Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO | May 6-11, 2017


CHI program made available for iOS and Android

A special mobile app helps you find local recommendations

Online proceedings of CHI 2017 are available

CHI print program is available for download

Video previews for Papers and Notes and Extended Abstracts are available

Curious about CHI Stories?

Three special policy-related events at CHI 2017, check it out

Language Support Service: learn more about CHI LanBridge project

Daily rental telepresence is available at CHI, check it out

CHI Bingo Android App is available on Google Play

CHI merchandise is here,

check it out

CHI Teaser is alive

CHI housing is open


CHI Stories are what come after “Really? I'd love to hear more about that.”


Conference Office

Colorado Convention Center

Room 401





Online proceedings of CHI 2017 are here!

View CHI print program

CHI mobile program is available for both iOS and Android

Note for attendees facing visa problems

Special Events at CHI This Year!

Join us at 15:50, Monday May 8 at Exhibit Hall F

Join us at 18:00, Tuesday May 9 to hear people's personal reflections on the CHI experience

Join us at the following special events:

Wed. 9:30-10:50

Room 102/104

PANEL: Policy Impacts on the HCI Research Community

Thurs. 9:30-10:50

Four Seasons 2/3

PANEL: HCI and the 2016 U.S. Campaign: Towards a Research Agenda

Thurs. 14:30-15:50

Room 301

SIG: Taking Action in a Changing World: Research and Community


Other News:

  • Daily rental telepresence

Due to some last minute visa approvals, we now have a few available slots open for daily rentals at the early registration rate of $300 a day. It’s a terrific opportunity to try out a novel technology. It’s also a great way to bring groups of grad students to CHI who may not otherwise be able to attend - student rates are available at $400 for the entire conference. Email the telepresence chairs at telepresence@chi2017.acm.org for details.



The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. We are very fortunate to hold CHI 2017 in Denver, in one of the most beautiful regions in the U.S., near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. This location served to motivate our conference theme of Explore, Innovate, Inspire. Mountains have long been a theme connected to exploration, the natural environment has provided models for numerous innovations, and the western landscape has served as a source of inspiration to many, from artists to inventors. The CHI conference brings together people from multiple disciplines and a diversity of cultures to explore new ways to practice, develop and improve methods and systems in HCI, to discuss ideas that can lead to innovations, and to inspire us all.


This year we offer several innovations. CHI Stories is a new venue where researchers will relate stories about unique experiences and ideas that have transformed and inspired them in their lives and careers. We have integrated more art and design activities into the conference such as interactive and performative installations to represent alternative HCI methodologies, to stimulate discussion, and for exploring new perspectives. We have also expanded our focus on inclusion, with some new activities aimed at raising awareness of the diverse needs of our community as well as the return of translation support for selected languages.


We're looking forward to an exciting time. Come join us to explore, innovate, and inspire in HCI.

See you in 2017!


Sue Fussell and Gloria Mark

CHI 2017 General Co-Chairs




© copyright 2017 | ACM SIGCHI


Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO | May 6-11, 2017