Incomplete Grades

Incomplete Grades

An “I” grade indicates that some requirement of a course has not been satisfied by the end of the term. In all cases, the incomplete work must be completed and submitted to the instructor no later than 45 days from the last day of the term’s final examination period. The faculty member must submit the final grade no later than 50 days from the last day of the term’s final examination period. An incomplete will be converted to a grade of F if the work is not completed on schedule and if the final grade is not submitted on schedule. Extensions for the completion of the work or the submission of the final grade will be granted by the Dean of the school only in highly unusual circumstances. All incomplete grades must be resolved before the student graduates.  A grade of “I” does not satisfy the grade requirement for any prerequisite course.  The “I” grade must be resolved with an acceptable grade before a prerequisite course can be counted as being successfully completed and before the student is permitted to take any course requiring the prerequisite.