Decider After Dark

Generation (se)X: The 13 Steamiest Erotic Thrillers from the ‘90s

Does anybody else just want to fully take a break from 2018? It’s summertime, and summertime means vacation, and what better way to take a vacation than to pack up the car (mentally speaking) and take a cross-country trip (mentally speaking) to a different time. That time could and should be the 1990s, for so many reasons. Today’s reason is that the 1990s were the heyday of that most steamy of genres: the erotic thriller. This week, let Decider After Dark take the wheel.

If you’re new to Decider’s late-night, R-rated celebration, you should take a moment to look back at some of our favorite posts from the past few months. Last week, Josh Sorokach listed HBO’s steamiest moments, a celebratory burst of True Blood vamps and Roman orgies. Or, speaking of tonight’s ’90s theme, who could forget Brett White delving into the smutty side of Friends?

Once upon a time, all you needed to do to make a movie was to cast a slightly sleazy leading man as a detective or an attorney or a college professor, cast them opposite a far more interesting actress with more power and charisma in her little finger than anyone else in the film combined, and essentially just let her ride roughshod over all the men in the movie until the end credits came around. Previously, we’re looked back at the sexy stylings of Sharon Stone and William Baldwin giving voyeurism a try in Sliver, wondered whether Madonna really deserved that Razzie in Body of Evidence, and remembered just what a big deal Basic Instinct was back in the day.

Those films represented the golden age of erotic thrillers in Hollywood. They may not have the best Rotten Tomatoes scores, but we’ve devised our own Erotic Thriller Rating System to evaluate for ourselves. Join us, won’t you?

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