{m-1} {\boldsymbol {q}}_{i}^{\prime }$| .
Using the notation |$f_{\hat{1},n}$| and fm, n defined in equations (3.5) and (3.7), and taking the limit k → 0, we find
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\delta \rho _n}(k) &=& f_{\hat{1},n}(k,M) \, P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k) &=& f_{m,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) \, P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)\,. \end{eqnarray}
For the case of the mass-weighted halo sample, the series representation (equation 3.17) therefore gives the following matter–halo and halo–halo power spectra,
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k,M) &=& P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \left( \sum _{n\ge 1} \alpha _n(M) f_{\hat{1},n}(k,M) \right) \!\!, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) &=& P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) \left( \sum _{m,n\ge 1} \alpha _m(M) \alpha _n(\skew3\bar{M}) f_{m,n}(k,M,\skew3\bar{M}) \right)\!\!, \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
in agreement with the Edgeworth calculation (equation 3.8). The case of the narrow mass bin can be verified similarly.

Equations (3.17) and (3.21) are the main results of this section and give a series representation for the halo field in the BC model, for the cases of a mass-weighted halo sample and a narrow mass bin, respectively. Using the series representation, we will give a simple, conceptual proof of the close correspondence of the barrier model, the PBS and LB in Section 4. However, it is useful to first build an intuition by considering a few example non-Gaussian models.

3.3 Examples

For a given non-Gaussian model, one can analyse large-scale clustering by keeping a small set of terms in the series expansion of δh (either equation 3.17 or 3.21 for an MW or narrow mass bin, respectively) and computing the necessary power spectra |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k)$| on large scales. This is a computationally convenient way to compute the non-Gaussian clustering signal and allows the signal to be interpreted physically as arising from large-scale variations in locally measured quantities such as small-scale power and skewness, as we will see in the context of some example models.

3.3.1 τNL cosmology

Consider a non-Gaussian model in which the initial Newtonian potential is given by
\begin{equation} \Phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) = \phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) + f_{{\rm NL}}\left(\phi ^2({\boldsymbol {x}}) - \langle \phi ^2 \rangle \right)\,, \end{equation}
where ϕ is a Gaussian field. We will refer to this as the ‘fNL model’ (or local model). This type of non-Gaussianity arises somewhat generically in multifield models of the early universe, e.g. modulated reheating models (Zaldarriaga 2004), curvaton models (Linde & Mukhanov 1997; Lyth & Wands 2002) or multifield ekpyrotic scenarios (Buchbinder, Khoury & Ovrut 2007; Lehners et al. 2007). In this section, we will study a generalization of the fNL model which we will call the ‘τNL model’. This type of non-Gaussianity arises in ‘multisource’ models, i.e. models in which quantum mechanical perturbations in multiple fields determine the initial adiabatic curvature perturbation (Chen & Wang 2010; Tseliakhovich et al. 2010; Assassi, Baumann & Green 2012; Baumann & Green 2012). The non-Gaussian potential Φ is given in terms of two uncorrelated Gaussian fields ϕ and ψ, with power spectra that are proportional to each other:
\begin{equation} \Phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) = \phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) + \psi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) + f_{{\rm NL}}(1+\Pi )^2 \, \left(\psi ^2({\boldsymbol {x}}) - \langle \psi ^2 \rangle \right)\,, \end{equation}
where fNL and Π = Pϕ(k)/Pψ(k) are free parameters. It is easy to compute the three- and four-point functions,
\begin{eqnarray} \xi ^{(3)}_{\Phi } &=& f_{{\rm NL}}\big [P_1 P_2 + \mathrm{5 \, perms.} \big ] + \mathcal {O}\left(f_{{\rm NL}}^3\right)\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} \xi ^{(4)}_{\Phi } &=& 2\left(\frac{5}{6} \right)^2 \tau _{{ \rm NL}}\big [P_1P_2 P_{13} + \mathrm{23 \, perms.} \big ] + \mathcal {O}\left(\tau _{{ \rm NL}}^2\right) \,, \end{eqnarray}
where we have defined |$\tau _{{ \rm NL}}= (\frac{6}{5} f_{{\rm NL}})^2 (1+\Pi )$|⁠, |$P_i \equiv P_\Phi (k_i)$| and |$P_{ij} \equiv P_\Phi (|{{\boldsymbol {k}}}_i + {{\boldsymbol {k}}}_j|)$|⁠. It is conventional to parametrize this model with variables {fNL, τNL}, which correspond to the amplitudes of the three-point and four-point functions, rather than the variables {fNL, Π}. The fNL model (with Π = 0 so that ψ contributes but not ϕ) corresponds to the special case |$\tau _{{ \rm NL}}=(\frac{6}{5} f_{{\rm NL}})^2$|⁠.
To compute halo clustering in the τNL model, we keep the first two terms in the series expansion for δh (equations 3.17 and 3.21), obtaining
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{{\rm h}} = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{llr}& \!\!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} \delta _{{M}} + \alpha _2 \rho _2 \, & \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! {\rm (mass-weighted sample}), \\ & \!\!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}} \delta _{{M}} + \left( \beta _2(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_2(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{{M}}} \right) \rho _2\, & \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! {\rm (narrow sample).} \end{array} \right. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
Using equations (3.29) and (3.30) in equations (3.22) and (3.23), we obtain the following power spectra in the k → 0 limit:
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\delta \rho _2}(k) &=& 4f_{{\rm NL}}\frac{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)}{\alpha (k)} \,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\rho _2\rho _2}(k) &=& 16 \left( \frac{5}{6} \right)^2 \tau _{{ \rm NL}}\frac{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)}{\alpha ^2(k)} \,. \end{eqnarray}
Putting everything together, we find
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k) &=& \left( b_{\rm g} + f_{{\rm NL}}\frac{\beta _f}{\alpha (k)} \right) P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k) &=& \left( b_{\rm g}^2 + 2 b_{\rm g} f_{{\rm NL}}\frac{\beta _f}{\alpha (k)} + \left( \frac{5}{6} \right)^2 \tau _{{ \rm NL}}\frac{\beta _f^2}{\alpha ^2(k)} \right) P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)\,, \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
where we have defined the non-Gaussian bias parameter
\begin{equation} \beta _f = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{lr}4 \alpha _2(M)\, & {\rm (mass-weighted sample),} \\ 4 \beta _2(M) \, & {\rm (narrow sample).} \\ \end{array} \right. \end{equation}
In both the mass-weighted and narrow mass bin cases, the non-Gaussian and Gaussian parts of the bias are related by βf = 2δcbg. Note that in the narrow mass bin case, there is a derivative term in δh (the term ∂ρ2/∂ln σM in equation 3.31), but this ends up giving zero contribution to the power spectra Pmh and Phh, since the power spectra |$P_{\delta \rho _2}$| and |$P_{\rho _2\rho _2}$| are independent of M in the τNL model.

