Did ‘Family Guy’ Predict Caitlyn Jenner’s Transition Way Back In 2009?

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Seth MacFarlane’s Family Guy is one of television’s crudest, crassest, and coarsest programs, which has earned both its creator and the show itself a place in the pantheon of divisiveness. To wit, MacFarlane has been described in the past year alone as both a “juvenile misogynist” and a “genius.” Now, some folks are starting to label him as a “prognosticator,” too.

Just over a month ago, an eagle-eyed Redditor first surfaced the story that a 2009 episode of Family Guy “predicted Bruce Jenner becoming a woman” (their words). Now, with Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover dominating the news cycle this week, this story has started to gain some significant traction; the video you’re about to watch below comes from an episode entitled “We Love You, Conrad,” which contains the following scene in which Stewie (the baby) and Brian (the family dog) discuss the issue:

In case you don’t have headphones handy, here’s the transcript:

STEWIE: “Blech, look, there’s Brody Jenner. God, what a douchebag. I can’t believe that came out of Bruce Jenner’s vagina.”
BRIAN: “Bruce Jenner is a man.”
STEWIE: “No, that’s what the press would have you believe, but he’s not. Bruce Jenner is a woman. An elegant, beautiful, Dutch woman.”

Now, I don’t exactly believe that this throwaway joke—and a pretty dumb one, at that—qualifies MacFarlane as the next Kreskin or anything. That said, this is a mighty weird coincidence, no?

Oh, for what it’s worth, our pals over at Warming Glow have also noted that a 1996 episode of Married With Children (in typical Married fashion) makes a fairly crude/non-sensical joke about Bruce Jenner, too. Bet you didn’t see the Bo Jackson connection coming, did you?

What does this prove about anything? Well, truth be told, not a whole heck of a lot other than the old adage that there’s nothing new under the sun. Bet you didn’t think you’d start your day with an Ecclesiastes reference, did you?

[You can stream the entire Family Guy episode “We Love You, Conrad” on Hulu Plus]

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