Hal Weaver (1968-70)

�I�m Hal Weaver, CHUM�s own spaced out oddity.� (Hal Weaver CHUM aircheck circa 1969)

Hal Weaver in CHUM control room (Doug Thompson/CHUM Archives)

There was only ONE Hal Weaver�and he WAS a character. CHUM listeners loved him for his quirky, devil-may-care attitude, but make no mistake, Hal was a radio professional.

Hal arrived at CHUM in 1968 and made a big impression on Southern Ontario listeners in his brief two years at 1331 Yonge Street. Prior to spinning the hits at Toronto�s �sonic tonic�, Hal had been on-air at CKOC in Hamilton, CHLO in St. Thomas (where he�d worked with CHUM Program Director J. Robert Wood), CJCA in Edmonton (where he was known as Harold Weaver) and CKRD in Red Deer, Alberta where he began his radio career.

CJCA Hal Weaver chart

After CHUM, Hal headed west to Vancouver and brief gigs at CJOR and then the CKVN morning show.

Hal Weaver died of cancer far too young at the age of 28 on December 31st, 1971.

Doug Thompson

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