Our calculation of the clustering power spectra (equation 3.34) agrees with previous calculations in the literature (e.g. Tseliakhovich et al. 2010; Baumann et al. 2013), but the series representation gives some physical intuition: the large-scale non-Gaussian clustering is due to large-scale fluctuations in the field ρ2, which we interpret as long-wavelength variations in the locally measured small-scale power. If |$\tau _{{ \rm NL}}= (\frac{6}{5} f_{{\rm NL}})^2$|⁠, then long-wavelength variations in ρ2 are 100 per cent correlated to the matter density δ on large scales, and the non-Gaussian halo bias is non-stochastic. If |$\tau _{{ \rm NL}}> (\frac{6}{5} f_{{\rm NL}})^2$|⁠, then ρ2 and δ are not 100 per cent correlated, leading to stochastic bias.

3.3.2 gNL cosmology

The gNL model is a non-Gaussian model in which the initial potential Φ is given in terms of a single Gaussian field ϕ by
\begin{equation} \Phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) = \phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) + g_{{\rm NL}}\left(\phi ^3({\boldsymbol {x}}) - 3 \langle \phi ^2 \rangle \phi ({\boldsymbol {x}}) \right)\ . \end{equation}
We keep the first three terms in the series expansion for δh, obtaining
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{{\rm h}} = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{llr} & \!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} \delta _{{M}} + \alpha _2 \rho _2 + \alpha _3 \rho _3 & \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! {\rm (mass-weighted sample),} \\ & \!\!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}} \delta _{{M}} + \left( \beta _2(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_2(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{{M}}} \right) \rho _2 \\ & + \left( \beta _3(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_3(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{{M}}} \right) \rho _3\, & \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!{\rm (narrow sample).} \end{array} \right. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
To compute power spectra we will need the following cumulants in the gNL model:
\begin{eqnarray} \xi ^{(4)[{\rm tree}]}_{\Phi } & = & g_{{\rm NL}}\big [P_1 P_2 P_3 + \mathrm{23 \, perms.} \big ] + \mathcal {O}(g_{{\rm NL}}^2)\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} \xi ^{(4)[{\rm loop}]}_{\Phi } &= & 9 \ g_{{\rm NL}}^2 \big [P_{1} P_2 P_{\phi ^2}({k}_{13}) + 11 \, {\rm perms.} \big ]\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} \xi ^{(6)}_{\Phi } &= & 36\ g_{{\rm NL}}^2 \big [ P_1 P_2 P_3 P_4 P_{125} + 89\, {\rm perms.} \big ]\,. \end{eqnarray}
Here, we have defined |$P_{ijk} = P_\phi (|{\boldsymbol {k}}_i+{\boldsymbol {k}}_j+{\boldsymbol {k}}_k|)$| and
\begin{equation} P_{\phi ^2}(k) \equiv 2 \int _{{{\boldsymbol {q}}}} P_\phi (q) P_\phi (|{{\boldsymbol {k}}}-{{\boldsymbol {q}}}|) \ \sim \ 4 \ \Delta _\phi ^2 \ln (kL) P_\phi (k)\,, \end{equation}
where |$\Delta ^2_{\phi } \equiv (k^3/2\pi ^2) P_{\phi }(k),$| and we have regulated the infrared divergence by putting the field in a finite box of size L. Note that the power spectra |$P_{\delta \rho _2}$| and |$P_{\rho _2\rho _3}$| are zero (since there is a Φ → −Φ symmetry). The remaining power spectra can be calculated by substituting equations (3.38), (3.39) and (3.40) into equations (3.22) and (3.23).
In the limit k → 0, this gives
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\delta \rho _3}(k) &=& 3\ g_{{\rm NL}}\frac{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)}{\alpha (k)} \kappa _3^{(f_{{\rm NL}}=1)} \,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\rho _2\rho _2}(k) &=& \frac{24\ g_{{\rm NL}}}{\sigma _{{M}}^2} \left( \int _q \alpha _{{M}}^2(q) P_\phi ^2(q) \right) + 36\ g_{{\rm NL}}^2 P_{\phi ^2}(k)\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{\rho _3\rho _3}(k) &=& 9\ g_{{\rm NL}}^2 \frac{P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)}{\alpha ^2(k)} \left( \kappa _3^{(f_{{\rm NL}}=1)} \right)^2\,. \end{eqnarray}
Here, |$\kappa _3^{(f_{{\rm NL}}=1)}$| denotes the dimensionless skewness parameter |$\kappa _3 = \langle \delta _{{M}}^3({\boldsymbol {x}}) \rangle _{\rm c} / \sigma _{{M}}^3$| in the local model with fNL = 1. Note that we use the tree-level cumulant |$\xi _\Phi ^{(4)[{\rm tree}]}$| when computing |$P_{\delta \rho _3}$|⁠, but use both the tree-level cumulant and the one-loop cumulant |$\xi _\Phi ^{(4)[{\rm loop}]}$| when computing |$P_{\rho _2\rho _2}$|⁠. Although the |${\mathcal {O}}(g_{{\rm NL}}^2)$| one-loop cumulant is generally smaller than the |${\mathcal {O}}(g_{{\rm NL}})$| tree-level cumulant, the one-loop cumulant dominates in the |$|{\boldsymbol {k}}_1+{\boldsymbol {k}}_2| \rightarrow 0$| limit which is relevant for |$P_{\rho _2\rho _2}$|⁠.
Putting the above calculations together, we find:4
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k) &=& \left( b_{\rm g} + g_{{\rm NL}}\frac{\beta _g}{\alpha (k)} \right) P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} P_{{\rm h}{\rm h}}(k) &=& \left( b_{\rm g} + g_{{\rm NL}}\frac{\beta _g}{\alpha (k)} \right)^2 P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k) + \frac{9}{4} \beta _f^2 g_{{\rm NL}}^2 P_{\phi ^2}(k) \,, \end{eqnarray}
where βf was defined in equation (3.35) and we have defined
\begin{eqnarray} \beta _g = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{llr} & \!\!\! 3 \, \alpha _3(M) \kappa _3^{(f_{{\rm NL}}=1)}\,\ & \!\!\!\!\!\! {\rm (mass-weighted sample),} \\ & \!\!\! 3 \! \left( \beta _2(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_2(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{{M}}} \right) \kappa _3^{(f_{{\rm NL}}=1)}\, & \!\!\!\!\!\! {\rm (narrow sample).} \\ \end{array} \right. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
Note that in the narrow mass bin case, there are derivative terms in δh (equation 3.37), and their contributions to Pmh and Phh are non-zero (unlike the previously considered τNL model), because the power spectra |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}$| in equations (3.42)–(3.44) depend on halo mass via the mass-dependent quantity |$\kappa _3^{(f_{{\rm NL}}=1)}$|⁠.

