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Cartoon Caption Contest

Cartoon Caption Contest

Submit Your Caption

Your caption for Contest #905 will be rated by readers, like you, in the next round.

Exterminator and resident looking at mouse subway system.
Cartoon by Ellis Rosen

Rate Submissions

Your responses will help us select three finalists for Contest #904.

Soccer player about to kick ball into goal guarded by goat.
Cartoon by Drew Dernavich

Time to visit the ophthalmologist!

All captions submitted by readers of The New Yorker.

Vote on Finalists

Your choice will help determine the winning caption for Contest #903.

Couple holding treasure map arrives at a pirate garage sale.
Cartoon by Meredith Southard

The Winner

Contest #901

Two scientists in a lab with a giant toaster.
Cartoon by Christopher Weyant

“Thirty million in grants and you couldn’t make it a four-slice?”

Elaine Sigalove, Los Osos, Calif.

Second Place

“It has settings for fusion, fission, and bagel.”

Gabe Bosworth, Seattle, Wash.

Third Place

“Well, nobody wanted an iPad until they saw an iPad.”

Sam Murray, Victoria, B.C.

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