What happens when you’re mean to AI

When you make mean remarks to an LLM, it is not the AI that gets hurt—it's you.

What to know about the security of open-source machine learning models

Greg Ellis, GM of Application Security at Digital.ai, delves into the evolving landscape of machine learning security.

Understanding the impact of open-source language models

Cerebras Systems CEO Andrew Feldman explains the impact of open-source large language models (LLM) on the broader AI community.

What we learned from the deep learning revolution

Neuroscientist Terry Sejnowski discusses the early struggles of deep learning, its explosion into the mainstream, and the lessons learned from decades of research and development.

How AI agents can self-improve with symbolic learning

Researchers at AIWaves have released a symbolic learning framework that allows LLM-based AI agents to self-improve their components based on new data.

DeepMind releases benchmark for evaluating long-context LLMs

Google DeepMind has released Long-Context Frontiers (LOFT), a benchmark for LLMs that can process hundreds of thousands or millions of tokens in one prompt.

Balancing innovation & security within the Wild West of shadow AI

Gen AI has revolutionized business operations, but also brought new challenges like Shadow AI, unauthorized AI use within organizations.

Will frontier labs survive the generative AI arms race?

Frontier AI labs are enjoying the hype surrounding generative models to absorb funding and train new models. But what will happen when the money dries up?

Energy-Based World Models bring human-like cognition to AI

Energy-based world models (EBWM) enable AI systems to reflect on their predictions and achieve human-like cognitive abilities missing in autoregressive models.

Why self-improving LLM systems will be a big trend

A growing number of research teams are creating self-improving systems that use LLMs to automatically generate hypotheses and reflect on the results.

How to approach LLMs and generative AI tools in everyday tasks

Experiment with all kinds of generative AI and LLM tools. You'll find out where the industry is headed and how you can prepare for it.

How to create fine-tuned LLMs with ChatGPT

MonsterGPT is a ChatGPT assistant that creates fine-tuned LLMs (Mistral, Llama-2, Llama-3, Gemma, OpenELM, etc.) without requiring any coding.

Fine-tune a Llama-2 language model with a single instruction

Claude-llm-trainer is a Google Colab project that fine-tunes Llama-2-7B with a single description about the downstream task.