These expressions for Pmh and Phh agree with previous calculations in the literature based on the Edgeworth expansion (Desjacques et al. 2011; Smith et al. 2012; Baumann et al. 2013). Our series expansion gives some physical intuition as follows. The non-Gaussian contribution to Pmh comes from the power spectrum |$P_{\delta \rho _3}$| and can therefore be interpreted as arising from long-wavelength variations in the locally measured small-scale skewness ρ3. On large scales, the non-Gaussian fluctuations in ρ3 are 100 per cent correlated to the density field, and therefore the associated halo bias is non-stochastic. The leading contribution to stochastic bias comes from the power spectrum |$P_{\rho _2\rho _2}$| and can be interpreted as long-wavelength variations in small-scale power which are uncorrelated to the density field.


In the previous section, we showed that the BC model can be formulated as a series representation:
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{lll} && \!\!\!\!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} \delta _{{M}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) + \sum _{n \ge 2} \alpha _n(M) \rho _n({{\boldsymbol {x}}})\nonumber\\ && \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\,\, {\rm (mass-weighted sample),} \\ && \!\!\!\!\!\! b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm N}}} \delta _{{M}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) + \sum _{n \ge 2} \left( \beta _n(M) + \skew3\tilde{\beta }_n(M) \frac{\mathrm{\partial} }{\mathrm{\partial} \ln \sigma _{{M}}} \right) \rho _n({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) \nonumber\\ && \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\,\,\,\,{\rm (narrow sample).} \end{array} \right.\\ \end{eqnarray}
In this section, we will use this result to prove that BC is mathematically related to LB (Section 4.1) and PBS (Section 4.2), and that in particular they give equivalent results.

4.1 Local biasing

‘LB’ refers to any model of halo clustering in which the halo field is represented as a local function of the dark matter density, e.g. a power series
\begin{equation} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {x}}) = b_1 \delta ({\boldsymbol {x}}) + b_2 \delta ^2({\boldsymbol {x}}) + b_3 \delta ^3({\boldsymbol {x}}) + \cdots \,. \end{equation}
Several versions of LB exist in the literature (e.g. Fry & Gaztanaga 1993; Sefusatti 2009; Giannantonio & Porciani 2010; Baldauf et al. 2011). We notice that the series on the right-hand side of equation (4.1) is a type of LB expansion, since the ρn fields are local functions of the smoothed density field δM. Therefore, our series representation proves that the BC model is mathematically equivalent to a specific version of the LB formalism.5

In this section, we would like to elaborate on the connection between our series representation and the usual way of thinking about LB and comment on the differences with other versions of the formalism.

First, the density field δM which appears in the series representation is the non-Gaussian and linearly evolved density field, smoothed on the mass scale M. In particular, there is no need to introduce a new smoothing scale which is distinct from the halo scale, as done in some versions of LB. We do not include non-linear evolution in δM since the standard BC model is based on thresholding the linear density field.

Secondly, we do not need to introduce explicit dependence of the halo overdensity δh on the long-wavelength potential Φ in a non-Gaussian cosmology. In some versions of LB, δh is expanded in both δ and Φ, in order to keep the relation local. In our version, the Φ dependence happens automatically, since δh depends on higher cumulants ρ2, ρ3, …, and these cumulants can be correlated with Φ in a non-Gaussian model. To see how this happens in detail, consider the fNL model. Inspection of the power spectra in equations (3.32) and (3.33) shows (taking |$\tau _{{ \rm NL}}= (\frac{6}{5} f_{{\rm NL}})^2$|⁠) that ρ2 is 100 per cent correlated with the field |$\Phi _\ell = \alpha _{{M}}^{-1}(k) \delta _{M}$| as k → 0. More precisely, ρ2 → 4fNLΦ on large scales. Making this substitution in equation (4.1), we get δh = bgδ + fNLβfΦ + ⋅⋅⋅ and recover the usual result.

This example shows that including explicit Φ dependence in the local expansion of δh is not necessary (in fact, including it our model would ‘double-count’ the non-Gaussian clustering), if higher powers of the density field are included in the expansion. In the fNL model, the modulation to the locally measured power ρ2 is directly proportional to Φ. More generally, the expansion should be in all of the non-negligible cumulants ρ2, ρ3, ….

