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UC San Diego Emeriti Association

Learn about the UC San Diego Emeriti Association.


You can join the UC San Diego Emeriti Association as a regular or associate member.

  • Regular members pay lifetime or annual membership dues to the Emeriti Association. To qualify as a regular member, you must have retired from UCSD as one of the following:
    • A member of the Academic Senate
    • A non-Senate recipient of the emeritus title
    • A non-Senate employee with educational and professional qualifications comparable to those of emeritus faculty and who are duly nominated and approved in accordance with the Emeriti Association bylaws (PDF).
  • Associate members pay an annual amount equal to the dues established for regular members. To qualify as an associate member, you must be one of the following:
    • The spouse of a regular member
    • The widow or widower of a former member or a Senate member who died in service while eligible to retire
    • A person duly nominated and approved in accordance with the bylaws
    • An active member of the Academic Senate or an active non-Senate employee with comparable educational and professional experience wishing to associate with and support the Emeritus Association

For more information, read How to Join the UCSD Emeriti Association.


The UCSD Emeriti Association aims to retain the experience and energy of the retired faculty of UCSD by:

  • Providing members an opportunity to maintain contact with their colleagues
  • Promoting the general welfare of the members, their spouses, and their surviviors
  • Assisting members to continue their contributions to society
  • Performing other acts necessary to attain and administer the Association's goals.
  • Encouraging educational programming.
  • Representing emeriti views to the University administration.
  • Creating a continued connection to campus life


Members receive the following benefits:

  • A UCSD ID card
  • Access to the UCSD Libraries, including borrowing privileges
  • Discounts on a variety of campus programs, including UEO events, La Jolla Symphony & Chorus, La Jolla Playhouse, Price Center Bookstore, and discounted entertainment tickets for a number of attractions in San Diego and throughout California.
  • Subscription to the Emeriti Association newsletter, Chronicles.
  • Subscription to the Emeriti Association e-mail newsgroup for notices of upcoming events
  • Invitations to a number of annual Emeriti Association events, including computer and Internet training courses, festive holiday party, spring new member reception, personal finances seminars, and annual executive committee installation luncheon

The UCSD Emeriti Association's office is located in the UCSD Retirement Resource Center, on the UCSD campus, one block northwest of the Gilman parking structure. (For more information, see a map and directions).

For more information, email, call (858) 534-4724, or see the member website for more information on current programs.