

CHI program made available for iOS and Android

A special mobile app helps you find local recommendations

Online proceedings of CHI 2017 are available

CHI print program is available for download

Video previews for Papers and Notes and Extended Abstracts are available

Curious about CHI Stories?

Three special policy-related events at CHI 2017, check it out

Language Support Service: learn more about CHI LanBridge project

Daily rental telepresence is available at CHI, check it out

CHI Bingo Android App is available on Google Play

CHI merchandise is here,

check it out

CHI Teaser is alive

Sponsoring CHI 2017

Your sponsorship of this premier conference is a strong statement about your organization’s commitment to the field of HCI, as well as your commitment to the professional development of your staff.


CHI 2017 continues to offer new and exciting opportunities for sponsors. Benefits this year include publicity and professional development as well as recruiting, networking and business development.


For more detailed information about these and the many other advantages of sponsoring, please see the CHI 2017 Invitation to Sponsor or contact Carol Klyver, Sponsor and Exhibit Coordinator, at chi2017-sponsor@acm.org. Participation in the Sponsorship program is an ideal opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to the field of HCI. CHI 2017 offers proven opportunities for your organization to make thousands of delegates aware of your commitment to high-quality interaction design.


See the list of last year’s sponsors.


Related Links

Exhibiting Opportunities

Recruiting Opportunities




CHI housing is open


CHI Stories are what come after “Really? I'd love to hear more about that.”


© copyright 2017 | ACM SIGCHI
