Video Showcase

Accepted Videos

Video Showcase features engaging videos that offer a variety of

perspectives on human-computer interaction, including novel interfaces,

reflective pieces and future envisionments. Come and enjoy the videos during

the Monday morning break followed by the Golden Mouse award ceremony.


View Video Showcase on Youtube

Time: Monday (May 8, 2017), 10:00 – 11:30

Location: Four Seasons Ballroom


Gushed Light Field: Video Showcase of Aerosol-Based Fog Display

Ippei Suzuki, Shuntarou Yoshimitsu, Keisuke Kawahara, Nobutaka Ito,

Atushi Shinoda, Akira Ishii, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Ochiai


Shared Bicycling Over Distance

Anezka Chua, Azadeh Forghani, Carman Neustaedter


Furniture that Learns to Move Itself

Tetiana Parshakova, Minjoo Cho, Alvaro Cassinelli, Daniel Saakes


Ori-mandu: Korean Dumpling into Whatever Shape You Want

Bokyung Lee, Jiwoo Hong, Jaeheung Surh, Daniel Saakes


MMSpace: Multimodal Meeting Space Embodied by Kinetic Telepresence

Kazuhiro Otsuka


Delete by Haiku: Poetry from Old SMS Messages

Vygandas Simbelis, Elsa Vaara, Pedro Ferreira, Jarmo Laaksolahti, Kristina Höök


DayCube: An Interactive Object for Delivering Daily Information

through Five Unique Materials

Juntae Kim, Boram Noh, Young-Woo Park


Conveyor World: Mixed Reality Game on Physically Actuated Game Stage

Jiwoo Hong, Hyung Kun Park, Woohun Lee


EduBang: Envisioning the Next Generation Video Sharing

Hyowon Lee, Gayathri Balasubramanian, King Wang Poon


Smart Crew: A Smart Watch Design for Collaboration Amongst

Flight Attendants

Stephanie Wong, Samarth Singhal, Carman Neustaedter, Aynur Kadir


Fashion Film as Design Fiction for Wearable Concepts

Jinyi Wang, Oskar Juhlin, Nathan Hughes


Peekabot: Robot that Helps Children’s Cognitive/Physical Development

Qiqi Liu, Minchul Sa, Hyunkyu Lee, Mingu Lee, Seong Woo Kim, Juhyun Eune


FistPointer: Target Selection Technique using Mid-air Interaction for

Mobile VR Environment

Akira Ishii, Takuya Adachi, Keigo Shima, Shuta Nakamae, Buntarou Shizuki, Shin Takahashi


The Third Eye: A Shopping Assistant for the Visually Impaired

John M Carroll, Michelle McManus, Sooyeon Lee, Peter A. Zientara,

Vijaykrishnan Narayanan


HoloARt Video Showcase: Painting with Holograms in Mixed Reality

Judith Amores, Jaron Lanier


Buddy: Interactive Toy that can Play, Grow, and Remember with Baby

Jiyong Kim, Hyunsu Jeong, Changhyeon Lee, Azure Yvette Pham, Thiha Soe,

Pilwoo Lee, Mingu Lee, Seung Woo Kim, Juhyun Eune


Ant-Based Modeling: Agent-Based City Simulation with Ants

Poseidon Hai-Chi Ho, Carson Smuts, Markus Aurel Rasmus Kayser, Javier Hernandez


How Visual Motion Cues Can Influence Sickness For In-Car VR

Mark McGill, Alexander Ng, Stephen A Brewster


ARTextiles: Promoting Social Interactions Around Personal Interests

Through Augmented Reality

Anna Fuste, Chris Schmandt


Defining Gamification Video

Melissa Stocco, Marim Ganaba, Gustavo F. Tondello, Lennart E. Nacke


Pixels to Droplets: Multi-Output Display of Color, Odor, and Shape

Changing Materials

Viirj Kan


Videos of things: The other half (STORY TELLING AWARD)

