
Accepted Workshops

Here is the list of CHI 2017 Workshops and their corresponding websites. Please note that this list may change slightly over the next couple of weeks and that workshop organizers are working on getting all of the websites online.


Two-day workshops: Saturday & Sunday

Hacking Women's Health

Location: Quartz


HCIxDementia Workshop: The Role of Technology and Design in Dementia

Location: Granite


One-day workshops: Saturday

Conversational UX Design

Location: 503


Design Fiction for Mixed-Reality Performances

Location: 504


Designing Mobile Interactions for the Aging Populations

Location: 505


Digital Health & Self-Experimentation: Design Challenges & Provocations

Location: 506


Ethical Encounters in Human-Computer Interaction

Location: 507


Making Home: Asserting Agency in the Age of IoT

Location: Airbnb house


Moving Transparent Statistics Forward at CHI

Location: Mineral A


Open Design at the Intersection of Making and Manufacturing

Location: Mineral B


Soma-Based Design Theory

Location: Mineral D


Ubiquitous Text Interaction

Location: Mineral E


What Actors can Teach Robots

Location: Mineral F


(Cancelled) Refugees & HCI Workshop: The Role of HCI in Responding to the Refugee Crisis

(Cancelled) Workshop on Online Harassment


One-day workshops: Sunday

Designing for Curiosity: an Interdisciplinary Workshop

Location: 503


Designing for Uncertainty in HCI: When Does Uncertainty Help?

Location: 504


Designing Speech, Acoustic and Multimodal Interactions

Location: 505


Designing Sustainable Food Systems

Location: 506


Designing the Social Internet of Things

Location: 507


HCITools: Strategies and Best Practices for Designing, Evaluating and Sharing Technical HCI Toolkits

Location: Mineral A


Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces

Location: Mineral B


Problems in Practice: Understanding Design Research by Critiquing Cases

Location: Mineral C


Quantified Data & Social Relationships

Location: Mineral D


The Things of Design Research: Diversity in Objects and Outcomes

Location: Mineral E


Values in Computing

Location: Mineral F


Workshop on Amplification and Augmentation of Human Perception

Location: Mineral G


Accepted Symposia

Two-day symposium: Saturday & Sunday

HCI Across Borders

Location: 303

Abstract: At CHI 2016, the Development Consortium titled HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) was widely attended by 71 participants from 20 countries and six continents. The goal of this workshop was to build community and invite collaborations “across borders” on themes of interest for the participants – researchers actively involved in international HCI research, with many of them working in parts of the ‘developing’ world. In 2017, our goal is to extend these conversations to fuel community building beyond the workshop. The question we ask, therefore, is how we might align our efforts to reach potential members of our larger HCI community, even those who do not or are unable to attend CHI, to work towards a more cohesive global community. Further, we ask, what might the format of these efforts be? We invite proposals along these lines with the intention of bringing people together to discuss and workshop ideas for research directions, venues, activities, and events that would be natural extensions of HCIxB 2016 as well as HCIxB 2017, that we propose herein.


One-day symposium: Saturday

2nd Symposia on Computing and Mental Health

Location: 501/502

Abstract: The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2030, depression and other mental illnesses will be the leading disease burden globally. The rapid penetration and advancement of mobile phones and technology have given rise to unprecedented opportunities for close collaboration between computation researchers and mental health practitioners. The intersection between wearable computing, design of naturalistic observation experiments and statistical causal inference offers promising avenues for developing technologies to help those in mental distress; yet human factors inquiry and design are often the missing ingredients in this powerful mix. This second inter-disciplinary workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers in mental health, computation and causal inference to come together under the much needed auspices of human-centric design, towards the development and deployment of new technologies mental health technologies and interventions.


One-day symposia: Sunday

Asian CHI symposium: Emerging HCI Research Collection

Location: 302

Abstract: This symposium showcases the latest work from Japan and Southeast Asia on interactive systems and user interfaces that address under-explored problems and demonstrate unique approaches. In addition to circulating ideas and sharing a vision of future research in human-computer interaction, this symposium aims to foster social networks among young researchers and students and create a fresh research community.


2nd Career Development Symposium for Recent PHDs

Location: 304

Abstract: The goal of the Career Development Symposium is to provide a supportive environment for recent PHDs (under 5 years) to discuss issues related to career development, including defining a research trajectory, identifying funding sources, getting involved in professional service within SIGCHI and elsewhere, communicating their work and strengthening their public profile, and balancing work, family and social life. A selected group of recent PHDs will interact with senior researchers from academia and/or industry. Each recent PHD will be provided with a 20+ minute slot to discuss his/her career and career development with the other attendees. There will also be a series of panels in which senior HCI researchers discuss research development, getting involved in professional service, and work/life balance.


Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH)

Location: 501/502

Abstract: The Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) brings together industry and academic researchers in human-computer interaction, biomedical informatics, and other disciplines to develop a cross-disciplinary research agenda that will drive future innovations. In addition, the workshop facilitates a common, safe space to share and discuss methods, study designs, and dissemination within each community. Finally, the workshop has actively provided mentoring opportunities to junior and new health informatics researchers – from undergraduates to mid-career researchers who want to change their focus. This will be the sixth WISH in the series of successful workshops that has brought together different research communities around challenges of designing, implementing, and evaluating interactive health technologies.


Quick Facts

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: 12 October 2016 (20:00 EDT)
  • Notification: 21 November 2016
  • Call for Participation released by workshop organizers: (on or before) 9 December 2016
  • Early acceptance round for participants: (on or before) 21 December 2016
  • Participants' final submissions: (on or before) 24 February 2017
  • Workshop days: One-day or two-day sessions: Saturday/Sunday, 6-7 May 2017


Submission Details:


Selection Process: Juried


Chairs: Duncan Brumby, Christopher Frauenberger, Shamsi Iqbal (


At the conference: Accepted workshops with a minimum of 10 registered participants will be held 6-7 May 2017.


Archives: Workshop Extended Abstract will be published in the ACM Digital Library


Message from the Workshops Chairs

We invite you to participate in the CHI 2017 Workshops. Workshops are a gathering place for attendees with shared interests to meet in the context of a focused and interactive discussion. They are an opportunity to move a field forward and build community. CHI workshops might address basic research, applied research, HCI practice, HCI education, new methodologies, emerging application areas, or design innovations. Each workshop should generate ideas that will give the HCI community a new, organized way of thinking about the topic or that suggest promising directions for future work. If you are working in an emerging area in HCI, please consider organizing a workshop.


Duncan Brumby, University College London

Christopher Frauenberger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Shamsi Iqbal, Microsoft Research


CHI 2017 Symposia

Some weekend meetings will fall under a new type of interaction called Symposia. These meetings are invited to participate by the conference chairs, and this is not a venue for open submission. If you are a meeting that falls under the Symposia umbrella, the way to submit your materials, which should match the Workshop format, is to email your materials to the Symposia chair. If you have questions about whether your meeting is being considered as a Symposium, email the chair at the address below.


Symposia are intended for larger meetings that are persistent features of the CHI conference. Meetings invited to be Symposia this year are CABS, WISH, HCI in Mental Health, The Early Career Development Consortium, Asian CHI, and HCI in Developing Regions. If you are interested in being considered for a Symposium slot in the future, email Cliff Lampe (


Symposia Chair

Lana Yarosh - University of Minnesota


Highlights for CHI 2017 Workshops

Please note the following changes to the workshop submission and review process:

  • Juried Reviews: All workshop submissions will be reviewed by members of an expert jury, which is different from CHI 2016. This will ensure that your workshop gets reviewed by experts closer to your topic area and who have organized successful CHI workshops in the past.
  • Participate in the reviewing process: One author from each submitted workshop proposal should be nominated to act as a reviewer. Each nominated reviewer will be expected to review approximately two other workshop proposals. This will not only lower the burden on reviewers, but also provides you an opportunity to get a sense of what others are presenting as workshop topics.
  • Faster Decisions: Workshop organizers are required to release a Call for Participation by 9 December, 2016. This will give workshop organizers more time to advertise the workshop and choose participants.
  • Early Acceptance for Position Papers: The early acceptance round for position papers should be completed by 23 December 2016. This will enable workshop participants to leverage 2016 Q4 budgets to attend your workshop. A subsequent round of position paper acceptances can be done by 24 February 2016.
  • Minimum Number of Participants: We require a minimum of 10 paying participants per workshop.
  • Sharing Results: We require that workshops share their ideas, discussions, and results in a format of your choice (e.g., journal paper, poster, blog post).


What is a CHI Workshop?

Workshops are held the weekend before the start of the conference, on Saturday and Sunday, 6-7 May 2017. A workshop may be one or two days in length. They are scheduled for six working hours per day, with a mid-morning break, a lunch break, and a mid-afternoon break. A typical workshop will have 15 to 25 participants, with a minimum of 10 participants.


