Goal Model

A Goal for an Offer. Applicable only if the "enable_offer_goals" Preference is enabled. The related Offer must also have the "has_goals_enabled" field enabled. For more information, see��help.tune.com/hasoffers/offer-goals/.

advertiser_idNullable IntegerThe ID of the Advertiser for the Offer this Goal belongs to
allow_multiple_conversionsBooleanWhether to allow multiple conversions for this Goal
approve_conversionsBooleanWhether conversions on this Goal require manual approval. Applicable only if the "enable_conversion_approval" Preference is enabled.
default_payoutDecimalThe flat rate/amount paid for this Goal. The value in this field is applicable only if "payout_type" is set to "cpa_flat" or "cpa_both".
descriptionNullable StringA description of this Goal
display_advertiserBooleanWhether or not to display the Advertiser to users who otherwise lack permission to view them in the application
enforce_encrypt_tracking_pixelsBooleanWhether to enforce encrypted conversion tracking. Applicable only if the "encrypt_tracking_pixels" Preference is enabled; defaults on if the "encrypt_tracking_pixels" Preference is enabled, else off.
idIntegerID of unique, auto-generated object for this Goal
This parameter is non-writable
is_end_pointBooleanEnabling this setting will close the active session when this Goal is converted. This prevents the user from further converting on the Offer unless another active session is started. Set this to enabled on the last Goal in the flow process.
is_privateBooleanWhether this Goal should be hidden from Affiliates and used only to track revenue
max_payoutDecimalThe revenue received for this Goal
max_percent_payoutNullable DecimalThe percent revenue received for this Goal
modifiedDatetimeThe last time this Goal was updated
nameStringName of the goal
offer_idIntegerThe ID of the Offer this Goal belongs to
payout_typeStringSpecifies the method of calculating payout for this Goal. "cpa_flat" indicates a flat amount will be paid, specified in the "default_payout" field. "cpa_percentage" indicates that a percentage of the sale will be paid, specified in the "percent_payout" field. "cpa_both" indicates that both a flat rate and a percentage of the sale will be paid.Show Supported Values
percent_payoutNullable DecimalThe percent of sale paid for this Goal. For example, a value of "25.00" would indicate a 25% payout. The value in this field is applicable only if "payout_type" is set to "cpa_percentage" or "cpa_both".
protocolStringConversion tracking method to be implemented for goalShow Supported Values
ref_idNullable StringID of A reference object such as an external product ID, to associate with the Goal
revenue_typeStringSpecifies the method of calculating revenue for this Goal. "cpa_flat" indicates a flat amount will be revenue, specified in the "default_payout" field. "cpa_percentage" indicates that a percentage of the sale will be revenue, specified in the "percent_payout" field. "cpa_both" indicates that both a flat rate and a percentage of the sale will be revenue.Show Supported Values
statusStringThe status of the GoalShow Supported Values
tiered_payoutBooleanWhether to use Affiliate Tiers for payout calculation for Affiliates for this Goal. Cannot be enabled at the same time as "use_payout_groups". For more information, see: https://support.hasoffers.com/hc/en-us/articles/202812086-Affiliate-Payout-Tiers.
tiered_revenueBooleanWhether to use Affiliate Tiers for revenue calculation for Affiliates for this Goal. Cannot be enabled at the same time as "use_revenue_groups". For more information, see: https://support.hasoffers.com/hc/en-us/articles/202812086-Affiliate-Payout-Tiers.
use_payout_groupsBooleanWhether to use Payout Groups to calculate revenue for Affiliates for this Goal. Cannot be enabled at the same time as "tiered_payout". For more information, see: https://support.hasoffers.com/hc/en-us/articles/202305336-Payout-Revenue-Groups.
use_revenue_groupsBooleanWhether to use Revenue Groups to calculate revenue for Affiliates for this Goal. Cannot be enabled at the same time as "tiered_revenue". For more information, see: https://support.hasoffers.com/hc/en-us/articles/202305336-Payout-Revenue-Groups.
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