

CHI program made available for iOS and Android

A special mobile app helps you find local recommendations

Online proceedings of CHI 2017 are available

CHI print program is available for download

Video previews for Papers and Notes and Extended Abstracts are available

Curious about CHI Stories?

Three special policy-related events at CHI 2017, check it out

Language Support Service: learn more about CHI LanBridge project

Daily rental telepresence is available at CHI, check it out

CHI Bingo Android App is available on Google Play

CHI merchandise is here,

check it out

CHI Teaser is alive

CHI housing is open


CHI Stories are what come after “Really? I'd love to hear more about that.”

CHI 2017 Print Program

The PDF version of the program is available for download:


CHI 2017 Print Program


You can also know more about the proceedings of CHI 2017 online.


CHI 2017 Web Program

You can view the full CHI 2017 program using the mobile-friendly web program:


CHI 2017 Web Program


Quick links to following programs:


CHI Confer

The CHI 2017 program is available through Confer, a tool for conference attendees to discover papers of interest, get paper recommendations, meet people with shared interests, and create their personal schedule. Check it out!


CHI 2017 Program in Confer


You can create an account to save your favorite papers and personal schedule. Or, you can browse the program as a guest.


CHI Mobile Program

CHI mobile program is available for both iOS and Android:


iOS Mobile Program

Android Mobile Program


Video Previews

Video previews for Papers and Notes and Extended Abstracts are live:


Video Previews for Papers and Notes

Video Previews for Extended Abstracts


Playlist for each day:


Relevant Materials for Download

NSF Funding Information and Proposal Writing

Authors: Chia Shen, Dan Cosley, and Amy Baylor

Slides available for download





© copyright 2017 | ACM SIGCHI
