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Duty of candour: BMJ investigation reveals patchy enforcement by regulatory agencies

BMJ 2024; 385 doi: (Published 08 May 2024) Cite this as: BMJ 2024;385:q993

Linked Opinion

David Oliver: How well is the duty of candour enforced in the NHS?

  1. David Oliver
  1. Berkshire

Responses to FOI requests show a lack of consistency in how regulators are monitoring levels of transparency when things go wrong. David Oliver reports

Professional medical regulators lack the mechanisms for knowing how well they are enforcing or investigating breaches of their own code around the duty of candour, freedom of information requests submitted by The BMJ have suggested.

The General Medical Council (GMC) does not theme its conduct and fitness to practise cases specifically around the professional duty of candour. Nor, despite the duty applying to registered practitioners in formal management roles, does it keep records enabling easy identification of those in such roles.

Like the GMC, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) does not distinguish on its register between nurses and midwives in formal management roles and those in other roles. However, unlike the GMC, it does classify its fitness to practise or conduct hearings under the heading of “duty of candour.”

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is able to identify enforcement actions around the statutory duty of candour on a routine basis, The BMJ has found.

What are the different duties of candour?

The statutory duty of candour, introduced in 2014 for trusts and in 2015 for other providers, legally states that healthcare organisations and their executives must act in an open and transparent way when things go wrong. Failure to comply with this can lead to criminal prosecution or enforcement action by the CQC.

This sits separately from the professional duty of candour and transparency that applies to registered clinicians working in the UK regarding incidents that put patients at risk or harm them. This duty, reinforced in 2015 in …

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