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Crypto Publication Review Project


This project summarizes NIST’s current and planned activities for reviewing its cryptography standards and other publications. The Crypto Publication Review Board (“the Board”) within the Computer Security Division identifies a publication for review based on its original publishing date and any relevant issues raised since it was published. The targeted review period for each publication is every five years. The Board welcomes public comments on the publications under review and will consider those comments as it develops a proposal for processing each publication..

Publications Under Review  |  Background and Approach  |  Publication Decision Options  |  Completed Reviews

Publications Under Review

The following table lists the cryptography standards and other publications that are currently under review, along with due dates and email links for submitting comments.

Comments on these publications may be submitted to Additionally, see a list of completed publication reviews.

Latest updates:
• 6/25/24 - No comments received in response to decision proposal to revise SP 800-135 Rev. 1.
• 6/14/24 - Announced an initial call for comments on SP 800-38B and 800-38C.
Table 1. Publications currently under review by NIST's Crypto Publication Review Board (most recent developments listed first)
Publications Under Review Phase 1: Initial Comments Phase 2: Decision Proposal
SP 800-38B

Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CMAC Mode for Authentication
(October 2016)

6/14/24: Call for Initial Comments

9/13/24: Comment Period Closes

Next: Post Initial Public Comments Received

TBD: Announce Decision Proposal

TBD: Comment Period Closes; Post Decision Proposal Comments Received

TBD: Announce Final Decision

SP 800-38C

Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality
(July 2007)

6/14/24: Call for Initial Comments

9/13/24: Comment Period Closes

Next: Post Initial Public Comments Received

TBD: Announce Decision Proposal

TBD: Comment Period Closes; Post Decision Proposal Comments Received

TBD: Announce Final Decision

SP 800-135 Rev. 1

Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions
(December 2011)

7/27/23: Call for Initial Comments

9/27/23: Comment Period Closed
Initial Public Comments Received

5/15/24: Decision Proposal Announcement

6/14/24: Comment Period Closed
No public comments received.

Next: Announce Final Decision

FIPS 202

SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions
(August 2015)

7/27/23: Call for Initial Comments

10/27/23: Comment Period Closed
Initial Public Comments Received

Next: Announce Decision Proposal


TBD: Comment Period Closes; Post Decision Proposal Comments Received

TBD: Announce Final Decision

SP 800-185

SHA-3 Derived Functions: cSHAKE, KMAC, TupleHash, and ParallelHash
(December 2016)

7/27/23: Call for Initial Comments

10/27/23: Comment Period Closed
Initial Public Comments Received

Next: Announce Decision Proposal


TBD: Comment Period Closes; Post Decision Proposal Comments Received

TBD: Announce Final Decision

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Crypto Publication Review Board

Morris Dworkin

Elaine Barker

Chris Celi

Lily Chen

Jim Foti

Meltem Sönmez Turan


Security and Privacy: cryptography

Activities and Products: standards development

Created March 23, 2021, Updated June 25, 2024