Doenja Oogjes, Ron Wakkary


Essence Video Showcase: Olfactory

Interfaces for Unconscious Influence (GOLDEN MOUSE AWARD)

Judith Amores, Pattie Maes



Quick Facts

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: 11 January 2017 (20:00 EST)
  • Notification deadline: 31 January 2017
  • Publication-ready deadline: 5 February 2017


Submission Details:

  • Online Submission: PCS Submission System
  • Submission Format: one page description in Extended Abstract Format
  • Video Submission Format: H.264 encoded MP4, at least 1280px x 720px, at most 5 minutes (2-3 minutes is a more common length)
  • Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.


Selection process: Curated


Chairs: Danyel Fisher and Catherine Letondal (


At the Conference: All accepted videos will be shown during a special session, and we will announce the nominees and winner(s) of the Golden Mouse award.


Archives: Extended Abstracts; ACM Digital Library


Message from the Videos Chairs

The videos showcase is a forum for human-computer interaction that leaps off the page: vision videos, reflective pieces, humor, novel interfaces, studies, and anything else that is a good match for video and relevant to HCI. Your work will be screened by a large CHI audience during a special session at CHI 2017, and will be considered for the Golden Mouse award. Because of the large audience the video showcase attracts, it is one of the best means for getting your message out to the CHI community. Videos will be available in the ACM Digital Library after the conference, and will be posted to a CHI Video Showcase Channel on YouTube.


Work will be judged on how much it intellectually engages an HCI audience and how effectively it communicates its message. Ultimately, we are looking to put together an enjoyable show for the attendees. Interesting but poorly-produced videos will be rejected - but if it's YouTube-ready per se, it should be ready for the videos track! We will consider videos put together by, and intended for, PR departments; however, the emphasis in the video should still be on the research contributions.


Traditionally, many of the videos we have received have emphasized design innovations. For CHI 2017, we are particularly interested in seeing videos that represent the diversity of CHI domains, including research results and ethnographic reports. To encourage this, we intend to offer awards for Best Design Process Video and Best Research Video; additional awards may be awarded as appropriate.


Danyel Fisher, Microsoft Reseach

Catherine Letondal, ENAC


Preparing and Submitting your Video Showcase Submission

A Video Showcase submission must be submitted via the  PCS Submission System by 11 January 2017, 20:00 EST. The proposal must have the following two components:

  • Extended Abstract. A one-page description of your video submission submitted in the Conference Extended Abstracts Format.
  • Video Submission . Your video must adhere to the following guidelines:
    • At most five minutes in length, noting that 2-3 minutes is a more common length. Contact the Videos chairs at least 12 hours before the submission deadline if you have good reason to request special exemption for the length limit.
    • Titles and credits totaling no more than ten seconds: showcase your content!
    • All spoken dialog must be closed captioned (subtitled) to improve accessibility.
    • Encoded as an MP4 using the H.264 codec. No exceptions!
    • Resolution of at least 1280px x 720px. Send as high a resolution copy of your video as possible.
    • We strongly recommend 16:9 aspect ratio. Encode your video using square pixels for the pixel aspect ratio to avoid your movie looking stretched when projected.
    • At most 100 MB in file size (the system allows us to make a small number of exceptions to this rule, but please contact the Videos chairs in advance).


Most video editing software provides an exporting option to MP4/H.264, for example iMovie, Adobe Premiere, and Final Cut Pro. If you prefer to use free software, x264 can encode any video into H.264. Before submitting, we also invite you to check the compliance of your file using the CHI Video Checker.


Third-party material and copyright

It is very important that you have the rights to use all the material that is contained in your submission, including music, video, images, etc. Attaining permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not the ACM or the CHI conference. You are encouraged to use Creative Commons content, for example music available at ccMixter or Newgrounds. If you need to use copyrighted protected work, you are required to review and comply to ACM's Copyright and Permission Policy and ACM's Requirements about 3rd party material. In addition, YouTube's copyright education website provides useful information on reusing 3rd party material.


