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As part of a commitment to supporting our community and facilitating open discussion, CHI2017 will include three pieces of programming related to the current policy climate and its relationship to our research and our community:


Wed. 9:30-10:50

Room 102/104

PANEL: Policy Impacts on the HCI Research Community



Thurs. 9:30-10:50

Four Seasons 2/3

PANEL: HCI and the 2016 U.S. Campaign: Towards a Research Agenda



Thurs. 14:30-15:50

Room 301

SIG: Taking Action in a Changing World: Research and Community



These events will facilitate discussion around actions the HCI research community can take in response to a shifting policy climate. This includes thinking about potential research agendas (featured in the “2016 U.S. Campaign” panel) that could have positive, substantive impacts, as well as the potential for other actions around activism and community support (featured in the “Policy Impacts” panel). The SIG will cover both of these topics, with a focus on sharing stories, thinking through logistical options for SIGCHI, and forming working groups that can continue beyond the conference.


All of these events will welcome open participation from the entire community, including those who cannot attend the conference or who may be most comfortable speaking up anonymously.  The policy panel is formally soliciting stories from those who have been personally impacted by new policies such as the U.S. travel ban. If you would like to share a story or if you have any comments or questions, please email travel-ban-stories@protonmail.com, an encrypted email service which can also be used to create anonymous accounts if you would prefer to remain anonymous in sharing your thoughts.


Questions or comments about the research agenda panel can be addressed to Brent Hecht (bhecht@northwestern.edu), and about the policy impact panel and SIG to Casey Fiesler (casey.fiesler@colorado.edu).



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Policy Related Events