It is also interesting to consider the τNL model in the case |$\tau _{{ \rm NL}}> (\frac{6}{5} f_{{\rm NL}})^2$|⁠. Here, the locally measured small-scale power ρ2 has excess power on large scales which is not 100 per cent correlated with Φ, leading to stochastic bias (Baumann et al. 2013). This qualitative behaviour is correctly captured by an LB model of the form δh = bgδ + α2ρ2, but not by an LB model of the form δh = bgδ + b2Φ.

In the narrow mass bin case, our series expansion includes derivative terms of the form ∂ρn/∂ln σM. To our knowledge, derivative terms have not been proposed in any version of LB which has appeared in the literature. In the BC model, derivative terms appear naturally for a narrowly selected halo sample, since this case is obtained from the mass-weighted case (which does not contain derivative terms) by differentiating with respect to halo mass.

Finally, even in the mass-weighted case, there is a difference between the Hermite polynomial expansions
\begin{equation} \delta _{{\rm h}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) = b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} \delta _{{M}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}}) + \sum _{n\ge 2} \alpha _n(M)\ H_n\left( \frac{\delta _{{M}}({{\boldsymbol {x}}})}{\sigma _{{M}}} \right) \end{equation}
and a power series expansion of the form
\begin{equation} \delta _{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {x}}) = b_1 \delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {x}}) + b_2 \delta _{{M}}^2({\boldsymbol {x}}) + b_3 \delta _{{M}}^3({\boldsymbol {x}}) + \cdots \,. \end{equation}
At first sight, the two may appear equivalent: if both series are truncated at the same order N, then we can rearrange coefficients to transform either series into the other (since both just parametrize an arbitrary degree-N polynomial). However, when we write the power series expansion (4.4), we are assuming that the values of the low-order coefficients b1, b2, … are independent of the order N at which the series is truncated. This means for example that in a Gaussian cosmology, the matter–halo power spectrum |$P_{{\rm m}{\rm h}}(k) = (b_1 + 3 \ \sigma _{{M}}^2 b_3 + 15\ \sigma _{{M}}^4 b_5 + \cdots ) P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)$| depends on where the series is truncated. In contrast, the Hermite expansion (4.3) is more stable: Pmh(k) is always equal to |$b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} P_{{\rm m}{\rm m}}(k)$|⁠, regardless of how many terms are retained in the series. Note that the BC model has a convergent Hermite polynomial expansion (3.15), but cannot be sensibly expanded as a power series in δM, since the Heaviside step function Θ(δMM − δc) is not an analytic function of δM.

In summary, the BC model is mathematically equivalent to a specific version of the LB formalism in which the following choices have been made: we linearly evolve the density field and smooth it at mass scale M; we include higher cumulants ρ2, ρ3, … in the density field, but not additional fields such as the potential Φ; derivative terms appear in the narrow mass bin case and we use a Hermite polynomial expansion in δMM rather than the power series expansion. Other variants of the LB formalism exist in the literature, and we are not claiming that our choices are optimal (in the sense of producing best agreement with simulations); the purpose of this section was simply to point out which set of choices is equivalent to the BC model.

4.2 Peak-background split

The ‘PBS’ is a formalism for modelling halo clustering on large scales, in which one relates large-scale modes of the halo density field δh to large-scale modes of fields whose power spectra can be calculated directly. For example, the PBS formalism was applied to an fNL cosmology in Slosar et al. (2008). On large scales, |$k \ll R_{{M}}^{-1}$|⁠, one can argue that the halo density is related to the linear density field δ and the Newtonian potential Φ by
\begin{equation} \delta _{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {k}}) = b_{\rm g} \delta ({\boldsymbol {k}}) + f_{{\rm NL}}\beta _f \Phi ({\boldsymbol {k}})\,, \end{equation}
where bg is the usual Gaussian bias and βf = 2 ∂ln nh/∂ln σ8. Using this expression, it is easy to show that the large-scale bias is given by b(k) = bg + fNLβf/α(k) and is non-stochastic. For additional examples of the PBS formalism applied to non-Gaussian models, see Tseliakhovich et al. (2010), Smith et al. (2012) and Baumann et al. (2013). In this section, we will show how the PBS formalism generalizes to an arbitrary non-Gaussian model and give a simple proof that this generalization is equivalent to the BC model. We will work out in detail the case of a mass-weighted halo sample; the narrow mass bin case follows by differentiating with respect to M.

