‘The Bachelorette’ Awards, Episode 8: Who Is That Mystery Lady?!

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Don't cry, JoJo! We've got plenty of awards to hand out!


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The "Oh Honey, Deer Don't Fly" Award goes to: JoJo. When visiting Jordan's hometown of Chico, CA, a whole bunch of deer ran by, but JoJo identified them as "flying." No, girl. Just really fast running. Which is what you should be doing, AWAY from Jordan.


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The "I Think You Might Walk Weird, But That's Ok" Award goes to: Luke. When he greeted JoJo in Texas, it looked like he was walking kind of strangely? It could've been the tight jeans or maybe he was feeling nervous in his bowels, who knows. But it's fine because it's Luke. Even more awkward was this side of the head kiss he planted on JoJo after interrupting the rose ceremony to tell her he loves her.


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The "Homecoming King 4 Eva" Award goes to: Jordan That's what you want, isn't it, guy? You just want to be praised and popular forever? Since you took JoJo back to your high school for your date, which was lame and transparent enough as it is, here is your award that you so desperately want. Crown not included.


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The "WHO ARE YOU" Award goes to: Luke's lady. Seriously, WHO IS SHE? Luke's girlfriend or wife? Why did she not say a word during this episode and we only got this quick glance of her as JoJo was leaving? There are so many questions, but only one answer: this lady needs a spinoff. Look at that hair! She would be perfect.


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The "Congrats On Your Feelings" Award goes to: Chase Hey buddy! You have feelings! Yes you do! Congrats on finally a) realizing that, and b) expressing them to others. Yes, you're a grown adult man but it's never too late for feelings!


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The "99 Problems and my Ex's Roommate is 1" Award goes to: Robby Those pesky ex's roommates! Robby learns he's been struck by a bad case of the ex's roommate talking crap about him. The look on his face says it all.