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Page history last edited by Jen Robinson 15 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to Children's Book Reviews.


The Kidlitosphere (blogs about Children's Lit) is filled with reviews of Children's Books. This site will take you to reviews from all over. Just click on a category and go to view reviews! Contributors to our site can be found here. And here's some quick help that we wrote up for this WIKI.


Note: the new version of PBWiki (effective March 2009) requires each person who wants to EDIT on the site to be individually approved (a one-time process) as a reviewer for the site. (If you just want to view reviews, follow the links below). If you need to add your reviews, click "EDIT" in the upper left-hand corner of the page where your review should go. When prompted, click the "request access" link and fill out the short form. Please include the name of your blog! We need this so that we can verify your site as a children's book review blog. Editing access to this site is only available to children's and young adult book review bloggers to archive their own reviews - it is not a site intended for publishers or authors to highlight their individual work, nor can you request to have your book reviewed here (you'll need to contact individual bloggers for that). This site is intended as a repository for the reviews that various individual bloggers create, so that people looking for reviews can find them in one, convenient location. Anyone can view the site. Just use the search box to search for what you're looking for, or follow the links below to navigate the site. Thanks for visiting!


Picture Books (Ages 0-10)


Books for Babies and Toddlers

Early Readers

Picture Books

Picture Books for Older Children

Non Fiction-Picture Books


Picture Book Graphic Novels 



Middle Grade (Ages 8-12)


Middle Grade Non Fiction

Middle Grade Biography

Middle Grade Fiction

Middle Grade Graphic Novels

Middle Grade Fantasy




Young Adults (13 and up)





Non Fiction

Graphic Novels

Young Adult Fantasy


Comments (6)

Anonymous said

at 2:22 am on Jul 23, 2006

I like the simple format of this page a great deal

Anonymous said

at 6:19 am on Jul 27, 2006

Thanks, Rinda! I just noticed this comment feature :)

Anonymous said

at 12:42 pm on Apr 2, 2007

Very nice feature, Kelly

Paul Goldschmidt said

at 9:29 am on May 5, 2009

How do I get permission to edit a page? Every time I try to edit a page, I get told I need to apply, but when I apply it tells me I already have access! Something is not working. :)

Miriam said

at 9:18 am on Jul 15, 2009

Where's the best place for sci-fi? Does it go in the relevant age group's fantasy category (because there's large overlap between F and SF fans), or in the relevant age group's fiction category (because it's not fantasy)?

Sue Morris said

at 12:20 am on May 16, 2012

Thanks for the okay. Added a new MG author and her book and started a page for Kid Lit Review's reviews, for easy access. At the moment blank. Spent most of the time looking through the enormous amount of pages. This home page makes navigating much easier.

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