CHI program made available for iOS and Android

A special mobile app helps you find local recommendations

Online proceedings of CHI 2017 are available

CHI print program is available for download

Video previews for Papers and Notes and Extended Abstracts are available

Curious about CHI Stories?

Three special policy-related events at CHI 2017, check it out

Language Support Service: learn more about CHI LanBridge project

Daily rental telepresence is available at CHI, check it out

CHI Bingo Android App is available on Google Play

CHI merchandise is here,

check it out

CHI Teaser is alive

CHI housing is open

Conference Office

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401




CHI print program in PDF

CHI online program

CHI program on Confer

Mobile program for iOS

Mobile program for Android

  • Telepresence attendance application is open, find out more here
  • CHI registration is open, find out more here
  • CHI housing is open, find out more here
  • Plenary Sessions
  • Special CHI events:

Art Program: Join us at 15:50, Monday May 8 at Exhibit Hall F

CHI Stories: Join us at 18:00, Tuesday May 9 to hear people's personal reflections on the CHI experience

Policy Related Events, Join us at the following special events:

Wed. 9:30-10:50

Room 102/104

PANEL: Policy Impacts on the HCI Research Community

Thurs. 9:30-10:50

Four Seasons 2/3

PANEL: HCI and the 2016 U.S. Campaign: Towards a Research Agenda

Thurs. 14:30-15:50

Room 301

SIG: Taking Action in a Changing World: Research and Community





CHI Stories are what come after “Really? I'd love to hear more about that.”


© copyright 2017 | ACM SIGCHI