ReferralReport Model

A report detailing traffic referral statistics. For more information, see

Advertiser.companyNullable StringThe Advertiser company name
AdvertiserManager.full_nameNullable StringThe first and last names of the Employee who is the account manager for the Advertiser
Affiliate.companyNullable StringThe Affiliate company name
AffiliateManager.full_nameNullable StringThe first and last names of the Employee who is the account manager for the Affiliate
Offer.nameStringThe name of the Offer
Stat.advertiser_idIntegerID of Advertiser object; defaults to "0" if none
Stat.advertiser_manager_idIntegerThe ID of the Employee who is the account manager for the Advertiser; defaults to "0" if none
Stat.affiliate_idIntegerID of Affiliate object
This parameter has been deprecated.
Affiliate sub 1 passed in by affiliate when the session was started
This parameter has been deprecated.
Affiliate sub 2 passed in by affiliate when the session was started
This parameter has been deprecated.
Affiliate sub 3 passed in by affiliate when the session was started
This parameter has been deprecated.
Affiliate sub 4 passed in by affiliate when the session was started
This parameter has been deprecated.
Affiliate sub 5 passed in by affiliate when the session was started
Stat.affiliate_manager_idIntegerThe ID of the Employee who is the account manager for the Affiliate; defaults to "0" if none
Stat.clicksIntegerSum of clicks being aggregated upon
Stat.conversionsIntegerSum of conversions being aggregated upon
Stat.countIntegerNumber of rows being aggregated upon
Stat.dateDateThe date of the referral. Limited to most recent 31 days.
Stat.offer_idIntegerID of Offer object
This parameter has been deprecated.
Affiliate source passed in by the Affiliate when the session was started
Stat.urlStringReferral URL when session started
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