
cKnowledge (Collective Knowledge) is a research, engineering and educational company established by Grigori Fursin in 2019 and located in Paris (France).

We are developing the Collective Knowledge Playground and the Collective Mind workflow automation framework (CM) with portable, reusable and technology-agnostic automation recipes (CM4MLOps, CM4MLPerf and CM4ABTF) to help startups, companies, educational organizations and non-profits build and run AI, ML and other emerging workloads in the most efficient and cost-effective way across diverse and rapidly evolving models, data sets, software and hardware from different vendors: see our ArXiv white paper about enabling more efficient and cost-effective AI/ML systems with Collective Mind, virtualized MLOps, MLPerf, Collective Knowledge Playground and reproducible optimization tournaments for more details.

We are glad and proud that our technology is trusted by MLCommons (150+ AI companies), the Autonomous Vehicle Computing Consortium (AVCC), ACM/IEEE and other organizations to automatically co-design software and hardware for efficient and cost-effective AI systems while dramatically reducing their R&D costs and time to market.

Our mission is to democratize AI research, development and education by helping researchers and engineers automate all their tedious and repetitive ResearchOps to develop, optimize and deploy complex AI systems, accelerate innovation, reduce all R&D costs, and make AI accessible to everyone.

Our success is based on Grigori's long scientific and industrial experience pioneering the use of AI, federated learning and collective tuning (cTuning) to automate the development of high-performance, cost-effective and energy-efficient computer systems, and helping the community reproduce the state-of-the-art research projects and validate them in the real world.

Ongoing projects



   2023    2021-2022    2020    2019