Wastewater Treatment Plant

IMG_0003.JPGThe Banff Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) successfully treats Banff's wastewater and processes it, converting it into a safe, clean, renewable resource.

The WWTP uses the state-of-the-art Biological Nutrient Removal technology, which means the biological nutrient removal process removes total nitrogen and total phosphorus from wastewater through the use of microorganisms under different environmental conditions throughout the treatment process. Being located in a national park, the Town of Banff is held to a higher standard of operation than other municipalities, and regularly exceeds Parks Canada leadership limits.

The Town of Banff manages and operates the WWTP.

At regular intervals, the Town of Banff is required to apply to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas for approval to operate a Wastewater Treatment Plant. Approval was provided on March 28, 2024: Download the document (PDF)