There is one technical point that we would like to make explicit. We want to generalize the PBS formalism so that it applies to an arbitrary non-Gaussian model, parametrized by the N-point correlation functions of the initial Newtonian potential Φ. As an example, consider the τNL model from Section 3.3.1, with constituent fields ϕ and ψ. The PBS analysis of this model has been worked out in Tseliakhovich et al. (2010) and Baumann et al. (2013), and it requires keeping track of the long-wavelength parts ϕ and ψ of both fields, in order to correctly predict non-Gaussian stochastic bias on large scales. (Intuitively, multiple fields are needed because we need to keep track of long-wavelength density fluctuations and long-wavelength variations in the locally measured small-scale power, and the two are not 100 per cent correlated in the τNL model.) This raises a conceptual puzzle: how would we get stochastic bias if we were just given correlation functions of the single field Φ, rather than a description of the τNL model involving multiple constituent fields? As we will now see, we must extend the PBS formalism by introducing additional fields which correspond to the locally measured small-scale power, small-scale skewness, kurtosis, etc. These fields are precisely the quantities ρ2, ρ3, … which appeared earlier in our series expansion in Section 3. This will allow us to connect the PBS formalism with the BC model (and in fact prove that the two are mathematically equivalent).

Consider a large subvolume of the Universe containing many haloes, but over which the long mode is reasonably constant, and let ( · ) denote a spatial average over the subvolume. Let us assume that the halo number density (nh) in the subvolume is a function of the one-point PDF of the underlying dark matter field δM (when linearly evolved and smoothed on the halo scale). For weakly non-Gaussian fields, the one-point PDF in each subvolume can be characterized completely by its mean (δM), variance |$(\sigma ^2_{M})_\ell$| and higher cumulants |$(\kappa _n)_\ell = (\langle \delta ^n_{M}\rangle _{\rm c}/\sigma ^n_{M})_\ell$| for n ≥ 3. Therefore, we can write |$(n_{\rm h})_\ell \equiv \skew3\bar{n}_{\rm h}((\delta _{M})_\ell , (\sigma ^2_{M})_\ell , \lbrace (\kappa _n)_\ell \rbrace )$|⁠. Taylor expanding to first order in these parameters, we get
\begin{eqnarray} (n_{\rm h})_\ell &=& \skew3\bar{n}_{\rm h}\left( 1 + \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} (\delta _{M})_\ell }\, (\delta _{M})_\ell + \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \left(\sigma ^2_{M}\right)_\ell } \left(\left(\sigma ^2_{M}\right)_\ell - \sigma _{{M}}^2 \right )\right. \nonumber\\ && \left.+ \,\sum _{n=3}^\infty \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} (\kappa _n)_\ell } \, (\kappa _n)_\ell \right) \,. \end{eqnarray}
Here, we have used the notation |$(\sigma ^2_{M})_\ell$| to denote the variance of δM restricted to the subvolume, and |$\sigma _{{M}}^2$| to denote the global variance. To make contact with our previous notation, note that |$\big ((\sigma ^2_{M})_\ell - \sigma _{{M}}^2\big ) = \sigma _{{M}}^2 (\rho _2)_\ell$| and (κn) = (ρn).6 Making these substitutions in equation (4.6), we get
\begin{eqnarray} (\delta _{\rm h})_\ell = \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} (\delta _{M})_\ell } (\delta _{M})_\ell + \sigma _{{M}}^2 \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \left(\sigma _{{M}}^2\right)_\ell } \, (\rho _2)_\ell + \sum _{n=3}^\infty \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} (\kappa _n)_\ell } \, (\rho _n)_\ell \,. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
Since this equation applies when taking the subvolume average ( · ) over any large subvolume, it also applies to any large-scale Fourier mode:
\begin{eqnarray} \delta _{\rm h}({\boldsymbol {k}}) \stackrel{k\rightarrow 0} {{\longrightarrow}} \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \delta _{M}} \delta _{M}({\boldsymbol {k}}) + \sigma _{{M}}^2 \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \sigma ^2_{M}}\, \rho _2({\boldsymbol {k}}) + \sum _{n=3}^\infty \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \kappa _n}\, \rho _n({\boldsymbol {k}}).\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}
Let us compare this expression with our series representation of δh in the BC model:
\begin{equation} \delta _{{\rm h}}({\boldsymbol {k}}) = b_{\rm g}^{{{\rm MW}}} \delta _{{M}}({\boldsymbol {k}}) + \sum _{n \ge 2} \alpha _n(M) \rho _n({\boldsymbol {k}}) \,. \end{equation}
The form of the two series representations is the same, but the coefficients appear to be different. In the BC model, we have the following explicit formula for the coefficient αn(M) of the nth term in the series:
\begin{equation} \alpha _n(M) = \sqrt{ \frac{2}{\pi } }\, \frac{{\rm e}^{-\nu _{\rm c}^2/2}}{{\rm erfc}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \nu _{\rm c}\right)}\, \frac{H_{n-1}(\nu _{\rm c})}{n!} \,, \end{equation}
whereas in the PBS derivation, αn is given by a suitable derivative of the halo mass function:
\begin{equation} \alpha _2 = \sigma _{{M}}^2 \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \sigma ^2_{M}} {\rm and\ } \alpha _n = \frac{\mathrm{\partial} \ln n_{\rm h}}{\mathrm{\partial} \kappa _n} {\rm for\ } n\ge 3\,. \end{equation}
If we assume a Press–Schechter mass function, then one can evaluate the mass function derivatives in the above equation using the machinery from LoVerde et al. (2008). The result agrees precisely with the explicit formula (4.10). Therefore, the BC model and the generalized PBS formalism with fields ρ2, ρ3, … are formally equivalent, but only under the assumption of a Press–Schechter mass function (note that this assumption is ‘built in’ to the BC model).

