In Ways We Have Yet to Imagine: The Final Editor's Letter | Creative Time Reports

Five years after Creative Time Reports’ inception, the project is coming to a close. In this piece, editor Marisa Mazria Katz reflects on some of the most moving pieces that solidified CTR as a unique platform that elevates artists’ voices.

We Must Imagine Better | Creative Time Reports

Poet Ken Chen challenges us to reconsider our current political paradigm, and poses the question: How do we imagine America into greatness?

The Captured Project Is Challenging the System and Giving Prisoners a Voice

Earlier this year, Jeff Greenspan and Andrew Tider’s The Captured Project asked people in prison to draw “people who should be.” Among their portrait subjects was Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil and now Donald J. Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State.

A Refusal: Dread Scott on Trump, Flag Burning, and the Suppression of Dissent

Donald J. Trump tweeted, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag,” so the Walker Art Center artist Dread Scott (who once burned a flag in protest on Capital Hill) to respond.

Proximate to War: Uneasy Calm of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol | Creative Time Reports

Between Russia and Crimea lies the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, where an uneasy peace has residents living within earshot of artillery shells. Ivan Sigal visited Mariupol to photograph its citizens as they try to live their lives under the constant threat of separatist violence.

Selma Was a Key Victory for Civil Rights, But the Struggle Continues Today

One from the archives:
“Just because we can now honor the victims of past injustices doesn’t mean that the struggle is over.” - Actor Wendell Pierce on the continued struggle for civil rights

Crossing Borders, Looking Over Walls | Creative Time Reports

From earlier this year on Creative Time Reports​: Culturunners​ took Khaled Jarrar to the U.S.-Mexico border, where he ripped down a piece of the fence and used it to make a sculpture.

Beyond Clicktivism: Why Political Change Requires Risk | Creative Time Reports

Art & Activism 101 from The Yes Men: “No amount of clicking can ever substitute for showing up at a place like Zuccotti Park and taking over.”

Proximate to War: Uneasy Calm of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol | Creative Time Reports

Between Russia and Crimea lies the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, where an uneasy peace has residents living within earshot of artillery shells. Ivan Sigal visited Mariupol to photograph its citizens as they try to live their lives under the constant threat of separatist violence.

Sweat, Tears and Screams of Protest: Political Psychodrama for this Election Season by Liz Magic Laser