
Quick Facts

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline extended to: 15 January 2017, 5PM PST
  • Notification:  10 February 2017
  • Publication-ready deadline: 15 February 2017, 5PM PST


Submission Details:

  • Online Submission: PCS Submission System.
  • Template: Extended Abstracts Format.
  • Submission Format: Up to 6 page submission (in extended abstract format) describing your Remix. References may not be appropriate for all submissions; if used, references do not count towards the page length.
  • Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.


Selection process: Juried.


Chairs: Amy Voida and Susan Dray (


At the conference: Accepted Remixes will be presented at the conference in time slots assigned by the conference committee.


Archives: Extended abstracts; ACM Digital Library.


Message from the Chairs

We are so excited to be introducing a brand new venue at CHI this year! We have heard from a lot of people at CHI — both academics and practitioners — that they want more opportunities for dialogue with one another. We are thrilled to introduce the experimental venue “Remix” as an answer to that request. We hope that this venue inspires you to celebrate the many ways you take advantage of the porous boundaries between research and practice in our discipline and enjoy the new space for dialogue at the conference.


Susan Dray, Dray & Associates, USA

Amy Voida, University of Colorado Boulder, USA


What is a Remix?

Human–Computer Interaction, from its very beginnings, embodied dynamic, porous boundaries between research and practice, between academia and industry, between the so-called “real world” and the lab. And all of these, together, are constantly being remixed into new knowledge, new practice, and new sociotechnical innovation. In this new venue, we celebrate these porous boundaries and explore the ways that practitioners, academics, and pracademics are constantly remixing research and practice to create more impactful contributions to the world in which we live.


We imagine a variety of forms of remixing in which the HCI community engages and strive to create a forum in which experiences — lessons learned from both successes and fabulous flops, as we can often learn more from things that don’t work out exactly as we would like — can be shared with the broader community, celebrating a diversity of contributions to the field, including but not limited to:

  • Remixing the community and classroom. Reflections on experiences working together in the classroom as academic–community partnerships (e.g., in service-learning courses, mentored project experiences, etc…)
  • Remixing research and entrepreneurship. Reflections about translational experiences transferring research to the startup context (or vice versa)
  • Remixing workplaces and research training. Reflections on the skills and expertise most valuable in workplace settings and the ways that HCI research training — often in the interstitial spaces between disciplines and epistemologies — supports and could better support careers in the diversity of contexts to which HCI researchers are drawn
  • Remixing research and work. Reflections on an instance of research (a publication, demo, video, system, etc...) that has most inspired your work as a practitioner, manager, entrepreneur, etc.
  • Remixing roles. Reflections on how individuals move between industry and academia (e.g., skills tapped into, barriers that you have encountered trying to do this, the tensions and compromises ‘when the rubber hits the road’ of applying skills in practice or trying to convey complex industry realities in teaching etc...)
  • Other forms of remix! You tell us what remix matters to you!


Remixes at CHI are intended to be thoughtful and critical reflections about the challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned from both successes and fabulous flops gleaned from specific instances in which HCI bridges research and practice across sectors.


Best Remix Award

The SIGCHI ”Best of CHI” awards honor exceptional submissions to SIGCHI sponsored conferences. The CHI Remix program committee nominates submissions for the Best Remix Award, as appropriate.


Preparing and Submitting your Remix

A Remix of no more than 6 pages in extended abstracts format (not including references) must be submitted via the PCS Submission System by 11 January 2017, 5:00pm PST.


Remixes are a juried venue; as such, they will be lightly reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • The Remix is grounded in a concrete, specific case of HCI work that bridges between research and practice across sectors;
  • The Remix demonstrates critical reflectiveness in deriving lessons learned from both successes and fabulous flops; and
  • The Remix offers more generalizable take-aways about the challenges and opportunities for HCI foregrounded by the specific case of HCI work.


The submission should contain no sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time. Submissions are NOT anonymous. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information which will be published on the website prior to the conference.


The Remix program committee includes:

  • Joan DiMicco, Forrester Research, USA
  • Geraldine Fitzpatrick, TU Wien, Austria
  • Joseph Konstan, University of Minnesota, USA
  • Erin Liman, Innovation Is Social, USA
  • David McDonald, University of Washington, USA
  • Girish Prabhu, Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, India
  • Christian Sturm, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany


Upon Acceptance of your Remix

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 10 February 2017. Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the publication-ready version. These will be due on 15 February 2017 by 5PM PST.


At the Conference

Participants will be given a time slot to present their Remix during a scheduled session. Please see A Guide to a Successful Presentation for information about standard computing and A/V equipment that will be made available to presenters at CHI 2017. The Best Remix award will be announced at the conference.


To the extent possible, Remixes will be curated into sessions with thematically synergistic papers. Remix authors will give short presentations. The slate of Remix presentations will be followed by presentations from invited discussants, who will reflect on the broader lessons learned across presentations. Substantive time will be allocated for questions to the entire panel of authors and discussants as well as for discussion among session attendees.


After the Conference

At the discretion of the author, accepted Remixes will be distributed in the CHI Extended Abstracts, available in the ACM Digital Library.




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