Workshops are intended to foster discussion and exchange ideas. Because focused interaction among participants is important, participants should have informed positions based on prior experience, as expressed in their position papers. Workshops should not be miniature paper presentation sessions, but focus on community building and communal knowledge creation. Please note that CHI workshops are not classes in which instructors teach content (see CHI Courses for further guidance).


There are two groups of people involved in a workshop: the organizers and the participants. Organizers are responsible for the workshop’s topic, logistics, and final outcome. Participants are responsible for the content and discussion. The following is an outline of the submission and organization process.

  • Workshop organizers submit a workshop submission package (see below for content and format) to CHI, which is reviewed and selected by the workshop chairs, with input from the workshop committee.
  • Once a workshop is accepted, both CHI and the workshop organizers are responsible for publicizing the workshop and soliciting potential participants. Workshop organizers solicit participants for their workshop through a Call for Participation. CHI will also place a link to the workshop’s website on the CHI 2017 Workshop page.
  • Interested participants in the workshop submit a position paper to the organizers of the workshop. Position papers are statements of interest and/or expertise in the workshop topic, in any format or media as defined by the workshop organizers.
  • The workshop organizers will review position papers using their own criteria, and will decide on the final list of participants.

Upon acceptance, the workshop organizers are required to create a website with workshop specific information. They should include the future website URL in the submission. The workshop organizers may decide to cap the number of attendees for the workshop.


Previous Successful Workshops at CHI

Some workshops have resulted in edited books or special issues of journals; you may consider including this goal in the design of your workshop. Others have created communities that spawned new, more specialized conferences.


Some example workshops from previous years include:


Preparing and Submitting your Workshop Package

A workshop submission must be prepared according to the Conference Extended Abstracts Format. It must be submitted via the PCS Submission System by 12 October 2016, 20:00 EDT, as a single PDF file. The proposal must be no more than 8 pages (including references) and have the following structure:

  • Background: Provide a strong rationale for the workshop, describe the issues to be addressed, and state concrete goals for the workshop.
  • Organizers: Present the organizers' backgrounds, including the main contact person.
  • Website: Provide details of the planned website, including the URL.
  • Pre-Workshop Plans: State your plans for recruiting and community-building (e.g. through a website or other communication with participants).
  • Workshop Structure: Explain in detail the workshop structure, including activities, timing, and resources.
  • Post-Workshop Plans: State your plans for follow-up and creation of tangible outcomes (e.g., poster presentation, publication of a workshop report, plans for a special issue of a journal).
  • Call for Participation : Provide a 250-word Call for Participation that will be posted on the conference site to recruit participants for your workshop. This should appear at the end of your Extended Abstract, and should include the following:
    • The format and goals of the workshop
    • The participant selection criteria
    • Requirements for position papers (e.g. topics to address, page length, format)
    • Where these papers should be submitted
    • The requirement that at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and that all participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.
    • A link to the workshop website.
  • References: Please add any relevant references using the updated CHI reference format. References must be included within the 8-page limit.


This Extended Abstract is the only document from the workshop which will be included in the CHI conference proceedings.


For each submission, one of the workshop organizers (i.e., an author of the submission, and usually the contact author) must be nominated to act as a reviewer for other workshop submissions. Each nominated reviewer will be expected to review approximately two proposals.


Workshop Selection Process

Workshops are a juried track and highly selective. In prior years, approximately 50% of workshop proposals were accepted. Workshop proposals will be selected by the workshop chairs. Acceptance decisions will be based on an assessment of how compelling the workshop is likely to be for CHI attendees. While not considered archival, juried content will be represented in the ACM Digital Library. The workshop chairs and the committee of reviewers will consider several factors during the selection process, including:

  • The potential for the topic of the workshop to generate stimulating discussions and useful results.
  • The organizers' ability to demonstrate in the proposal a well-organized process and plan for the workshop that fosters interactivity.
  • The overall balance of topics in the Workshops program and relevance to the main conference theme.
  • The proposed size of the workshop. Whether there is a clear and workable plan for facilitating a lively environment for discussion for all participants, particularly for larger workshops.
  • If multiple submissions are received on the same or similar topics, the organizers may be encouraged to merge them or differentiate them.


Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time.  Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information which will be published on the website prior to the conference.


Workshop Program Committee

The Workshops Program Committee is made up of senior CHI researchers who will help the Workshop Chairs select exciting workshops that will move the field forward and build new communities.


  • Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Cornell University
  • Ahmed Arif, Ryerson University
  • Margot Brereton, Queensland University of Technology
  • Pam Briggs, Northumbria University
  • Mark Dunlop, University of Strathclyde
  • Chris Elsden, Newcastle University
  • Eva Eriksson , Chalmers University of Technology
  • Rosta Farzan, University of Pittsburgh
  • Sarah Fox, University of Washington
  • Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Judith Good, University of Sussex
  • Steven Houben, Lancaster University
  • Liesbeth Huybrechts, University of Hasselt
  • Jo Iacovides, Open University
  • Heather Knight, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Neha Kumar, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Airi Lampinen, Mobile Life Center
  • Nicolai Marquardt, University College London
  • Michael Muller, IBM Research
  • Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto
  • Pablo Paredes, Stanford University
  • Mark Perry, Brunel University
  • Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart
  • Stacey Scott, University of Waterloo
  • David Sirkin, Stanford University
  • Karin Slegers, KU Leuven
  • Nervo Verdezoto, University of Leicester
  • John Vines, Newcastle University
  • Jon Whittle, Lancaster University
  • Shengdong Zhao, National University of Singapore


Upon Acceptance of your CHI Workshop

Please note the following milestones which must be met for all CHI Workshops:

  • Workshop organizers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 21 November 2016.
  • Authors of all accepted workshops will receive instructions on how to submit the publication-ready copy of their Extended Abstract.
  • Workshop organizers will have until 9 December 2016 to submit their final workshop descriptions and publicize their CfPs.
  • Workshop organizers must complete an early acceptance round for position paper submissions by 21 December 2016. This will enable workshop participants to leverage 2016 Q4 budgets if needed.
  • Workshop position paper submissions should be due no later than 20 January 2017.
  • Final acceptances for position papers must be completed by 24 February 2017. This will give participants enough time for early registration to the conference.


Before the Conference

In addition, workshop organizers will be responsible for the following tasks during the time leading up to the conference:

  • Publicize Your Workshop: Organizers of an accepted workshop must set up and maintain their own website in which they provide further and updated information about their workshop. The workshop page will be linked to from the official CHI workshop site. In order to have a successful and well-attended workshop, we recommend that you post your call for participation early and widely (e.g. publicize on social media and on relevant mailing lists, such as CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS).
  • Solicit Position Papers from Potential Participants: While some organizers may choose alternate formats, a position paper is generally 2-4 pages long and outlines the submitter's view on the workshop theme and the reasons for the submitter's interest in the topic. The deadline for any participant to submit a position paper should be no later than 20 January 2017.
  • Select Participants : Choose participants on the basis of position papers submitted to you and your goals for the workshop:
    • Early Acceptances should be completed by 21 December 2016 (to enable participants to leverage 2016 Q4 budgets).
    • Any subsequent rounds of acceptances (for position papers submitted after the early acceptance round) must be completed by 24 February 2017.
  • Provide a Participant List : A list of confirmed participants should be sent to the Workshop Chairs  ( ).
    • Workshop sizes are provisionally capped to 25 participants. The registration system will not allow more participants to register for your workshop. Please contact the Workshop Chairs if it becomes necessary to change the size of your accepted workshop. Workshops that do not attract at least 10 paying participants may have to be cancelled by the Workshop Chairs.
  • Distribute Position Papers and Pre-Workshop Materials: Materials should be made accessible to participants well in advance of the workshop.
  • Develop a final agenda of workshop activities.
  • Develop a plan for any follow-up activities.


At the Conference

The workshop organizers are expected to facilitate discussion, help maintain productive interaction, and encourage participation. The emphasis should be on group discussion, rather than on presentation of individual position papers. Diversity of perspectives should be encouraged.


After the Conference

Accepted Workshop summaries will be distributed in the CHI Extended Abstracts, available in the ACM Digital Library.


It is expected that workshop results will be communicated to a larger audience. We ask workshop organizers to consider producing a report for publication in ACM Interactions. We encourage additional avenues of communication, such as organizing an informal Special Interest Group (SIG) at the conference, preparing an edited book or special issues of journals following the conference, or maintaining a website or email list to network with others who might be interested.


Workshop Registration Fees for Organizers

Workshop organizers receive complimentary workshop registrations as follows:

  • one workshop organizer fee waived for a one-day workshop
  • two workshop organizer fees waived for a two-day workshop


All other organizers and participants who attend a workshop must pay the workshop registration fee.


In addition to the workshop fees, all workshop attendees (including organizers whose workshop fee has been waived) are required to register for at least one day of the CHI conference.





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