‘The Bachelorette’ Awards: The Journey Is Complete

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The Bachelorette Awards: The Finale


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The "Look at That, You Did It" Award goes to: Jordan. Somehow this guy pulled it together and proposed to JoJo. Let's see if he can keep a relationship with JoJo together better than he can with his brother.


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The "You Should Write a Rom Com" Award goes to: Robby. This dude's speeches, damn. Between asking the parents for their blessing and imagining the meatloaf scenario with JoJo, this guy should write a screenplay for a romantic comedy. Someone get Katherine Heigl involved and we're good to go.


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The "We've Created a Monster" Award goes to: Chad. While he was right about so many things, but just obnoxious in so many ways this season, seeing his smirk in the audience last night, so, so many times, was a reminder that we did this. We made Chad the beast he is today, although his supplements deserve some credit as well. Don't forget to tune in to Bachelor in Paradise tonight!


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The "You Deserve a Mimosa" Award goes to: Chris Harrison. Chad makes a totally throwaway joke about Chris Harrison drinking mimosas in the BIP preview, but honestly, this guy deserves one. He didn't have a ton to do this season, but he made it count. Treat yourself, Harrison.


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The "Honestly, Best of Luck To You, Gal" Award goes to: JoJo. She was never totally bitchy, she seems sweet enough, and she's gotta know this thing with Jordan won't be forever. But hopefully she has fun with it while it lasts and she gets to go to Chipotle where Jordan should treat her to extra guac.