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Introducing CHI 2017 LanBridge Project

CHI brings together people not only from multiple disciplines, but also from multiple regions, cultures, and language communities. At CHI 2017, we seek to better support communication among speakers of different native languages. In selected talk sessions, we will deploy and test LanBridge, a community-sourcing tool for collaborative note-taking and annotation.


CHI 2017 LanBridge

In selected talk sessions, audience members will have the opportunity to try out the LanBridge community-sourcing tool for collaborative note-taking and annotation. LanBridge is a web-based service developed by researchers at NTHU and NTT. Interested attendees can access LanBridge using common browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge etc.) running on a laptop.


Interested CHI attendees can access LanBridge through For full functionality, access the site with a laptop computer rather than mobile devices. Attendees can also stop by the Registration Desk during the conference to obtain a paper instruction of LanBridge.


LanBridge highlights three key features:


(a) Just-in-time photos of the slides. Photos of slides are taken by student volunteers and presented in a reverse chronological order (with the most recent slide showing on the top), which can provide attendees of the same session a shared focus and an index for accessing previous slides for editing and checking annotations.


(b) Shared memo space. Each photo is associated with a shared notepad. Attendees of the same session can add, edit and see memos in the real time. We encourage native speakers to help add and edit notes in order to help non-native speakers better understand the talk and review the content later.


(c) Automated transcripts. To support fast note-taking when a talk is given, LanBridge is integrated with the IBM Watson speech recognition engine to generate automated transcripts of talk in real time. Community sourcing notetakers can click on sentences of the transcripts displayed on the interface to “copy & paste” them to shared memos, and further edit or use the transcripts as parts of the memo.



Tentative List of  Sessions with LanBridge available:

  1. Mon 14:30-15:50 “Social and Collaborative Technologies” John Tang
  2. Mon 16:30-17:50 “Clinical Settings” Eun Kyoung Choe
  3. Tue 14:30-15:50 “Improving Gaze Mechanisms” Naomi Yamashita
  4. Tue 16:30-17:50 “Social Justice” Michale Muller
  5. Wed 9:30-10:50 “Chatbot Interfaces” Sadat Shami
  6. Wed 11:30-12:50 “User Perceptions in Sociotechnical Systems” Jennifer Marlow
  7. Wed 14:30-15:50 “Serious + Education + Exer Games” Konstantinos Papangelis
  8. Wed 16:30-17:50 “Improving Video Communication” Hao-Chuan Wang


The Other Tools

To support accessibility and/or language needs, Microsoft offers a PowerPoint plugin (available only for Windows) that adds real-time captioning in 60+ languages (including English). Audience members can follow on the presenter’s screen or on their own laptop or mobile phone. Presenters may also translate slides ‘on the fly.’



In CHI 2017, selected presenters at selected sessions will test the technology. Audience attending the talks will see subtitles displayed on the slides, providing real-time captioning or machine translation.


Tentative List of Talks with Automated Captioning and/or Translation available:

to be announced soon.


We invite everyone in the community to serve as our “bridge builders”. Look forward to working with you all!


Naomi Yamashita, NTT Communication Science Labs

Hao-Chuan Wang, National Tsing Hua University

CHI 2017 Translation Co-Chairs,




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