Authors of accepted submissions must sign a copyright form allowing us (ACM and SIGCHI) to upload your video into the ACM Digital Library and YouTube or equivalent video-sharing sites as part of the CHI Video collection. As with standard procedures for other ACM publications, authors retain copyright of the material but accepted submissions will only be published or shown at the conference with a signed form permitting ACM to use the content.


Video Length

Authors can submit videos of any length up to 5 minutes. Videos will be accepted in two categories: Full Videos and Short Videos. Full Videos will be given featured status at the event, will be considered for awards, and will be shown in their entirety. Short Video authors will be required to shorten their submissions to a maximum of 75 seconds to be shown at the event.


Videos will be accepted conditionally. The chairs may ask you to shorten your video further, to improve edits, or otherwise to prepare it for public consumption. You will be given a short period of time to revise your video and re-submit a final version for approval and screening at the conference.


Video Showcase Selection Process

Videos will be curated by a small group of curators, including the Video Showcase Chairs, according to two main criteria:

  • Content: Is the material interesting to human-computer interaction researchers and professionals? The topic of the video is ultimately up to the authors, but some approaches that have worked well in the past include the following: presentations of research systems, visions of the future, humorous parodies or thoughtful critiques of SIGCHI and HCI, and reports on ethnographic work and user studies. A video's content evaluation depends on how directly it addresses issues of relevance to HCI, and whether its message is interesting and engaging.
  • Presentation: Is the video edited well? Does it make appropriate use of pacing, music, and special effects? Does it drag on, or will it hold an audience's attention? Because the video showcase is a live screening, we strongly encourage creative editing of your videos. The tight time limit is imposed to keep videos short and punchy. In addition to effective pacing, your video should include appropriate music or soundtrack. Your idea may be brilliant, but if you can't convey it in an engaging way, it will not make a good live video piece.


Videos may show work that has been published or released previously. Please make clear in your submission any prior exposure your video has received.


Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time.  Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information which will be published on the website prior to the conference.


Example Videos

We provide a set of “concept videos” with annotations by David Green ( These four videos are successful Video Showcase submissions from prior years supplemented by split-screen commentary on effective filmmaking and storytelling techniques. These examples range from system-focused projects to design studies, and we hope they inspire and educate. Consider them from the point of view of production: their length, lighting, pacing, use of media assets (video, images, sound, and text), spatial and temporal compositing, and above all how these production and editing choices are used to tell a story to the CHI audience.




Hello World (CHI 2015)


Personhood (CHI 2013)


SandCanvas (CHI 2011)


The following additional videos have won awards in previous years. We encourage you to use them as models for your own work. In addition to enjoying their contents, we encourage video producers to consider them from the point of view of production: their length, lighting, pacing, use of media assets (video, images, sound, and text), spatial and temporal compositing, and above all how these production and editing choices are used to tell a story to the CHI audience.


IllumiRoom: CHI2013 Golden Mouse Award


Gest: CHI 2010 Best Concept Video


CHIStory: CHI 2009 Most Entertaining Video


Upon Acceptance of your Video

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 31 January 2017. Authors of accepted videos will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the publication-ready video and Extended Abstract. These will be due on 5 February 2016.


Videos will be accepted conditionally. The chairs may ask authors to shorten their videos further, to improve edits, or otherwise to prepare it for public consumption. The authors will be given a week to revise your video and re-submit a final version for approval and screening at the conference.


At the Conference

 Your work will be screened in a theater-style setting in front of a large CHI audience during a special session at CHI 2016. The Golden Mouse Award winner will be announced at the end of the session.


After the Conference

Accepted videos will be available on USB and in the ACM Digital Library. One-page descriptions of the videos will be also be distributed in the CHI Extended Abstracts, available on USB and in the ACM Digital Library.




© copyright 2017 | ACM SIGCHI


Video Showcase