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3 Ways to Take Avocado to the Next Level

Avocado cheesecake, right this way.

3 Ways to Take Avocado to the Next Level

In smoothies, on toast, healthy chocolate mousse, in every salad I’ve ever consumed, the amount of ways I’ve figured out how to fit avocado into a meal is so extensive, I should practically put it on my CV. If your obsession with the most Instagrammed toast topping runs as deep as mine, you’ll love the recipes below that take it to a whole new level. Click through below before your next craving (as in, now).


This may go down as Coveteur’s most-viewed article ever (okay, so I may have not ~actually~ looked into the numbers, but I do know ya’ll loved it). So here it is once again, in all its wonderful avocado-y glory!


Hardly your average avocado smashed with whatever leftover tomato you have in the fridge. We counted five ingredients just in the avocado—and then there’s pickled beets, chile jam, and a polenta fritter!


Let’s go ahead and be cliché and say avocado doesn’t only taste good, it’s good for your skin! In this case, with the extra help of beets, it’s even more true.

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