If we relax the assumption of a Press–Schechter mass function, then the BC model and the generalized PBS formalism can both be written as series expansions with the same general form, but make different predictions for the coefficients αn(M). One can ask which prediction agrees better with N-body simulations. In Smith et al. (2012), the two predictions for α3 were compared with simulations in the context of the gNL model. It was found that the PBS prediction (4.11) is exact (within the ≈1 per cent statistical error of the simulations) if both the bias and the mass function derivative (∂ln nh/∂κ3) are evaluated numerically from the simulations. The BC prediction (4.10) is an approximation: although it is based on an exact calculation within the BC model, this model is an approximation to the true dynamics of an N-body simulation. The approximation works reasonably well for large halo mass but breaks down for low masses, motivating the use of fitting functions for practical data analysis. It is natural to conjecture that the same qualitative statements will be true for the αn coefficients with n > 3, but we have not attempted to verify this with the simulations. (Note that no fitting function is necessary for α2, since the relation βf ≈ 2δcbg holds to ≈10 per cent accuracy in N-body simulations.)

In summary, the BC model is closely related to the PBS formalism, appropriately generalized to an arbitrary non-Gaussian cosmology by introducing additional fields ρ2, ρ3, …, plus the additional assumption of a Press–Schechter mass function. The BC model is analytically tractable [e.g. one can derive closed-form expressions for the coefficients αn(M) and βn(M)] and usually a reasonable approximation, making it very useful for analytic studies or forecasts. However, for data analysis, it may be necessary to go beyond the Press–Schechter approximation by replacing the closed-form expressions for coefficients such as αn(M) with their PBS counterparts measured from simulations.


In this paper, we have demonstrated the precise mathematical relationship between BC, PBS and LB. We first introduced a Hermite polynomial expansion of the halo density contrast δh in the BC model: equations (3.17) and (3.21). We showed that this allows a computationally efficient way to calculate the clustering power spectra Pmh and Phh. Moreover, the series expansion makes the formal equivalence of the various halo modelling formalisms very transparent. First, it automatically takes the form of an LB model, in which the non-Gaussian and linearly evolved density contrast is expanded in Hermite polynomials. Secondly, it provides a very natural connection between BC and PBS. To make this relationship manifest, we generalized the PBS formalism so that it can be applied to the most general set of non-Gaussian initial conditions, parametrized by the N-point functions of the primordial potential. This extension of PBS involves additional fields which correspond to the locally measured small-scale power, small-scale skewness, kurtosis, etc. Mapping those fields to fields in the Hermite polynomial expansion of the BC model, we showed the close relationship between PBS and BC. Finally, although in this paper we have concentrated on computing power spectra, our series expansion should also be useful for analysing the effects of primordial non-Gaussianity on other clustering statistics, such as the halo bispectrum (Baldauf et al. 2011).

We thank Marilena LoVerde, Marcel Schmittfull, David Spergel and Matias Zaldarriaga for helpful discussions. SF acknowledges support from a fellowship at the Department of Astrophysical Sciences of Princeton University. KMS was supported by a Lyman Spitzer fellowship in the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. Research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through Industry Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research and Innovation. The research of DG is supported by the DOE under grant number DE-FG02-90ER40542 and the Martin A. and Helen Chooljian Membership at the Institute for Advanced Study. DB gratefully acknowledges support from a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC STG grant 279617).


