About the Forum: Reporting Committee

The Reporting Committee is responsible for general activities related to the production of the America's Children Report, including reviewing new indicators and special features, updating existing indicators, and coordinating the inclusion of data from member�s respective agencies.

The members of the Reporting Committee are listed below.

Benjamin Adams
National Institute of Justice

Thyria Alvarez
Department of Housing and Urban Development—Office of Policy Development and Research

Brett Brown
Administration for Children and Families

Vernon Brundage
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Regina Bures
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Laura Chadwick
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Chou-Lin Chen
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Juanita Chinn
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Traci Cook
National Center for Health Statistics

Jessica Cotto
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Josué DeLaRosa
Institute of Education Sciences - National Center for Education Statistics

Sheila Franco
National Center for Health Statistics

James Griffin
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Laura Hales
USDA Economic Research Service

Hazel Hiza
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Erin Jones
Office of Children's Health Protection

Cindi Knighton
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Rose Kreider
U.S. Census Bureau

Aly Lorenz
Office of Children's Health Protection

Jessica Minnaert
Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Rachel Morgan
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Doug Richesson
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Laura Romano
Office of Children's Health Protection

James Singleton
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Tim Smith
U.S. Census Bureau

Barry Steffen
Department of Housing and Urban Development—Office of Policy Development and Research

Alexandra Thompson
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Ashley Woodall
National Center for Health Statistics