This type of sample is often assumed when fitting models to observations of luminous tracers such as galaxies or quasars. In the absence of detailed knowledge of the halo occupation distribution, a simple choice is to assume that haloes below some minimum mass M are unpopulated with tracers, whereas the expected number of tracers in a halo of mass ≥M is proportional to the halo mass.


Note that the variance of the unsmoothed linear density contrast σ2 = 〈δ2〉 is formally infinite, but cancels in the definition (3.5) of the quantity |$f_{\hat{1},n}$| which will appear in our final expressions.


We have made an approximation here: by using connected correlation functions in equations (3.22) and (3.23), we have neglected some contributions to the power spectra |$P_{\delta \rho _n}$| and |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}$|⁠. More precisely, we have neglected disconnected terms whose factorization contains multiple higher cumulants (i.e. κm, n with m + n ≥ 3) and also some contributions to |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}(k)$| which approach a constant as k → 0. (Note that subleading terms in the Hermite polynomial ρn = (δMM)nn(n − 1)(δMM)n − 2/2 + … cancel the largest disconnected contributions to the power spectra in equations 3.22 and 3.23.) The derivation in Baumann et al. (2013) of equation (3.8) contains equivalent approximations, which is why we will shortly find agreement with the results of Baumann et al. (2013). In principle, one can avoid making any approximations by including disconnected contributions when calculating power spectra |$P_{\delta \rho _n}$| and |$P_{\rho _m\rho _n}$|⁠. However, in appendix A of Baumann et al. (2013), we showed that these approximations are always valid in the observationally relevant regime where the initial perturbations are close to Gaussian.


We have neglected contributions to Phh(k) which approach a constant as k → 0; such contributions are unobservable in practice since they are degenerate with other contributions such as second-order halo bias.


In Desjacques et al. (2011), the authors have argued that the BC model can be written as a local expansion in terms of ‘renormalized’ bias parameters (see section III.B and III.C). We note that a local Hermite expansion is well defined and will automatically generate the correct bias coefficients in the Gaussian or weakly non-Gaussian case, without the need for renormalization. See section II.D of Schmidt, Jeong & Desjacques (2013) for further discussion.


The identity (ρn) = (κn) holds for n ≤ 5, but has non-linear corrections for n ≥ 6. For example, |$(\rho _6)_\ell = (\kappa _6)_\ell + 10 (\kappa _3)_\ell ^2$|⁠. We have neglected these non-linear corrections since equation (4.6) is an expansion to first order anyway.


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In this paper, we have used the probabilists’ definition of Hermite polynomials
\begin{equation} H_n(\nu ) = (-1)^n {\rm e}^{\nu ^2/2} \frac{{\rm d}^n}{{\rm d} \nu ^n} {\rm e}^{-\nu ^2/2}\,, \end{equation}
satisfying the recursion relation
\begin{equation} H_{n+1}(\nu ) = \nu H_{n}(\nu ) - H^{\prime }_{n}(\nu ) \end{equation}
and the orthogonality condition
\begin{equation} \int _{-\infty }^\infty {\rm d}\nu \, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }}{\rm e}^{-\nu ^2/2}\, H_m(\nu ) H_n(\nu ) = m! \ \delta _{mn}\,. \end{equation}
For reference, we list some of the low-order Hermite polynomials
\begin{eqnarray} H_0(\nu ) &= 1\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} H_1(\nu ) &= \nu \,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} H_2(\nu ) &= \nu ^2-1\,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} H_3(\nu ) &= \nu ^3-3\nu \,, \end{eqnarray}
\begin{eqnarray} H_4(\nu ) &= \nu ^4-6\nu ^2+3\,. \end{eqnarray}
We have made use of the following integral
\begin{eqnarray} \frac{1}{n!} \int _{\nu _{\rm c}}^\infty\!\! {\rm d}\nu \! \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }}{\rm e}^{-\nu ^2/2}\, H_n(\nu ) = \left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll}\frac{1}{2}{\rm erfc}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \nu _{\rm c}\right) & \quad n=0 \\ \frac{1}{n!} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi }} {\rm e}^{-\nu _{\rm c}^2/2}\, H_{n-1}(\nu _{\rm c})& \quad n\ge 1 \end{array} \right. \,. \nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray}